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Everything posted by K D

  1. KAMALA LOLOLOL. Remember when all of those dummies were on stage trying to become the nominee and she was BY FAR the worst one and her only qualification to be VP was "we need a woman of color." She probably still have nightmares about Tulsi absolutely destroying her. She's so dumb that she made Biden look less senile. They were like ehh maybe Biden's not as bad as we thought given the alternative.
  2. No I'm just picturing all of you voting for Kamala with a straight face and I can't stop laughing LOLOL 🤣
  3. All left wing media leaned into the crazy and they are all going down the tubes as a result. What an absolute bizarre way of doing business. Activism over making money. It's almost as if...nah...it couldn't be state run media could it?
  4. Nope just get them out of the country. Ship them to Mexico and let them deal with it or they can pay for the wall. Their choice
  5. They are getting deported in about 5 months and they can apply for LEGAL immigration at that time. American jobs for Americans. Heck, I'd be for deporting the Americans that don't want to work to speed up the legal immigration process!
  6. ILLEGAL immigration is not the same as LEGAL immigration
  7. How brain dead would you have to be to vote for Biden when his own party said he's senile and needs to go? Yet he's going to win the vote in NY state, CA, etc?
  8. Half of the country is Nazis? I don't like to use the R word but I can't think of a better use than for someone that would think like that. You are lost man
  9. Joe asked for that young up and coming comedian David Letterman to try and get the young vote
  10. That's the type of crap that got Trump shot. You should be ashamed of yourself. Gross
  11. How convenient. They will surely need to send their field technician out to fix the machines. Shmillary Shminton Our only hope is that they goof like in Office Space and they put the decimal in the wrong place and Joe Biden ends up with 100 billion votes
  12. Zuckerberg has been training MMA so his testosterone is higher. Studies show the higher your testosterone the more likely to vote for Trump. It's science.
  13. I disagree. I feel like we just played KC and all we had to do was squib kick it and we win the game but we kicked it long (way long) for some mind numbing reason. People on the fence like my wife were hoping for a changed Trump like what we got for the first 30 min and then he went off the rails again. Just don't do anything stupid and you win and he just couldn't help himself. Very disappointing. I saw someone say perhaps most people who aren't really into politics saw it running long and went to sleep. Hopefully the undecided voters don't watch it in its entirety and are left with the impression of the first part of the speech. We need more of that. Stop with the name calling and stop talking so much. Save it for the rallies. The more you say the more fuel you give your detractors to use against you.
  14. He needs someone in his administration that will give it to him straight and not kiss his boots. This speech was trash. It started out well but took a turn. Way too long and rambling. Someone said he went off script multiple times for up to 10 min at a time just winging it in parts. I saw that it was longer than the Bush, Obama, and Biden acceptance speeches combined. Just way too long. Just be presidential and read the speech and walk away and you win.
  15. This reminds me of when he was president and he would still go on campaign rallies. I was like WTF you already won. I think he just likes doing rallies and venting to the crowd. Someone should tell him to stfu
  16. I liked the first half. The 2nd half he started rambling and going off script. It's just not necessary. He doesn't have to convince anyone, those people are already voting for him. Just read the speech and walk off
  17. Well she stuck with Bill. She doesn't know when to say enough is enough lol
  18. Trump already was President and there were 0 dead Ukrainians
  19. Dems would be smart to transfer funds to win Senate and Congress seats. They are trying to change seats on the Titanic
  20. There's people on here and others online saying how great he is...but the people that actually do this for a job say that there's no chance for him to win. "He's so popular...that he has to step down so he doesn't embarrass us by how bad he loses"
  21. Yea I'm not sure. If they are saying it really happened then it was either not fully disclosed why USPS was bringing in votes or they found out these were absentee votes or something. Not sure. I was trying to decide if I would really wear a Josh jersey or if I would take the opportunity to get a nice Bills tie or polo.
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