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Everything posted by K D

  1. Joe Biden will be long dead by the time they get to the bottom of this. But in the meantime, there are 51 agents that signed on saying it was misinformation. I would start there with the prosecutions
  2. I think NV is a done deal but 4 electoral votes isn't too exciting. Glad to see another state turn Red though. NV is now a lot of the families that have fled CA It allllll comes down to PA!
  3. In the Left's defense, nobody watches Kimmel anyways
  4. No matter how many Puerto ricans there are, they will find *enough* votes to win at 3am in Philadelphia
  5. If Puerto Rico is so great then why are all of these pretend offended celebrities living in mansions LA and Miami while people in PR have garbage everywhere? Spoiler alert: they don't care about PR because they don't live there anymore
  6. Your intelligence is on a scale of 1 to 100 if you buy into that fake news propaganda, but you are hitting all of the MSNBC talking points. He's going to be a dictator? How so? The president has complete unchecked power? He was already President, I guess he forgot to do all of those things the first time.
  7. When you see the propaganda machine on full display, I don't see how anyone could vote for that side. It became very apparent to me in 2016 that this was the bad guys revealing themselves. Trump was exactly right. Fake news!
  8. Who hasn't Trump groped? They all were so traumatized that they waited the week before his 3rd election 😂
  9. Could it be possible that Trump wins the popular vote while losing the electoral college? I think Kamala wins Michigan and if so probably Wisconsin and I think Trump wins NV, AZ, GA, NC so I think it really comes down to PA. It's possible that this is decided by thousands if not merely hundreds of votes and Kamala eeks out a W. It makes me sick to my stomach to imagine but playing around with the electoral map this is what I come up with. It wouldn't take much for them to manufacturer the votes they need in Philly to pull it off. If it really comes down to this and we have a situation similar to 2000 and they call on Shapiro to make it happen like Jeb Bush then I don't know how there isn't some kind of physical conflict. It was simpler times back then and I don't know if our country could handle that right now. Hopefully I'm wrong and one side wins decisively. Trump winning PA would do the trick.
  10. It's on sale, buy buy buy! Last chance before election day
  11. Consolidating for the next wave up
  12. Winner of PA wins the election imo
  13. Now we know why she pulled her resources from NC. She can't win there without cheating. On to the next. PA will be where they cheat. They need more people on the ground to stop the steal
  14. My grandpa does the same for my grandma. He is 101 years old and he still votes Dem for her every time. She wasn't allowed to drive or work either. Those Dems are so inclusive lol
  15. I'm waiting for the news to tell me if I should be offended or not. Please standby
  16. Just a reminder...if you think you know who will win, feel free to put your $ where your mouth is: RCP Average - Trump 64% Kamala 35% 1. Kalshi - Trump 63% Kamala 37% 2. Draft Kings - Trump -185 Kamala +150 3. Polymarket - Trump 67% Kamala 33% You could make a lot of money and buy a portion of the Bills!
  17. No as the other poster said you would need to coordinate efforts and have backing from military, other government officials, police, etc. And you would DEFINITELY bring weapons with you because it will be bloody. There is no peaceful way to seize power. When the Confederacy tried to take out Lincoln they had coordinated efforts to take out other officials as well and a military to back them up.
  18. They were going to topple the government with flags? Shouldn't they have brought weapons? Looked like a mostly peaceful protest that got out of control to me. Something the Left does all the time when every city in the country was burned and looted.
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