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Everything posted by K D

  1. Hillbilly Elegy is on Netflix if anyone hasn't seen the new VP's life story
  2. Now that I'm more informed on the situation, I think Trump already had the JD Vance crowd locked up. Doesn't really move the needle like pandering to the people of color, women, etc voters. Poor hicks in the middle of nowhere Ohio were already team Trump
  3. Well there you have it. Probably a safe pick at this stage of the game
  4. It's more likely that they were already in that phone and that's how they knew to leave that rooftop empty. I'm sure Edward Snowden will chime in but to suggest the government can't hack into your phone is hilarious. A 13 year old can get into a phone these days
  5. Vance or Youngkin. Who would be better?
  6. This looks pretty official I can think of 2 big reasons why she would be a nice choice
  7. Hey man...you got anymore of that Trump?
  8. I think they should wait. They already have all of the media coverage. This would drown that out
  9. Josh is great, don't get me wrong. As you mentioned, to be the best he would have to be so much better than Mahomes to match their coaching and core players or any other advantage he may or may not have. But Mahomes gets it done time and time again. It's really no question at this point who is the best. There are a good number of people in TSW that say Josh is better. Seems obvious that he's not but if I state my case I'm usually pretty quickly called a troll. If there was a poll on who is the best QB in the NFL it would likely go: Mahomes 67% Lamar 13% Burrow 9% Josh 4% Other 5% Those are also the current betting odds for President.
  10. Depends, are you one of the idiots that has Josh Allen as the best QB in the NFL? I'm betting on Patrick Mahomes, not because I want him to be but because my vision isn't so clouded out of loyalty to one side that I can't face reality
  11. Check the betting lines. I trust people that have money to win/lose more than whatever polls say. https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/futures-rise-higher-odds-trump-victory-after-shooting-2024-07-15/ Market is predicting a Trump win and people are trading as such
  12. I think it will be Vance. I want it to be Tulsi.
  13. Just checking in to see the lefties still going nuts lol. Trump is so far ahead I can't believe they are even wasting their energy. Trump will be your President elect in 16 weeks so get used to it
  14. Right because if you use it to save someone then you are no longer the good guy. They will drag you through the mud in the media about how racist you are and a vigilante and they will show high school graduation pics of the killer about how nice they were and how they were turning their life around and fail to show their gang photos. There are no good guys, everyone just needs to look out for themselves
  15. The only myth is that you will still be a good guy if you use it. I'm prepared to go to jail if I need to in order to protect my family. They will call me a racist and every name in the book but as long as my family is still alive that's all that matters to me. I will not be a hero though I would only use if there was no other choice. I'm not the guy running into the mall to stop anyone, I'm getting my family to the parking lot. Sorry, you guys are on your own and you will wish you had a gun too.
  16. Illegal, also can be easily printed on a 3D printer in like 30 min
  17. Correct but also that an "assault" weapon is not a category of gun so by banning "assault" weapons they could just ban any gun they want by saying it could be used in an assault (all guns). They use that word specifically to try and set a legal precedent for banning all guns including "hunting guns" or whatever they decide. The current laws ban automatic weapons. The shooter used a semi-auto which is basically what every single modern gun is. So if they want to ban that type that's pretty much everything including hand guns. There's nothing stopping him from taking that shot with a bolt action sniper rifle so the "ban the AR-15" crowd should know it wouldn't stop what happened yesterday and in fact wasn't even the best tool for the job. Also, many guns can be modified to automatic so by banning them they are just putting law abiding citizens at a disadvantage vs criminals who already don't follow the law. Most of the kids in Chicago have $5 Glock "switches" that make them full auto.
  18. Lefties are reeling. We are currently in the "denial" stage. But let's be clear, Trump will win "yugely" in November and be your President. Time to get used to it.
  19. They won't, I practice and clean them routinely. I tried calling 911 once. 2 hrs later they showed up. Luckily I'm still alive. Never again
  20. The guy that saw him climbing the roof was also outside the event
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