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Everything posted by K D

  1. Are Browns listening to trade offers from Bills and Broncos perhaps? Keep us in the loop
  2. The target at 1 would be Darnold. Problem is I don't think he's any good. Similar style to Alex Smith or Joe Flacco. Game manager who thrives off play action and roll outs. I'm not a fan.
  3. We are also looking at this pre-draft. Let's see how things stack up post draft when Cleveland uses the ton of picks they have and we have to trade a bunch of ours to get the 4th QB off the board. This draft is deep at DT, I'm sure Cleveland will find someone there. Meanwhile, we don't even have a starting MLB aka the most important position in McD's defense. Yikes
  4. Drew Lock almost came out this year and was projected as a 3rd or 4th rounder and as of right now he is the top QB for 2019. So no not interested in waiting. Been waiting 20 yrs
  5. 1. Nobody asked you 2. Respect fellow posters enough to have a meaningful conversation to explore your difference of opinion You disagree. How so?
  6. Yep. And of course I enjoyed it when we made it. By then it was too late. Beane didn't finish what he started in the preseason. All he had to do was trade Tyrod and Shady, and while he was at it Glenn and maybe Hughes. The rest would have worked itself out. But too late now. It was fun to break the drought but I would have much preferred having a top 5 pick, getting a franchise QB, and keeping all of our draft capital
  7. I said this today and got laughed at but it's true unfortunately. They have a lot of young talent and now they are adding playmakers. Tyrod will get them to .500 and Darnold can take them over the hump next year. Add Barkley in the mix and they have an actual offense now. They have a lot of picks in this draft so they will add the supporting pieces.
  8. Just reported today that they want Rosen or Mayfield and all indications are they will take Rosen at 3
  9. I think Allen will be our pick. He has a lot that really impresses teams (size, arm, athleticism) and if he falls out of the top 5 I think they will view that as great value considering how some think he could go #1 overall. It's either him or Mayfield at this point. I think Rosen and Darnold are tier 1 and then Mayfield and Allen are tier 2 so right now if the best we can do is the tier 2 guys then so be it.
  10. Not enough reps at practice to go around. They like Peterman for whatever reason
  11. I think Allen will be our pick. He has a lot that really impresses teams (size, arm, athleticism) and if he falls out of the top 5 I think they will view that as great value considering how some think he could go #1 overall. It's either him or Mayfield at this point. I think Rosen and Darnold are tier 1 and then Mayfield and Allen are tier 2 so right now if the best we can do is the tier 2 guys then so be it. We would have had more options if we had traded up but I don't see it happening at this point unless one of the tier 1 guys fall or if they have one of the tier 2 guys rated way higher than the other. Why trade up now if the best you can get to is 4 and you are still only going to be able to get a tier 2 guy? Unless they have Allen rated way higher than Mayfield (I definitely wouldn't) then a trade up makes no sense now. Better to wait and see how the draft plays out
  12. it's tragic to say the least. the world at your fingertips and you blow it. we see it way too often with some of these guys. very sad!
  13. in all seriousness, i'm hoping he impressed the Jets enough to take him at 3. Broncos all in attendance too. it will be interesting to see who everyone takes
  14. overall I thought he looked pretty good. i was expecting a little more fireworks. there were definitely some very impressive throws but overall it was a tad sloppy compared to what we just saw from Darnold. it's funny that he unleashed some 80 yard throws and after what he did at the combine it was just more of the same. you forget how impressive that is! i don't think that will be enough to take him #1. i think they will see Darnold as the safer pick. but do the Jets take a chance on him at 3? I saw GM Maccagnan there on the sideline with a football flying 60mph towards his direction. Hopefully he was impressed View image on Twitter
  15. They mentioned that they are at high altitude there and it may be harder to breathe than it would be at sea level in California. Something to consider I guess Oh my gosh he threw that last one so hard it almost knocked the receiver over. "If that ball was a harpoon that kid would be dead" says Mayock lol
  16. I'm in but I'm biased, I will be inclined to trade out of a top spot so buffalo can get a QB!
  17. Totally understand. To me the mediocre seasons feel like 3 win seasons anyhow. As big of a fan as I am there have been years with JP, Trent, and Fitz where I didn't even watch the games. I like QB's and not having one kills me. Maybe they get one but it's going to cost a ton of picks. No I'm not a fan of trading up but if that's what we have to do to get someone then that is the situation we now find ourselves in.
  18. By then yes it was too late. To summarize my posts from last year it was "let's trade everyone" then "ok they traded some but not all so I'm not happy" and then halfway through the year they had beaten Atlanta and some other teams and at that point we aren't getting a top pick so might as well enjoy it. But knowing all along we are screwing up our chances at getting a top QB. We still could (although not looking good now) but we are going to have to give up a TON of picks to do so. Please feel free to find my posts from before the season where I said let's trade Tyrod for a 3rd, Shady for a 2nd, Sammy for a 2nd. The rest would have worked itself out.
  19. Well that's the majority opinion as we have seen. But just know that it hurt our rebuilding efforts. If you are fine with that then ok. I'd gladly sacrifice 1 season for 10 yrs of winning by getting our franchise QB and a haul of other top picks
  20. Appreciate it, if even just for having an open mind! Some people don't even want to have the discussion.
  21. Yes that's exactly what I'm saying. Trade all players of value. They did trade them but they waited until after the season. Trade them before the season and you try and win with who you have, sure, but with Peterman at QB and who knows at RB we go 3-13 like you said. We would have our QB plus a TON of picks by not having to trade up. Could you imagine? We would be super bowl contenders in 2 yrs. But hey I'm glad everyone liked that embarrassing 3 point playoff performance. Just know that it seriously hurt our rebuilding efforts.
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