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Everything posted by K D

  1. i've actually never been. fine italian dining for me usually means Olive Garden. make sure you use call ahead seating on the weekends!
  2. if they had taken him to Tempo i might have believed this story. if they wanted him to sign a long term deal too then maybe Chophouse
  3. I heard a rumor on facebook that Justin Beiber is a shape shifting lizard and he was seen changing form by hundreds of people. I'm not even kidding. https://www.buzzfeed.com/bradesposito/reptilian-justin-bieber?utm_term=.qnJ97mlWg#.mvdJmK9zb
  4. i don't think i trust the scouts enough to give up that much to trade up for a QB. they would probably pick the biggest bust of them all. they will take Todd Blackledge and then Dan Marino will be picked in the 20's and we would have had him without trading up
  5. Luck rhymes with ****... Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing but you have all been put on notice
  6. link? otherwise please update the thread title that this is your opinion. makes it sound like breaking news from somebody who knows what he's talking about
  7. He can learn to throw left handed and still be better than Tyrod
  8. They dont care either way so they should give us our pick of who we want and that is how it will be decided. Seems fair to me
  9. A move straight from the Belichick playbook. These scumbags deserve each other
  10. i would like for the Bills to make the decision for him with a devastating hit this season
  11. he would be a backup and a replacement for Peterman. surely anyone could get on board with that
  12. cue the "there's nothing else to do in Buffalo" jokes
  13. we aren't getting Cousins but Kizer would be my backup over Peterman any day
  14. Watching the Superbowl was eye opening on a number of levels. It took Foles playing out of his mind and passing for nearly 400 yards in his best game ever just to keep up with Brady and the Pats and the Eagles still would have lost if not for a miracle strip sack in what was sure to be NE's game winning drive. This is the new NFL and that is how you win. You put the ball in the air. You take shots down field. You go for it on 4th down and take chances. You get creative with the play calls. You go for the TD and don't accept just a FG. Pederson knew that he had to make some tough calls to win and he had the guts to call them on the game's biggest stage. When everyone gets together to watch the Superbowl what often happens is you end up watching the game with people that aren't big football fans otherwise. It was obvious to many of the casual observers watching with us that this did not look like any Bills game they had seen in recent years. "This was more exciting than any of ours games. Why don't the Bills throw it like that?" For many years the entire Bills organization has been stuck on this notion that you have a strong running game and a strong defense and that will be how you win. Really? How well has that worked for us? We have had some great running teams but where has that gotten us? If anything, the run game and defense are afterthoughts as yesterday's game surely proved. You have to score and you have to score fast. You have to push the ball down the field. That is how you win championships. If you are content with merely backing into the playoffs and hovering around the .500 mark every year then sure, draft some nice defensive players in the first round (and then trade them away when they don't fit your scheme anymore). Maybe draft a late round QB and see if he is any good. Buy a lottery ticket too because hey, you never know. Hand the ball off to Shady 30 times. Have a QB that is better at running than throwing. Be conservative on your play calls. Take those 3 points when you can. Definitely punt on 4th and 1. Run the same boring plays over and over. Require your defense to get takeaways and make plays. And make sure you have a good punter. Or hey, maybe change it up a little and put a higher priority on the QB position. Have a sophisticated passing attack and push the ball to the 2nd level of the defense. Go for it on 4th down when the stats are favorable. Don't settle for the 3, take shots into the endzone and get the 7. Have some creative plays dialed up. Take some risks don't be so conservative and predictable! I keep waiting for them to "get it." Sadly, I don't think this new administration does either. We will see where their priorities lie in April. Are they ready to do what it takes to take us to the next level and be a real contender? Or will they be conservative and make the safe picks just to keep pace and keep their jobs?
  15. they haven't put a priority on the QB position in 20 yrs and we have been bad for 20 yrs so go figure. they will chicken out again and not doing anything substantial. the only answer is trade to move up and get a guy as well as sign a vet. if they use their first 2 picks on defense like everyone is mocking us to do then 2018 will be a step backwards
  16. i only come here for the history jokes
  17. You watched that game and your take away was good D? There are some really delusional posters on this forum
  18. We will ignore his entire career besides 2013 to help prove your point. He had a great playoff run though
  19. Pederson calls the plays and Schwartz's D got roasted. Congrats to Nick Foles and gutsy play calling by Pederson knowing they needed TD's to keep pace with the Pats
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