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Everything posted by K D

  1. This website is obviously bogus but I heard the Bills really are asking for a 1st or 2nd for McCoy and a 3rd for Glenn. They almost had a deal worked out last year for Glenn but it was nixed by McD . They are asking a lot for Tyrod based on his low salary but I doubt they get it. They are also shopping Lawson but I didn't hear how much they are asking. At least Beane is doing his due diligence and being proactive even if he doesn't find any takers. At least teams will know the Bills are open for business. Hopefully somehow this can result in a top 5 pick in the draft where we can get one of the top 3 QB's. This is the year to make some moves.
  2. What if they move up and take..a LB? McD wants a Keuchly type for his defense. I might be officially done with this team if that were the case. I don't really like any other sports so I hope that's not the case. Has to be a QB. Don't move up for anyone but a QB. It's such an obvious thing that I can't believe I have to even say it. QB QB QB. Who is on their draft board? Who cares, get a QB. Do we care who is on the Pats draft board? No, they have a QB and everyone else is just the supporting cast. This is the year to get the QB. Get one of the top guys. DO IT! Don't post a million threads about should they or shouldn't they. They have to. There are probably 3-4 long term franchise QB's and they will cost a fraction of what a mediocre veteran will over the next 5 yrs. DO IT BEANE!!
  3. Jackson is really flying under the radar. I don't hear anyone talking about him as one of the top guys. Vick, RG3, VY were picks 1, 2, 3 in their respective drafts. Jackson is right there with them talent wise. I think teams are shying away from mobile passers. They don't last in the NFL. Maybe you can get a couple of good years from them but they have proven to not be long term success stories at the next level. I could see Jackson having some success but I could also see him not even being in the league anymore in 7 yrs. He is surely as capable as Tyrod though and for much cheaper
  4. Added in later rounds of draft or free agency. QB needs to be the priority even if it costs multiple high picks
  5. He hasn't been healthy in 2 yrs and when he was healthy they were a game away from the super bowl. And that was with a horrible team around him. We actually have a decent defense. Just add a QB of Luck's caliber and we are a super bowl contending team too
  6. They made it to the AFC championship game before Luck got hurt. People tend to forget that
  7. I hope Darnold goes #1. Too many mechanical red flags for me to think he's worth it so take him off the board so the Bills aren't tempted. His throwing motion is horrendous and he fumbles a lot as a result. He also has happy feet in the pocket. You need to throw from a nice solid base, not tip toeing like a tap dancer and then flinging it side arm. If you want to see what it should look like watch Rosen. Nice solid base turns his shoulders and keeps the ball high. Absolute text book delivery. With Mayfield and Rosen it's a tough one. Rosen is the safer pick. Mayfield wants it more but desire can only take you so far if you don't have the physical tools. Tough to say where that limit would be. So far his height doesn't seem to be an issue but it's hard to say if it will be. I'd take Rosen and hope that he matures. If Allen falls (doubt it) he is an intriguing prospect, but you have to be willing to keep him on the bench at minimum 1 full season, maybe even 2. If the Bills traded up to get him there would be pressure to play him right away and he's simply not ready. They need to get him one of those virtual reality systems and let him learn the mental aspects of the game. He has gotten by with having a strong arm and good scrambling ability but if he actually made the right reads and decisions he would be unstoppable. Rudolph, I just haven't seen him do the necessary things you need an NFL QB to do. I want to see him under center with proper footwork and making reads in the pocket. I wouldn't draft him in the 1st round without seeing that.
  8. Right, that was my point. I don't think all of ND's players are smart enough to be there so they either need to help them pass (cheat) or they would have to go to a school with lower academic standards. How many players are smart enough to go to a school like ND or Stanford PLUS are amazing athletes? Not many. It's usually one or the other
  9. 1 year is nothing and does not make a QB. The guys in this year's draft have been doing it 2-4 years already. Rosen and Darnold have been top players since high school and have been on people's radar. This is the year
  10. that's the situation they put us in. i hope they have a plan
  11. 2004: Eli, Rivers, Ben, and we picked LOSMAN 2018: Darnold, Rosen, Mayfield, Allen and we pick ??? (probably nobody because we need a LB and everyone knows LB's win Super Bowls hurrr)
  12. If you take it literally then you would be correct. However it's like having a lottery where every year there is maybe 1 winner but this year there is a promotion where there will likely be 3-4 winners or more. There is only a promotion like this 2-3 times in your lifetime. Next year might have no winners. What would you do? If it's me, this is the year I'm doing whatever I can to get one of those tickets
  13. That's too bad. You should do your own research and form a well informed opinion and speak with conviction when questioned.
  14. I know all of those players and they aren't NFL ready, some are on their 2nd school because they weren't good enough to keep a job at the first. You are comparing guys like that to Rosen who is he best pocket passer since Andrew Luck, Allen who has the best arm maybe ever, Darnold who was said to be a sure thing #1 pick for 2 years now, Mayfield who might be better than all of them, even Jackson who might have won 2 heismans if he was on a better team. The guys you mentioned don't have the same kind of resume in the least
  15. 2019 has no QB's. This one has 4-5. It's now or never
  16. We need to get one of the top 4 guys. If we don't get a guy in the top QB draft in the past 14 years then this administration is a joke and I will no longer trust the process
  17. Tyrod is terrible bro. Give it a rest and let's move on. We need a real QB please
  18. get the QB, everything else will fall into place. JUST DO IT BEANE
  19. he can't get much worse. literally. he won't be playing if he doesn't "bounce back"
  20. They all pay roughly the same. Buffalo will never compete with the big markets until we have a QB that gives us a legit shot to win a super bowl. We have the same odds to win the super bowl next yr as Cleveland fyi as per Vegas. Players use us as leverage to get similar money from a big city team. You wake up
  21. Schools like Notre Dame and Stanford won't be able to compete with dumb dumb schools like Alabama if they don't make some concessions for the football players. They want them to get good grades at one of the top colleges in the country AND spend all day every day lifting weights, training, watching film, etc. Good luck. They didn't go there to play school.
  22. Because there's 31 other choices. Buffalo is bottom 5 free agent destination no matter how delusional the fans are
  23. Testing the market. See how much a team like Cleveland or Buffalo pays then go to a contending team and say so and so offers this much can you beat it. Happens every year unfortunately. It's a hard enough sell to get players to come here so until we have a QB and are a super bowl contender we are still not going to be the top choice for free agents
  24. no, but if history is any indication it will be the most accurate
  25. Bills focus on filling other needs in the draft besides QB, regress next 2 seasons as a result, coaches fired after 3rd yr, rinse and repeat over and over again FOREVER
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