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Everything posted by K D

  1. oh right, the chosen one. they have 4 bad QB's on the roster. they seem to be collecting tall QB's. ideal landing spot for Josh Allen. if none of them work out at least they could start their own basketball team
  2. sounds like a mighty taco menu item...or a sex move
  3. he's not even practice squad worthy. everything is in sloooow motion. we have had great QB's that weren't even good enough to make our practice squad in the past. top ranked high school QB's that just pop on film and we didn't even have a QB that could complete a pass at the time and even then they couldn't even sniff the roster. we actually need a QB to start for us. they like Peterman as a project and then we need to draft one high and also get a vet
  4. haha no. this looks like orchard park high school game tape
  5. We would have Lattimore who is better but Tre White is right there too. 2 players is better than 1 Lattimore
  6. probably 1 house of many. his other house would be in Toronto if you catch my drift
  7. it's easier for him to see in college because his pocket looks like this in a shotgun spread offense in the pros it will look something like this: they have virtual reality QB views now. this is the future. i can't wait for this to be more readily available. but check this one out. this is from a clean pocket and you still can't even see the WR:
  8. everyone else will be picked before 21 imo so unless we trade up he is the only one we would have a shot at. i think we would have to take him at 21 knowing the Saints or Pats might want to add him as a backup
  9. I'm not a scout but I've scouted for high school teams and I watch a lot of tape on QB's because I used to play the position so I at least know what to look for and I have an interest in it. Josh Rosen checks all of the boxes on what a prototypical NFL QB looks like. His only problem is what he has upstairs and in his heart. Tom Brady was very "Peterman-esque" coming out of college but he had what it took to outwork everyone else and he continues to do so almost 2 decades later. Rosen is the type of guy that is good at everything and his family is already wealthy so who knows if he has the interest or drive to be great at just football. He might decide he is more interested in policitics or starting his own business and he would probably do really well at those too. Sam Darnold wishes he was Josh Rosen because he wants it more. He would be a McBeane guy because of his heart and he is still a very good player. He has some things to work on but he can be a starter in the NFL. He's not going to go head to head with Tom Brady and throw for 400 yards to keep you in the game but he can be a part of a balanced attack that will rush it down your throat and then convert on 3rd down to move the sticks. He would have won us the Jags game but he wouldn't be much help vs the Pats. Josh Allen has the type of arm strength that people tell stories about 20 yrs later. You hear about how Elway could throw it from one endzone to the other and you are like noooo that can't be true. If Allen ever puts it all together he could be very special. He hasn't been able to yet and who knows if he ever will. He's very boom or bust. Drafting him #1 would be like putting your entire savings into bitcoins and holding on for dear life. And Mayfield wishes he was half the physical athlete of any those guys because I think he would die for this game. If he doesn't make it I don't think it will be for a lack of effort. Too bad you can't put him into one of their bodies! If he puts that same effort into his preparation and becomes a student of the game and stays level headed, he can be a good player. There's just so much to overcome when you are short and can't see where you are throwing a lot of the time. You really have to know exactly where the receiver is going to be. I don't know if he will be able to put it all together so I would be leery of drafting him top 10. Someone will reach though. Rudolph, who knows! He looks the part but you would have to get him under center to see if he knows what to do in a pro style offense. He might be a mess and a long term project or he might be a natural that just needs fine tuning. He didn't show anything in college to determine it one way or the other. He does have a good deep ball and he is a big guy. With proper footwork comes more accuracy underneath too so if he put it together he could be good as well. Jackson is a very good athlete. He could have a couple of good seasons but I just don't like dual threat QB's at the NFL level. It's not a model for long term success. He would be exciting to watch though. He would actually be the 3rd safest pick because with him you know what you are getting. If I had to pick someone to go #1 overall it would have to be Rosen but there's a chance he won't make it past his rookie deal so I wouldn't trade the farm to move up to get him. He could be like Jake Locker and have an injury and say screw this my health is more important. So that makes Darnold the safest pick but I think he projects as a game manager type QB who will need to be on a team with a strong running game. So toss up between those 2 guys imo. The other guys are more risky and if there weren't desperate teams out there I don't know if any of them would be 1st round picks. It would be a toss up of who to take next vs Jackson or Allen. I'd probably go Allen because if it works out I'm going to look like a genius but I think he needs to sit and learn. Jackson is more of a sure thing but I would have to change the offense to suit him. But how I think it will play out is 1) Darnold or Allen 2) Rosen 3) Allen or Darnold 4) Mayfield 5) Jackson 6) Rudolph
  10. Tyrod completed 57% of his throws in college and 62% in the pros, but that's because he won't throw the ball unless the guy is totally wide open so those numbers are skewed
  11. Jim Kelly completed 100% of his passes depending on who you talk to. in real life, he only completed 55% in college and 60% in the pros
  12. I'll chime in because I've watched a lot on both. Darnold has the grit and determination that Rosen lacks. Darnold is a blue collar type to Rosen's priviledged white collar persona. However, I don't like Darnold's arm angle. It results in strip sacks. He cocks it kind of sidearm from his hip. Every one of his games that I watched he had the ball knocked out while in the pocket. He needs to get the ball higher. Coaches will say they can fix that but they can't, that's just how he throws. They might be able to tweak it slightly but he gets his power by pushing the ball from his body rather than a good follow through from the shoulder. It is a huge issue imo. He does have a quick release but bringing the ball down that low is no bueno. He also gets skittish in the pocket. I'd like to see him work in the pocket and find the open receiver but when he gets pressure he starts tap dancing and he wants to take off and run or throw it quick instead of stepping up. I would have him as a mid 1st pick but he will surely go between 1-3 because teams are desperate. I see him as a game manager type QB at the next level. He's not going to put a team on his back and pass for 400 yards. He will need a good balanced running attack to give him opportunities in the passing game. Rudolph looks the part. Big, strong, clean cut kid. He has gaudy numbers. We didn't see NFL type reads and throws from him in the offense he ran. It's very much 1 read and throw quick or throw a bomb to the wide open guy that just ran by everyone. He had very good receivers and was in a pass friendly offense. It's hard to knock him for those things, we just need to see more from him. Sitting out of the senior bowl will be a big blow to teams that are interested in him. He checks all of the boxes but can he take a snap from center, have good footwork in the pocket, and plant and deliver a strike? We could have had some answers to those questions if he played in the senior bowl. He looks like Dan Marino at times and it gets me excited but there's a very good chance he's more like Bryce Petty and his success was more about his receivers and the offense he ran. Maybe he can do it, maybe he can't. We just don't know!
  13. Rosen is the only QB that is ready to be taking snaps at this level, but even he would benefit from a year of sitting behind Eli Manning. Also, as mentioned, people will be going nuts trying to trade up to 3 if "their" guy isn't one of the first 2 picks. there's no way any of those guys just magically fall into Denver's lap at 5. Jets and Cardinals are desperate and will do whatever it takes to get ahead of them so Denver could end up with the 4th QB in the top 5 picks!
  14. Cleveland would draft Allen #1 and then start him right away and watch him flame out. Kizer is only 1 year older and they are already done with him? too funny. both of those guys are projects that should be developing and learning. yikes. you do you Cleveland!
  15. Rosen is the best pocket passer since Andrew Luck. he is a real deal #1 pick but his white priviledge attitude rubs people the wrong way. Darnold is also a top 15 player in this draft but has some things to work on. Allen some would argue is a #1 type prospect just based on his rare size and arm strength. the best arm since JeMarcuss Russel, but it takes more than a big arm to be a QB imo. I'd put those 3 at the top. Mayfield obviously had a great college career but if Drew Brees and Russel Wilson don't exist I don't think anyone is talking about him as a top 15 pick. Guys like him were always typically day 2 picks. he can be successful, it's just more of a risk than what you typically see out of top 10 players chosen. if you are picking him that high then you are saying this is my franchise QB for the next 10 yrs. his size is a real concern. Drew Brees was a 2nd rounder as a result. Russel Wilson was a 3rd rounder. Jackson and Rudolph are day 2 type projects that will get pushed high into the 1st round because they are QB's and teams are desperate. both may be gone before we pick. so 6 QB's taken before we even pick is very possible! i'd only say 3 are worth the picks though, but that's how it goes with QB's!
  16. they said he had a boo boo on his foot and it wasn't healed yet. they said he will be healed up in a couple of weeks but not quick enough to participate in the senior bowl. i think what really happened was he got with a QB coach and they said he needs a lot of work before we show him off to the scouts and they used his foot as an excuse to hold him out. it's a great story: "he really wants to play but the doctors said he should rest!" if you go to a doctor they will always tell you to rest so that's an easy out
  17. I think Mayfield will have a good week and solidify his spot as a 1st rounder. he is competitive and he will go out of his way to beat out the other QB's there. i think he will be the hardest worker and the coaches will like his fire up close and in person. the senior bowl is a great place for someone like him. he will be the first taken after the Rosen, Darnold, Allen group
  18. right, that's why i think it was a calculated move to not have him play. he's going to be a high pick without it and a poor showing would only hurt his stock.
  19. Jackson is lucky he is not a senior. he doesn't have to fake any injuries. they will be wise to script a great pro day for him where he can wow them with roll outs and arm strength. but what the scouts needed to see was his work in the pocket and accuracy into tight windows. a lot of his plays are "homerun" type plays that don't exist at the NFL level. he has toothpick legs, he's not going to be running as much or with as much success and guys aren't going to break as wide open as they do in college. i think teams are leary of drafting dual threat QB's high now after RG3 flamed out. it's really all about arm talent at the NFL level. the scrambling ability is a nice to have but good footwork in the pocket can be just as effective because it's all about buying time and if there is an opening to run even Tom Brady is able to find those yards when available.
  20. it's a huge bummer that Rudolph won't be participating in the Senior Bowl. the scouts really needed to see his footwork, if he could take a snap under center, what he could do in a normal offense where you have to work in the pocket and make multiple reads. also needed to see his arm strength. he is accurate on the deep throws but i haven't seen too many NFL type throws where he plants it and let's it rip on a 15 yard out to move the chains. they said his foot isn't healthy enough yet to compete but that seems like a calculated move by his agent to buy him more time to get with a QB guru and get ready for the combine and pro day, both of which are a much more controlled environment than a whole week of coaches poking and prodding you at their will. if he went to the senior bowl and looked sloppy it would hurt his draft stock. right now he is seen as a late 1st rounder based solely on his size and success in a stat boosting college offense.
  21. he's busy making millions of dollars by buying up parking lots in the ghetto
  22. that's news to me. i thought McCown looked great this year. destroyed us
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