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Everything posted by K D

  1. Cousins to Broncos and Bills trade up to 5 please. 1 pick ahead of the Jets. Don't let the Jets get their franchise QB before we do
  2. Every year there is a player whose combine drastically improves their draft stock. This year it's going to be DJ Chark.
  3. He looks terrible. He looked like a fish out of water trying to have proper footwork plus throw the ball quick. Horrible mechanics. He's not NFL ready and he doesn't have the arm talent to make me want to even draft him as a project
  4. Eli Manning sad eyes. Would have liked to see some fire from him even if he has to fake it. Mayfield had the fire at the senior bowl but I didn't see it today. Allen was the only one that stood out to me today. Jackson threw better than people thought he might be his feet need work
  5. It's not even close for me. Watching Rudolph drop back and be all out of whack, he's not even close. Allen has played under center and looks comfortable with his footwork and the arm is bananas. At this point I wouldn't even have Rudolph in round 2 let alone 1. Allen is going top 5. He's the only one that really stands out in these drills. I expected more from Mayfield. He's been quiet out there. Looks like a totally different player than what I saw at the senior bowl. It seems like Rosen is taking this way too lightly. Looks like he's just going through the motions. But that might just be because his drop back is so flawless and effortless. And the athleticism people said he didn't have is showing up. In fact, one of the better athletes at QB not named Jackson or Allen it would seem. At first I was upset that Darnold wasn't going to throw but it might have been smart. Everyone else looks sub par compared to Allen imo
  6. Not impressed. He's worried about his feet in this drop back drill and his arm mechanics are then all out of whack. Exactly what you would expect from a QB that has always played in shotgun. Chris Trepasso has Rudolph as his #1 QB. He's really going to hurt his reputation on that one
  7. These WR's and QB's are all pretty lackluster. Im hoping the next group does better
  8. We have already had a long history of massive tools at QB. Let's get someone who is already good. We don't need another project
  9. Broncos were said to be all in on Cousins so if they make a move then we will know Cousins is going elsewhere. Jets can probably offer the most money and Vikings offer the best chance to win now so there will be competition. This trade would be the Broncos backup plan
  10. Rosen is the best QB of the past 3-4 drafts at least. He will be a pro bowler. Get him at all costs and the build around him over the next 2 yrs. We will be super bowl contenders
  11. Tiny Trump hands, below average arm, not mobile, comes from bs college offense where he just throws bombs to wide open receivers. He's a 2nd-3rd round pick, too many questions marks. Someone will be dumb enough to pick him late 1st early 2nd
  12. Barkley looks phenomenal. The Browns are going to be tempted to take him at #1.
  13. Sounds good! I wish we had someone knowledgeable in high school teaching us the correct form and lifts so you are doing a great thing for those kids. In my day it was just a free for all and I'm lucky I didn't get injured back then. We would just keep going higher and higher on bench and squat without much attention to the accessory movements and supporting muscle development. Not to mention our form and mobility was probably trash. The coaches encouraged it by hosting a "lift-a-thon" to test us which was basically a powerlifting meet. So we were always chasing those numbers and it was the wrong approach
  14. Im going to guess he doesn't need surgery. He's a big thick guy and he was only benching 225. If it was a skinnier guy benching twice his weight for instance I think it would do way more damage. The guys I know that have had bad tears did it with high weight low reps
  15. not from what I have seen but they met with all of the other QB's at the senior bowl so maybe they met with him too and it just wasn't reported
  16. Wow great news that it was minor. He must have just a slight tear. Lucky for him. It could have been much worse. It's the worst sound in the world when it tears. It sounds like velcro ripping apart and you are like what the heck is that? Was that me? When it's real bad you can usually tell because it fills up with blood and swells up like crazy. I was going to post a pic but if you want to be grossed out you can google it yourself.
  17. Same situation I had. Inconclusive MRI. Went to get 3 opinions. 1 Dr said just let it heal on its own, you will lose some strength but the accessory muscles will help with that. Another Dr said the only way to fully recover is surgery and you have to do it fast because after a week or two the tendons die off and retract and the muscle tissue scabs over. The last Dr said it could go either way and maybe I should take up jogging instead. So I had the surgery and they got in there and saw there was nothing they were able to fix but the sheer act of cutting you open and poking around does a lot of damage on its own. So essentially my outcome was extended time off because of surgery minus the benefits of being fully healed so I would have been better off not having the surgery at all. He will have the same decision to make. Tough call because his livelihood revolves around pushing 300 pound DT day in and day out. I'll be curious to hear what they decide to do
  18. @dollars 2 donuts Thanks, just passing along some life experience because I hate seeing kids get hurt like this. Its completely unnecessary. There's other exercises to get big and strong and test strength that are much safer. If that other guy doesn't want to hear it that's fine but the fact is people are getting hurt and this is just another example. This rookie just lost millions and it's absolutely ridiculous and unfair to him to use such archaic testing procedures and put these kids at risk, especially so close to finally being able to cash in on all of their hard work. Change is needed.
  19. He meant to say incline. Its not one subjective event, it's highly researched and a well known fact that flat barbell bench is not safe and if I help 1 person from what I went through then I'm happy. I wish I had known more about it at the time but as a competitive power lifter it's one of the 3 main lifts you focus on. Maybe you won't push enough weight to have your pec tear in half but come back in 10 yrs after you have your rotator cuff surgery and tell us how much you love to barbell bench press. People in the industry don't focus on flat barbell bench for a number of reasons but for some reason it's the most popular exercise for the bros at the local gym. If it's because of a lack of awareness then I'll do what I can to help get the word out. Thanks.
  20. Jackson's mechanics are horrible and it leads to poor accuracy but someone will still take him because he's a playmaker and he's at least going to be as good as Tyrod for super cheap. I'm looking forward to the 40. They said he might run a 4.4 which would be blazing fast for a QB. Vick ran it in 4.25 which is absolutely nuts. RG3 did it in 4.41
  21. It depends on how severe. It can vary. If it's just a slight tear he could let it rest for 2-3 months then do rehab on it to try to build strength around the supporting muscles (shoulders, back) but he will never be 100% on that particular muscle and it's hard to say how much he can recover. But you can use other muscles to help push so it's not a total loss. Having surgery there is a higher likelihood of recovery and I'm sure he will have the best doctors to advise him. If they do the surgery and anchor it with bolts that's 6 months and it's kind of hard to work out and stay in shape when you only have 1 arm so that would really hurt his chances of starting as a rookie. I don't play sports for a living so it's hard to say how much of an impact it will have on his career but as a civilian I just avoid things that would aggravate it. #1 on the list is no more barbell bench pressing!
  22. First off that's pretty rude. I had a pretty bad injury and your response is I don't know what I'm talking about? I've lived it, i know far too much. I have the scar to prove it. Secondly what do you bench on barbell flat bench? When you get over 400 let me know and then let me know how many times you tear your pec after that trying for more. It's not a safe exercise. Your natural motion isn't to be locked on to a straight bar like that. Dumbbell incline is better for pec development. The only people that focus on flat barbell bench are powerlifters, gym bros, and apparently NFL rookies.
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