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Everything posted by K D

  1. How about instead of next year's first we give up an extra pick in 2018 (maybe pick 96) plus a 2019 2nd round pick? Would that be more agreeable?
  2. If (when) the Bills trade up we should do this again with no trades allowed just to see how things would fall naturally. There's a possibility Bills could trade up 1-7 after the owners meetings so then things might really get interesting.
  3. This rule is going to be super annoying. There's going to be so many flags because of this
  4. I think that's a steal so late in the round, I think he will be a very good player
  5. Whoever we pick in the top 5 of the draft
  6. I posted that I just read he was an atheist and you went out of your way to try and correct me. I just said I had just read it while researching the player. What is your source? We don't need people posting nonsense. Try and add some value to the community.
  7. You should do some research before professing to know something with such certainty don't you think?
  8. I can't believe there is any question whether Rosen is the best QB in the draft. But I am surprised when I see someone that agrees with me. I open a thread and I expect to see someone else at the top. It feels like I'm taking crazy pills. Glad you agree. He has next level mechanics. Coaches like to think you can teach that but you can only make small improvements to mechanics because when the bullets are flying the player reverts back to what he knows best. Josh Rosen was absolutely born to be a QB. Sadly, I don't think the Bills will draft him. We will watch him go to pro bowls and always wonder what if. I actually have Allen as my #2 for the same reasons you stated. I don't see the horrible accuracy issues. I see touch issues. He throws a fastball when a change-up is needed. That's fine, he will learn that the more he throws and I saw improvements with that at the senior bowl. Watch the 2nd half tape, it's impressive. The footwork gets sloppy when under pressure. You want to see replicatable precision. Tom Brady works on that with Tom House. Every throw should look the same. That's one of the first things you learn as a baseball pitcher too. If your delivery is in check then you can put the ball wherever you want it. He will work on that. But the good news is he's built like a tree so good luck getting him down. Once he gets more comfortable in the pocket I think his footwork will improve. He also has to work on anticipation. Growing up, when you throw a football that hard you don't have to anticipate the receiver breaking open but in the NFL the windows are so small that you do. I go back and forth on Darnold and Mayfield. I hate Darnold's delivery and footwork. As a connoisseur of QB's, I can't get over huge mechanical flaws. He has happy feet and starts tap dancing and even employs the jump pass from time to time. Just say no to the jump pass. Slide in the pocket, have a good base when you throw, keep the ball high and ready to fire. There's no need for all of that other stuff. Plus the fumbles and int's are a huge concern. But he has the body for the position and a quick release with good arm strength and anticipation so it makes me think maybe he can overcome his flaws if he works at it. Mayfield I just can't get over his height. I didn't see him work very much in the pocket, just a lot of quick throws from the shotgun. He just represents a much bigger risk for me. But I love his drive and determination and he would be the kind of guy that a team drafts him and you hear about him doing amazing in camp and taking over the leadership reigns and just never letting go. I think he will start year 1 because he doesn't know any other way. He's taller, better arm strength, and better anticipation than I gave him credit for in the past. I wouldn't be upset if the Bills got him at pick 6-12. He would easily beat out anyone we have.
  9. It will take at least 1 full season for the QB to prove he is any good and deserving of that kind of respect. Year 1 is growing pains and figuring things out. Year 2 is when you are expecting to win
  10. trading for OBJ is contingent on him signing a long term deal with your team, otherwise he won't step foot on the field. do you really think he is signing long term to play in BUFFALO with AJ MCCARRON as the QB? get real
  11. that might be the sticking point in the real life discussions. would you feel better about it if they were able to agree to a 2nd next year along with another pick this year?
  12. What is your preferred method for the Bills to get a QB in the 2018 Draft? We have a ton of picks and now the trick will be finding a partner to trade with. Keep in mind that it's very likely there will be 3 QB's taken in the top 5. The picks we would have to give up are suggestions based on rumors and speculation and are not set in stone but give an idea of what it might cost to move up.
  13. 4 weeks from Thurs. still a loooong way to go!
  14. i like this one. sounds like trade offers are being made and they were looking at the trade charts to figure it out so they must be interested. McD says even as other presentations were going on they were focused on figuring out the trade value. big news imo
  15. makes me think the Browns are taking Allen. Tyrod as starter, Stanton as backup, Allen has 2 yrs to develop with no pressure to play right away
  16. Beane asked what he wanted for his birthday and hopefully he told him GET ME A QB!!!!!!
  17. I hope the Bills have them ranked like that. However, I think they like 1. Darnold, 2. Allen. They like the moxy, durability, and mobility of those QB's over Rosen. I think if they traded up to 2 it would be for one of those 2. They might still be interested in Rosen at 4 or 6 but they also might be happy sitting back and taking Lamar Jackson (yuck!). I hope this is not the case but that is what I have heard. If they traded up to 2 and took Allen I think people would freak out and burn down the city, which may be a reason why they haven't. But the big reason why they haven't is because both the Giants and Bills are waiting to see if Darnold is there at 2. Beane would give up everything for him but the Giants might want him for themselves. So while I would personally rank them like above, I think the Bills (and a lot of other teams) have them ranked differently
  18. Rams spent all that money on Suh and are now realizing they can't draft anyone because they can't afford to pay them.
  19. He must have also been mad about Tyrod playing because he was a turnstile in the other 15 games as well
  20. You want to hear that the rookie is absolutely taking over and looking amazing in camp like what Russel Wilson did when he got to Seattle. If you want AJ McCarron starting then you want a .500 record
  21. Didn't mean to disparage anyone. It was a joke, perhaps in poor taste, that now that they are millionaires they will all be pampered divas. There are certainly many successful people who would consider themselves blue collar. I know a lot of successful real estate developers that are right in the thick of it that work their butts off but meanwhile they own half of Buffalo.
  22. I dont think any of them are blue collar because they are millionaires
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