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Everything posted by K D

  1. Yea I'm not sure. If they are saying it really happened then it was either not fully disclosed why USPS was bringing in votes or they found out these were absentee votes or something. Not sure. I was trying to decide if I would really wear a Josh jersey or if I would take the opportunity to get a nice Bills tie or polo.
  2. I don't know this story. Is this really why he was fired? The comments say this story was proven true. 2020 was his breakout season so this was peak Josh jersey time.
  3. Joe Biden is the type of guy that locks the car door when he driving through "the community." He's definitely not walking though there on foot, or really anywhere on foot these days
  4. That's not possible. Only white males can be successful
  5. So it's a bad idea to send illegal criminals back to their country? Even her hair is like "nah I'm outta here, this lady is nuts"
  6. An ACTUAL insurrection is underway. They are trying to overthrow the democratically elected government. Shame on them! I hope Biden calls in the national guard and has Kamala evicted from the WH
  7. Boo hoo pay your taxes millionaires
  8. Kamala way ahead as the most likely DNC nominee
  9. David Bellavia veteran and radio host from WBEN Buffalo speaking at 8pm supposedly
  10. "I spoke with my doctors (Dr Obummer and Dr Jill) and they told me it might be best to sit this one out. I was like c'mon man what about the thing! But they said Scanton Joe it's time to turn in your work boots."
  11. Biden will have a "medical reason" to justify dropping out of the race within the next few weeks
  12. Putin says unicorns don't exist and Trump agrees. He's siding with Putin! The FBI and CIA have proven time and time again to be corrupt shadow government institutions with unelected officials running things behind the scenes. Are we just not allowed to question them ever? Yikes
  13. Nobody would vote for that. Most people are in the middle. We also aren't interested in voting for DEI or any other racist type stuff
  14. "We gave up the high ground because we are scared of heights" said no general ever. How embarrassing
  15. I'm not in a union so I will surely take your view into perspective. I just know what I see from friends who are and they make way too much money based on their cost of living imho. I have a family member who is talking about retiring in his 40's. Good for him if you can find that kind of work but most can't. Meanwhile, I see closed factories and companies that can't wait to take their jobs overseas. Perhaps all unions aren't created equal? I agree with the ideals my grandpa fought for. We need good living wages, safe conditions, and an opportunity to retire with dignity. We need people who take pride in their work. That should be the backbone of this country. Not people sitting at home smoking and playing video games and making TikToks.
  16. Thanks for the well thought out response. Many of us probably grew up in one of those towns. Our family moved to the area to work in the local factory or mine. The factory closes, local businesses shut down, no jobs and no hope, people turn to drugs and alcohol and the cycle gets repeated. Your only chance is to move away. I'm not against unions. My grandpa was a union president. During his time they were fighting for living wages and safer work conditions. He has asbestos in his lungs and many of his friends died young. His father worked in a gypsum mine and he saw the toll it took on his health. But unions have also become greedy. There isn't a union representative in the country who is running on the platform of "we make a good living already let's just all relax and enjoy it." Workers want higher and higher wages. Not because they need it but because they want multiple cars, a boat, all brand new iPhones for their entire family. Everyone posts online about their vacations and how great their life seemingly is and others see that and expect the same. It's rotting people's brains. It's never going to be enough. What's the answer? This is where people's political and personal ideals come into play. We all have our own thoughts. I don't know who is right or who is wrong but I think we all want the same thing. We want to be happy and create a nice life for ourselves and our families. Many people don't get that opportunity and it's an endless struggle. I'll give some of my thoughts- If we just automatically charge huge tariffs on imports then the cost of everything is going to go up. I think we will need a more nuanced approach that limits imports and also gives incentives for home grown products. It will take a long time to build up the production power to then say ok we don't need these imports anymore, tax the hell out of them. Instead of billions of dollars going overseas, I'd like to see more investment here in our country. We are spoiled in that we have a ton of land, great natural resources, and a first world economy. We also have the best military. Nobody is invading us, we don't need to be leading NATO. Focus on what's going on at home for once. And so then how do you fix the people? This is tougher and is really the crux of the matter. We can have the jobs and the resources but if nobody wants to work for an honest pay then it's all for naught. Socially, morally, politically, religiously, we all have our own ideas. Mine as someone who is more "conservative" (yet still independent) is that strong families, love of God, and personal accountability is important. If you are born into a broken home, you are already at a disadvantage so stop normalizing that. If you don't have religion then who cares if you are a piece of crap, there's no consequences. And if you aren't personally accountable then you will just do whatever is easy and doing the right thing is almost never the easy thing. What can Politicians do? -America First -Unity -Focus on education and merit -Stop enabling victim mentality and laziness -Less powerful unions -Stop the rhetoric and hate
  17. The American worker used to be the gold standard. "Made in America" meant something. Now it's a bunch of whiney babies that would rather stay home and play video games and do drugs because why bother. The entitlement is off the charts
  18. I'd like to see manufacturing jobs brought back but unions and whiney brats make that difficult. Because of social media everyone thinks they should be the Kardashians. If you work at a factory you should expect to make a middle class salary on average for your area of the country. If you think you deserve 6 figures like UPS guys then that's why your job gets offshored or replaced with AI/Machines. It's greed on both sides.
  19. All of the US Olympic sports teams have people who hate this country. It's disgusting. I will definitely not be watching. I'm guessing after Trump wins they will all protest the 2028 games by raising their fist or something. Wow so woke and powerful. Hopefully they are on the list to be deported
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