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Everything posted by K D

  1. Then it's a coach and not a peer. They will listen more to someone that's there with them going through it rather than a has been or never was
  2. Why? If he wants to be a backup for the next 2-3 yrs then take it. If you want to play come to us. Simple as that. He's 27 and he could be in his 30's by the time he sniffs the field in NE
  3. Nobody asked you. His hero is Troy Aikman. Would Troy Aikman be who he is if he played on some bad Cowboys teams and then quit before they won anything?
  4. The guy is a legit talent but he needs to sit and learn behind a QB that knows what they are doing. He would have been great in NY behind Eli for 2 yrs. If he goes to the Bills who is he going to learn from? McCaron? He will beat him out and then get thrown in too early and flame out. Who do we even have as a QB coach? We are putting all of these resources into selecting a young QB but then what are we going to do to make sure they are successful?
  5. This is the QB anxiety thread...I thought I was in a safe space
  6. Kevin Kolb and EJ Manuel until the shower mat got in the way
  7. I posted this in another thread but I had a dream the other night that we moved all the way up to 2 and Cleveland picked Barkley so we had our choice of whatever QB we wanted. What an amazing position to be in, picking the top QB in the top QB draft of the decade. We picked Darnold. He ended up being horrible and the QB's selected after were all amazing. I woke up in a panic and I've been watching tape on Darnold ever since trying to figure out what people see in him. He looks bad. I'm very worried now. I said if they traded up I would be happy with whoever they selected but now that this is a real possibility I'm scared they are going to screw it up. Rosen is the best QB in the draft. Don't over think it. Just do it Beane
  8. He wants to be the best so he can spin that into a successful post football business career. He won't accomplish his goals if he quits. Nobody is going into business with a wishy washy quitter. His reputation means more to him than that.
  9. I think the Bills want Darnold so they want everyone to think they want Rosen and Allen. I can't figure out why though, I don't think he's very good
  10. Well if he's signing there then he knows that they just signed McCown as the starter so it's up to him. I don't think he has any other options, that's why he's there
  11. Why would McCown on a 1 yr deal stop them from drafting a QB? They signed him because they are drafting a QB and they want him to be the mentor. Bridgewater is damaged goods he's not being guaranteed a starting gig anywhere. He will be the veteran backup to the rookie next yr
  12. Me too! Was going to give you a thanks but it said o reached my limit. Didn't know that was a thing
  13. As the good FA's come off the board it's just more incentive for Beane to go all in on trading up and get the most NFL ready QB in the draft who can start right away
  14. Don't care get Rosen and he will be ready to play
  15. this is fine. that just means the Bills will be more inclined to draft someone who can play right away. who is the most NFL ready QB in the draft? my evil plan is all coming together...
  16. yes that's why I edited to say I don't personally like him. i think last year they were in a playoff push and were desperate for WR help. long term i don't like him
  17. this is true. his first instinct is to escape the pocket the loooooooong way by running around the DE instead of stepping up. he can't do that in the NFL. the DE will be faster than him. he's going to run right into many sacks until he figures that out
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