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Everything posted by K D

  1. Wow there's a very good player available at 9. 49ers have 1 be very good trade offer. We are stalling them. Any others?
  2. 49ers up after that and John Lynch loves to wheel and deal. Hit me up with any trade offers! There's a certain guard still available that many would say is one of the best players in the draft. I wonder if Giants would be trying to trade back up for him
  3. Keenum is essentially on a 1 year deal and the Broncos are the only team to have the GM, HC, top personnel guy at all of the QB pro days. Also volunteered to coach the senior bowl as long as Allen and Mayfield were on their team. Doesn't get anymore obvious than that
  4. Dolphins, Cards, Ravens might want to trade with Colts to get Mayfield ahead of Broncos
  5. Same reason Bills didn't go after Drew Brees when he left San Diego or trade up in the draft for Andrew Luck, Carson Wentz, Jameis Winston, etc etc. Everyone knows the stars when they see them so I'm not some swami or fortune teller, but they are scared to pull the trigger for whatever reason. Because they don't want to be wrong, feel like they have too many other holes on the roster, who knows. To me it's all about the QB. Josh Rosen is that guy this year. I've been saying it since 2016. Do whatever it takes to get him. They won't. In 5 yrs remember the crazy guy on the Bills forum that told you that and then look at whatever excuse the McBeanes give for not getting him and it will all make sense
  6. Not sure if you are being serious but Rosen was ranked top 10 in the US as a tennis player and had to choose between turning pro in tennis or going to high school and playing football
  7. Jackson is a mix of Vick and Vince Young. Which means he will have some early success but then never get better. No thanks
  8. He had to sign it and they might have wanted to speak to him in person to explain the situation.
  9. Incognito lives in PHX. Is that when they re-did his contract?
  10. that would be an innaccurate assumption. i work with plenty of "professionals" where i work too and i'm surprised some of them can tie their shoes. if these guys are so smart then why haven't we had a franchise QB since Jim Kelly? i'm talking the Bills front office in general over the years, not the current one, but we have heard the same kinds of arguments for many years now. "they are the professionals, they know more than you." sorry but I would have accurately selected many franchise QB's over the years. you have to be willing to just go for it when you see one. i'd argue that being professionals gives them a disadvantage because they are scared they will be wrong and lose their jobs. fear is a powerful factor at play here. you are gambling with your career and the livelihood of your staff and their families. scary stuff
  11. we had a thread like this last year in regards to the Rams. go back and look at how many of you dummies thought the Bills were better than the Rams. i don't think the Browns will have as big of a turn around as the Rams did but I expect the Browns to make a big jump this year
  12. your WGR "insiders" everybody Sal is at the stadium every day and even he doesn't know any more than we do. The national guys are the ones that get the scoops and break the news
  13. if they don't get one of the top 4 QB's then this is a huge failure by the McBeane admiinstration
  14. we'll see next month. i'm just saying - i think i would lose my lunch if that is how it goes down
  15. But don't get it twisted, I think Baker Mayfield will be a solid NFL starter. I'm just going by the grading system above.
  16. nobody knows if it's true or not with all of the misinformation and smoke screens, but I've heard through the grapevine that if Darnold and Allen are gone the next QB the Bills are looking at is Lamar Jackson. could you imagine if Baker Mayfield is there for us and we take Lamar Jackson??
  17. I see pick 22 as a 2017 pick so let's see how they use it
  18. The commissioner is sleeping. Someone wake his *** up! @garybusey the Browns are on the clock for their 2nd pick. We could see the first position player off the board but it sounds like they have trade offers from the Giants and maybe a few other teams
  19. It's almost impossible to predict HOF. Bo Jackson might be the best athlete in history and was an all star in 2 sports at the same time but probably doesn't have the career stats to be in the hall of fame for either. But he was arguably one of the best that ever did it. I saw it with my own eyes, he was better than all of these other players that got in. The HOF is about career accomplishments not about who is the best player. Josh Rosen has HOF potential but I don't think he will play 15-20 yrs to be able to put up enough stats. I think 10 yrs and he's done. Doesn't mean he can't win a super bowl or 2 during that time. Darnold----Solid Starter Rosen------Face of Franchise Allen--------Solid Starter Mayfield--Weak Starter Jackson---Weak Starter I had to put Mayfield as weak starter because you listed Cutler as a weak starter and I think he will have a similar career. I think that would have been solid starter territory but as it's listed I have to put weak. Coincidentally Cutler also started in Denver and that's where I see Mayfield going at pick 5.
  20. Rex destroyed our defense. They were killing it with Schwartz. Hiring him was the mistake
  21. They said that about Brady too and Rosen is 10x the athlete Brady is. Would have been a pro tennis player if he wanted
  22. John Elway collects QB's like others might collect cards or stamps. If he finds someone he likes he would definitely try and make that move
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