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Everything posted by K D

  1. If we actually drafted a top QB then we wouldn't be able to have "how about this QB?" threads all offseason and until the end of time. No thanks, just draft a center instead.
  2. The Browns should trade up and make sure they get their QB + Barkley. He's the most complete RB of our generation. He should be the top pick no doubt. The only thing that could stop him would be an injury early in his career, otherwise he is a hall of famer on the right team
  3. I'd rather he sign with Denver so we can trade up to 5. Vikings are going to sign Cousins and let the other 3 walk? That's crazy talk
  4. Most of his posts are backwards so no surprise
  5. Wow very surprised. Didn't think we had a chance
  6. Good signing. Didnt think he was coming. He's made his living as a man-to-man corner. Pleasant surprise!
  7. What the heck are you talking about?
  8. If this was the 90's I might listen to what Vic had to say. He's been out of touch since coming back
  9. Move up and have your pick. Giants, Colts, Browns. One of them will do a deal
  10. Well good deal for the Rams if they can keep him in check mentally
  11. Lol what??? A 2nd next year is equivalent to a 3rd this year. So basically a 3rd and a 4th for one of the best corners in the NFL. That's a steal!!!!
  12. they saw the only other option was Tyrod Taylor so they so yikes let's just sign Bortles long term
  13. Words only carry to much weight. Let's see action. Then I'll get behind them and agree that at least we are building towards something with a top QB on the team
  14. Or maybe science doesn't have all of the answers
  15. We'll see if he has the guts to pull the trigger. If he sits back and doesn't do anything in round 1 we will know he doesn't get it
  16. I don't know about you but I've been suffering as a Bills fan since I was a child. They haven't pulled the trigger on a QB. It's bizzare
  17. That's a pretty limited approach in my eyes as well. You don't think it would be in the best interest of any other species to have their brains grow 300% practically overnight to make them the top of the food chain? That's pretty funny. Humans are very much out of place on this planet. We have back problems from walking upright, we are defenseless as babies for many months, we would die if we lived outside in the elements so we need to build houses or live in caves, we wear other animals' fur to stay warm, we need to make tools to hunt. Also, I'm still waiting for the monkeys to evolve since we used to be them. Surely there are half monkey half humans out there somewhere
  18. we have been over .500 only 3 times this century. we have been 3-13, 4-12, 5-11, 6-10 many times. we have had high draft picks and they refuse to use it on a QB. we have never used our 1st pick on a QB in the entire history of our franchise! gee, i wonder why we have been so bad??
  19. what about option #3? that is the route we have gone. we have been bad for years but we have still failed to pull the trigger on a QB. also, we have made big trades for other positions besides QB. you would have to really go out of your way to be as bad as we have been over the past 20 yrs. make up your minds! do you want to be a bad team forever or do you want to get a QB and turn things around? we have been stuck in limbo for far too long
  20. because thousands of people across multiple countries would have to be in on this covering it up if the Earth was flat. think of all of the doctored photos and videos and multiple trips to space. that would be impossible to pull off. i'll agree with you on the old testament stuff. you would have to be pretty naive to take every word as the absolute truth. that is just a collection of oral histories that by the time people had the chance to write it down it changed over time like that game "telephone." but the verdict is very much still out on the evolution of human beings. evolution makes small gradual changes over time. something happened in our history that completely changed us, and it wasn't evolution. our brains grew at an exponential rate that has never been explained or duplicated. evolution can't explain it all. otherwise, beatles and crocodiles have been around for millions of years so why aren't they evolved? i very much believe that our evolution is the result of external factors. some people think that's god, some people think that's other intelligent beings, some people think it's some kind of undiscovered natural occurence. but the fact of the matter is nobody knows at this point so to say it was simply "evolution" is pretty small minded and you should be more evolved than to think like that
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