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Everything posted by K D

  1. I'd trade the 22nd pick and Tyrod to move up to 20 knowing that we will take Mayfield at 21 8-)
  2. Ahh yes the football powerhouse of ECU...oh wait
  3. Zay Jones is just not very good. It's as if a fan won a contest to be a real NFL player and he's looking around like wow cool I'm in the game. He needs to man up and either be a player or gtfo
  4. Do you think an NFL team would want Tyrod after that game? Even the Jags with Bortles who had more yards rushing that receiving is like "nah we're good"
  5. We had 3 points. Shouldn't come down to that. Get a real QB
  6. It was a run pass option and Tyrod decided to throw it. Bad call obviously. 1st down at the 1 I'm running it 4 times. If a below avg run defense stops me 4 times in a row then they wanted it more than I did
  7. Knocked out cold. Slamming back of your head like that and it's lights out. That's Tyrod's last play as a Bill. Sad
  8. How so? Have you seen us play in the 2nd half at all this season?
  9. Why call a timeout and give the kicker time to prepare? Makes no sense. That doesn't "ice" him it actually gives him more time to get ready!
  10. Fire Dennison PLEASE he is terrible. 1st and goal at the 1 and you throw it and 2nd and goal at the 11 and you run it. Makes sense
  11. OJ is killing it in that Shady Jersey
  12. Obviously they are sending the blitz on 3rd down. We don't look prepared
  13. We got Drew at the end of his career as he was declining. He did have 1 good year. He had plenty of good years prior that were much better than any of Alex's best.
  14. Bledsoe was much better. This was Alex Smith's best year by far. He's not very good
  15. he's just the decoy...like how Don/Chad was the decoy and he used his mental wizardry to distract us while they were busy buying up all of the the stadium land! i thought for sure the stadium was going to be in Letchworth. he really got me good
  16. the weather tomorrow in Jacksonville, FL is going to be 53 degrees and SHADYYYYYYYY
  17. among his many boisterous claims, Dunkik Don sells Flutie Flakes boxes for no less than $100 a pop!
  18. a good defense with a lot of takeaways and some luck led us to the playoffs. Tyrod has played well enough to not screw it up too bad
  19. not sure how this would be an upgrade over Tyrod. if he's better it's not by much but he's also older and more expensive. meh
  20. well that's what happens when you play not to lose...you LOSE! we have seen it a million times ourselves. run, run, pass, punt and then prevent defense is a good way to let the other team back in the game! what a epic failure that was. and the Bills have interest in Alex Smith? yikes
  21. not our problem anymore! although we will wish we had him for tomorrow's game if we can't stop the run
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