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Everything posted by K D

  1. it would have been nice to see him under center vs the other competition. the only opportunity they will have now is the combine and if they host him on a visit and even then they are only throwing vs air. this was their one shot to see him live and in action
  2. We are too good of a team to either have Matt Moore who we know is terrible or a rookie who even if he's good is going to play like crap in year 1. I think we have to go next level and get Bradford or Alex Smith. If the rookie beats them out then great, if not at least you know you have a middle of the road QB in the meantime
  3. If Rosen had Darnold's heart and leadership I would trade way the entire draft to get him. He's too flakey though. And Darnold isn't a sure thing although he's pretty close. If Darnold falls to 3 and Indy isn't greedy I think it would be a tough call. You would have to be sure this is your franchise QB for the next 10 yrs. If you are wrong you lose your job and set the team back 3 years in the process. The safe bet is to get a solid veteran and take someone at 21 like Rudolph who might be good. If not no big deal
  4. Matt Moore? wtf is with the love for this guy? he is so bad they had to ask a mediocre QB to unretire when their real starter went down and then they played David Fales instead of him vs us in the last game and he almost won. Matt Moore might not even be in the league next year let alone a starting QB haha
  5. i think the Bills want their burner deep threat. we won't know who they will want until we see some 40 times!
  6. Keenum is just the latest in the "journeyman QB's" to have some success. they all have a blip on the radar at some point but when put in the position of being "the man" they regress and you realize that their small window of success was just an outlier. let's face it, if you throw enough passes in this league you are bound to get on a hot streak every now and then. guys like Keenum, Fitz, McCown, Hoyer...those guys are who they are. if you think they are all of a sudden good then you are just fooling yourself
  7. he's only about 6 ft and 220 pounds, aka the size of most RB's. i think he will have a tough time in a 4-3 being the only MLB and trying to take on OL and stuff the run. he's better suited as MLB in a 3-4 like what he plays at Georgia or WLB in a 4-3
  8. Allen had a bad showing at yesterday's practice. He was throwing the ball all over the place. Let's see how he does today. If he continues like this he might play his way out of the top 10, at which point it would be much more likely for us to trade up if he drops that far. Trading 21 and 22 can get us a pick in the 6-10 range but as Beane said you have to also find a team that's willing to do that deal and sometimes they ask for stupid high prices that just aren't reasonable if they know you are desperate
  9. I think when this is all over that McD and Phillips should get an apartment together.
  10. I'm calling bs. Who measured him? His agent?
  11. are they showing this stuff on tv? i don't have NFL network
  12. all of his contacts have retired or passed away. i'm surprised he figured out how to even get on Twitter. my grandpa wouldn't know how to do that so props to Vic
  13. From what Beane has said in the press, he wants a tall, well built, pocket passing franchise QB. My guess is they probably have them ranked as Darnold, Allen, Rudolph, White and it just depends on how things play out and who falls. https://www.wkbw.com/sports/bills/what-does-buffalo-bills-gm-brandon-beane-want-at-qb-you-have-to-be-able-to-throw-from-the-pocket
  14. Michael Vick was probably the best athlete I've ever seen on a football field. Built like a RB, speed of a WR, arm of a QB. Lamar Jackson is also a great athlete but not built like Vick. A little taller and a lot skinnier. But the comparison is there. He's that "type" of player. Yes, probably better than Tyrod. If the OC wants to run that kind of offense and they draft Lamar (i HIGHLY doubt it) then they should keep Tyrod for another year as it would be a smooth transition
  15. he's Michael Vick. you can take that as a good thing or a bad thing. at one point Vick was the first $100 mil man and was seen as perhaps one of the best players in the NFL. Lamar can have some good seasons at the pro level if you suit your offense to his strengths. he's not going to lead you down the field in the 2 min drill like a surgical pocket passer can but he will have some big plays in the game to keep things exciting
  16. This is true. As an Italian immigrant my grandpa couldn't go to the police because they were racist and corrupt. The mafia protected his rights as an American when others wouldn't. It was often a necessary evil
  17. Jim Kelly running the no huddle
  18. there is a very good chance he is full of crap but also a very small chance that he is right. we have had posters in the past like Leroi who were often pretty accurate so who knows
  19. As per Dunkirk Don, the Bills are infatuated with Josh Allen. Hopefully they don't do anything stupid and trade away their draft for a QB that is probably 2 yrs away from playing
  20. I would be ok with Rudolph, Washington, and Ateman! Ateman might end up being the better pro. He is a physical receiver that will win a lot of battles. Remember that name, a lot of people are overlooking him for some reason
  21. Rosen has the potential to be one of the greats if he's willing to put in the work. He could be a franchise changing talent. No other QB in this draft is as ready to play. Or you could overpay for someone like Cousins who you know is a mediocre QB. I'd take my chances with Rosen if he could convince me this is what he wants for his life better competitor, better built, better runner, better attitude, perhaps a better leader. as far as throwing a football, he is not as good
  22. I think they will do his measurements behind the scenes so it won't be such a big event as him parading out there in front of hundreds of media guys looking like a shrimp next to the other players. It will come out but they want it to be as low key as possible I'm guessing
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