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Everything posted by K D

  1. This lady's pic is like "mmmmmhmmmm." I'm not messing with her
  2. Why would you guys want him to resign? You want Kamala? I'd rather have Joe Biden 6 feet under than that crazy ho
  3. What do the lefties have to say about this? This is literally 1984/Soviet Union type stuff! Traitors Whatever, you don't like Trump. But you cannot support this kind of stuff and still call yourself an American!
  4. They had to run Kamala. Might as well go full 🤡 and break those barriers now with Mayor Pete so next time it won't be so jarring to older folks
  5. I hope it's Bootyjuice. Let's see how progressive the left really is. Would they elect an Indian/Jamaican communist woman plus a gay man? I've been talking to family members who are anti Trump but were already likely not voting for Kamala let alone a homosexual. I personally don't care but I know many potential voters do even if they hate Trump
  6. He should debate Kamala as many times as he can. She's a moron and her views are so unpopular that even the left calls her far left
  7. Yikes where did this one come from? I haven't been on this political forum long enough but I thought we knew who all of the clowns were around here. What makes you think Kamala is going to do any of that stuff? Name 1 thing she has ever accomplished. Ever. Your ideas on how to fix this country are flawed so I'll chalk that up to being naive. She would do none of those things except expand social welfare programs, continue to divide the country by calling everybody racist, and make this country even weaker by spending all of our money on foreign wars and destroying the local economy. We have had enough of that crap over the past 4 years. Luckily she has no shot at winning and is the most unliked candidate in history, with even lower approval ratings than the 2nd most unliked candidate in history who she replaced. You guys better sit this one out and try again in 4 years with someone who isn't a complete clown and Marxist.
  8. They say one thing publicly but their policies say otherwise. The richest of the rich continue to have tax loop holes 4 years later under Biden.
  9. The answer is the super rich are the ones that just sent Kamala a check today. Go through the list of the richest of the rich. They all vote one way. And Elon Musk voted that way last time but this time is voting a different way and all of a sudden he's Satan after he was just Time's person of the year a few years ago
  10. Then why are they going after the middle class? 60% of audits were for people making less than 200k.
  11. Meanwhile Russia is bombing Ukraine. "Ukraine is a country in Europe that shares a border with a bigger country called Russia." Holy sh*t 😵
  12. Many have left for tax havens. Caribbean/Bahamas, South America, Singapore. Even in the US there's Florida or Texas but if they pass these stupid capital tax increases a lot of them will leave the country and take their tax dollars with them. I'm talking about business owners who enjoy tax breaks through their physical company and then "claim" primary residence elsewhere even though it's more like a vacation home
  13. Already been debunked. When you ask all Dems who is going to win they will probably say the Dem. Then the TV analysts will say where did the polls go wrong??
  14. I know a lot of wealthy. If you take away tax breaks they will just move to the Bahamas and then you get $0 from them. That's why socialism never works. Good intentions, terrible execution. Socialists must be the worst chess players in the world.
  15. Where do you get the money to battle it in other ways? My taking money from police and putting it into social workers. Thus the defund the police movement. Hellooooo think McFly think
  16. She does support defunding the police and supporting rioters. You are linking to the Biden-Harris official stance which was different than her stance as a candidate.
  17. If Biden was dead what would really change? They would lie about it, nobody in the media would follow up, and they would use AI to fake his voice like they already did yesterday
  18. Kamala called for defunding the police and bailed BLM rioters out of jail, one of which then murdered someone. You have a short memory or are purposely forgetting.
  19. How can these posters here (we know who they are) not completely rebuke this person?
  20. Don't worry she's next lol She should have resigned BEFORE being absolutely torched on national TV, not the day after! Even AOC was laying into her Trump's new secret service director
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