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Everything posted by K D

  1. Jets offense seemed pretty decent with him and McCown. I think this is a mistake
  2. he couldn't afford the Bills, he definitely won't be able to afford the Panthers. unless he invested in bitcoins between then and now
  3. so we don't have a QB but we trade up for a position player? Whaley approves
  4. that's about all Trump was looking to spend. it was more about publicity than actually buying the team
  5. Bon Jovi is pretty much banned for life in WNY, so now he's trying to smooth things over. I'm not buying what he's selling. He should just apologize and say he made a mistake. I definitely believe the Trump story.
  6. maybe Dunkirk Don started the Bon Jovi moving the team rumors knowing that 10 years later he would be able leverage that into buying a parking lot near the new stadium downtown. he was the true evil genius in this scenario!
  7. amen! he was desperate to own a team and he knew that was his 1 shot because of how relatively "cheap" the Bills were so he did a bad thing and got mixed up with Toronto people that wanted to steal our team. he should come out and admit it and apologize. only then can there be retribution
  8. at this point he is just trying to save face now that he has accepted the fact that he will never own a team
  9. he read a rumor on TBD that Pegula couldn't own 2 professional sports teams in the same city so he didn't bother
  10. John Wawrow‏Verified account @john_wawrow 4m4 minutes ago More John Wawrow Retweeted Bills Daily These weren’t mere rumors. There was an actual plan in place.
  11. it's news about the failed Bills bid. he said he wouldn't have moved the team (BS) and confirmed that Trump was the one that started the Bills to Toronto rumors and implemented the Bon Jovi Free Zones movement
  12. On @sternshow Jon Bon Jovi confirmed rumors that Trump planted story about Bon Jovi wanting to move the Bills to Toronto. Jon said he would have left the team in WNY, He was going to move there. Bon Jovi then praised the job Pegula is doing with the team. He said Trump started the Bon Jovi free zones. He called it evil genius what Trump did. Bon Jovi said he was disappointed he didn't get the team and fully believes the story that Trump started the move to Toronto rumors. More on Bon Jovi on @HowardStern He said it would have been a lifelong committment if he owned the Bills and has now given up dreams of owning an NFL team.
  13. Bon Jovi on Howard Stern today talking about the Bills... Jon Bon Jovi‏Verified account @jonbonjovi 1h1 hour ago More Hanging with my friend @HowardStern on the @sternshow. What better way to start of your Wednesday morning. @SIRIUSXM On @sternshow Jon Bon Jovi confirmed rumors that Trump planted story about Bon Jovi wanting to move the Bills to Toronto. Jon said he would have left the team in WNY, He was going to move there. Bon Jovi then praised the job Pegula is doing with the team. He said Trump started the Bon Jovi free zones. He called it evil genius what Trump did. Bon Jovi said he was disappointed he didn't get the team and fully believes the story that Trump started the move to Toronto rumors. More on Bon Jovi on @HowardStern He said it would have been a lifelong committment if he owned the Bills and has now given up dreams of owning an NFL team.
  14. Heisman favorite. All of the good players came out this year. Wonder what Alabama does at QB. I think Tua becomes a favorite if he starts over Hurts
  15. At least he's honest. The "I only had 1 drink with dinner" excuse never works. Better to not drive under the influence but if you do screw up admit nothing and refuse the breathalyzer. You will lose your license for a period of time but a good lawyer can probably get you out of the DUI charge. Especially when you are an NFL player and you are prescribed pain pills among other things. Again, don't be a scumbag and drive under the influence. It's so easy to get an Uber these days so why chance it?
  16. if that news comes out that he chose us over NE i'll definitely feel more confident about this. it's a nice story that the local boy comes home to coach his favorite team
  17. well then if he chose us over the Pats then he's an idiot so i have even further concerns!
  18. Right, I was just saying that this would have been a better OC for Tyrod but now we are moving on from him so I was hoping for someone with more of a history of working with quality QB's at the NFL level and have had some kind of success. I'll say this about Daboll. If he is such a great up and coming OC then why wouldn't Belichick want him back in NE? They are losing perhabs their entire offensive coaching staff this offseason. Don' t you think Belichick would bring him back to NE if he was so great?
  19. Daboll learned what he knows from Charlie Weis and has limited experience and success. I'm not sure why they didn't just hire Charlie Weis. Belichick and Saban are butt buddies so it made sense when Daboll ended up there and was obviously not their first choice as OC but then Kiffin left (on bad terms) and they needed someone quick and Daboll had NFL experience so it was an obvious choice. I don't see him as any kind of great up and coming coordinator though and he has yet to show any kind of creativity or genius. I'm not too thrilled but again we don't have a QB anyhow so I understand why they wanted a power run game coordinator and they will figure out the passing part later
  20. in Dennison's system it is all about footwork. 1-2-3 throw. there's no improvisation or guess work. the guy breaks at the same time your back foot plants and you are throwing before you see he is open. Tyrod is completely incapable of running that type of offense because 1) poor footwork 2) needs to see the receiver open before he is willing to throw. Tyrod is like a backyard QB who wants to scramble around and make big plays when all you need is the simple play. it was never going to work. In Daboll's system, at least at Bama, they do a lot of power read. Off that you can run play action and roll outs. You are reading the opposite side backer/end and if he gets sucked inside there's a lot you can do off of that including option or waggle. Tyrod prefers to be out of the pocket so 1) he can see 2) he can attack the line of scrimmage. by rolling out or moving the pocket he is in his comfort zone to make plays. The passing tree combos are also very basic and leaves a lot open for improvisation. It's not timing based and there's only a few concepts to learn. It was a much better system for Tyrod to be in but now he's going bye bye please see the above. i've run different styles of both and at the very least have been taught the basics of them all
  21. the truth is like that unfortunately. when people agree with it they are ok but when it goes against the grain then people get upset. i have to post my true feelings so sometimes it's going to rub people the wrong way. sometimes the truth hurts and it's unfortunate because i love this team. i posted similar things when they hired Dennison and we saw how that turned out. Dennison was the assistant to the guy with the mediocre offense, a system in which Tyrod was not suited for. it was pretty obvious what the outcome would be. Tyrod would actually be better with Daboll but we are getting rid of him. I see Daboll as a bridge OC until we get a real QB, at which point we can then hopefully implement a real NFL passing attack, so it is what it is until then i guess. i have very low expectations for this offense in 2018 as a result
  22. as the TE coach, pretty much the lowest spot on the offensive totem pole besides the guys they pay to deflate the footballs
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