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Everything posted by K D

  1. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1731574083660306 There's no way you are voting for Kamala. She is a Marxist. Check out this horsesh*t post she made explaining how communism works to her brain dead followers. Whatever, you guys don't like Trump. But he's not a Marxist!
  2. Spoiler alert: Biden didn't do anything. Everything costs 2-3x what it used to cost so any gains people think they have were wiped out. Inflation has destroyed the dreams of the next generation and all they can do is kick the can down the road to try and keep it somewhat manageable. Once it became apparent that Trump was going to win, the market reacted favorably in what they called a Trump Trade. Energy and tech went back up. Then everything stalled today under the uncertainty once they swapped out Biden. The market already factored in a Trump W so watch what happens if Kamala catches up. I have significant investments in real estate (Biden-Harris introducing nation wide rent control) and crypto (Biden-Harris wants to regulate) which would both take a big hit as well as overall confidence loss in stocks as many investors will be pulling their money for safer alternatives. If you have any investments or just want a decrease in government spending (Trump vows no more funding of wars) then vote Trump. Pretty simple. Someone would have to be pretty stupid to think the side giving money to Ukraine and college loans is the financially responsible side. https://www.bankrate.com/investing/trump-trade/
  3. Let's have a debate every night at 8pm in primetime. There's no good comedies these days anymore
  4. Bingo! Trump isn't a good guy but he's 1 man vs the entirety of whatever this cartel of power is that's going after him. They are trying so damn hard to stop him. Whether he meant to or not, he's the only thing between us and them and it's becoming more and more obvious every day
  5. No it's because they are trying sooooo hard to stop him. I've never seen anything like it. I don't like Trump and I'm not a Republican. If they are trying that hard it's because they have something to hide which is what the quote from Hamlet refers to. Any side that has all of the money, all of the influence, all of the power is the bad guys side. I'm definitely my own man and nobody will ever influence me, especially celebrities, media, or big money donors.
  6. You aren't being reasonable you are doing the CNN thing. We all know things were better than ever right before COVID. And we also know at this point that COVID was made in a lab. Hmm what a coincidence don't you think? Maybe things were too good?
  7. Fair enough. Kamala is not only part of the establishment but she is low IQ. Is there any doubt that she's in this position because she's a woman of color who slept with powerful men? She's also a marxist. She was for defunding of the police and bailed violent protesters out of jail. Ironic because she used to put non-violent people in jail for small amounts of drugs. But hey, whatever is popular at the time and gets you ahead. That's why I was curious to see who people were endorsing outside of the forced party endorsement. I was hoping to see someone who could actually think for themselves and not just go with "hey that's who they told me I have to vote for and you only get 2 choices so here we go!"
  8. I didn't want Trump or Hillary in 2016. I sat in the dark wondering if the world was going to end after I found out Trump had won. I was glad Hillary didn't given how corrupt she is but I also was worried that Trump wouldn't have what it took and perhaps I bought into the media nonsense. What happened next has fostered my current beliefs. The media went absolutely nuts and came out with the most idiotic lies, they impeached him on nothing, he became even more popular as the country flourished and so coincidentally a lab created virus just so happened to be released to ensure sure he didn't win, they attempted numerous times to make up crimes to prosecute him for, and then they were complicit or negligent in someone trying to kill him. "The lady doth protest too much methinks." Or as the kids today would say it "y'all doing too much." If they are doing all of this and expending all of their power and resources to try and stop him then he is doing something RIGHT. When all of media, celebrities, corporations are against you and making up lie after lie to try and take you down then it's because they are threatened. F them and at this point Trump is a big middle finger to the establishment. I'll gladly vote for whoever they are against because this country isn't about them, it's about you and me. They work for us, never forget that. Now they are telling you guys that you have to vote for Kamala. Screw that! Vote RFK if you don't like Trump. Be your own person. Screw every politician that continues to get rich off of us, screw every celebrity that thinks they know better, screw every corporation and CEO and their outlandish salaries. A vote for Kamala is a vote for the establishment, the Biden's, the Obama's, the Clinton's, the oligarchy. F that and F them!
  9. I want to hear from our Lefties. Who do you endorse for President in 2024? Your own party doesn't care what you think and will simply endorse whoever they want so I wanted to create a place for you to go on record with your thoughts since we believe in Democracy even if they don't. We have heard from whoever writes Biden's tweets, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, the Clinton's. They fully endorse Kamala. The only ones that haven't endorsed Kamala have been the Obama's. Who has your endorsement and will they win in November?
  10. It would definitely help them if he died. Kamala not being the incumbent hurts her chances. I'm surprised they didn't make him step aside or go for the 25th. Her only experience is 4 years of being a terrible VP and her 1 job was the border and it's literally one of the worst failures of their administration.
  11. He was the first black vice president according to him!
  12. They won't let Trump succeed. Better buy masks and toilet paper ahead of time.
  13. He dropped out because of all of media, celebrities, corporations were against him. Which is why you shouldn't vote for the authoritarians on the Left!
  14. If a politician tells us how to live our lives we should collectively say you work for us so stfu and fix our roads troll. The government should be scared of their people not the other way around
  15. She pushes equality of outcome aka "equity." Redistribution of wealth regardless of your input. That's all you need to know about her. She is a marxist communist and absolutely nobody can deny it. It's in everything she does. Her Jamaican dad (not African American) is an economics professor and Marxists scholar. This is THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. We are not electing a marxist sorry.
  16. He will need to pardon "the big guy" for taking 10% if he doesn't want to spend the last few months of his life in prison
  17. He wouldn't leave? He left. Are you saying he's still there? Or did the military have to remove him? You need to stop watching CNN. It sounds like you are under the impression that Trump was evicted or something
  18. For the good of the country? You mean they bullied an old senile turd to drop out because he had no shot of winning lol
  19. He's going to win and then he's going to prosecute everyone on the left and then everyone will be felons. That's what you get when you weaponize the justice system.
  20. She could have Jesus Christ, Gandhi, and Mother Theresa on her short list and this would still be the most unlikeable ticket in modern history. This is the best the Left has? Lol
  21. Lol what?? 🤣 Holy crap man, you are so out of touch I don't know whether to laugh or feel bad for you. Your candidate is freaking Kamala. Has there ever been a worse candidate in history? At least Biden was a lifelong (failed) politician. What the heck is Harris besides a woman of color? The Dems just admitted defeat.
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