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Everything posted by K D

  1. It's literally the only job she has and she blew it. Name 1 other thing she did. All we heard was how she was the border car and would fix the border and then she did nothing and now they are saying she was never a border czar. Wtf??? Make it make sense
  2. So in these 3 posts we have Kamala supports defunding the police, Kamala is a Communist, and Kamala is the border czar letting in endless drugs and terrorists. And there are still idiots on here who would vote for this? Then you aren't American plain and simple. We have fought wars over this kind of stuff and you are taking a dump on the memories of those lost soldiers. That's not cool with me.
  3. Because they are more likely to be raped by someone they know. Just like black women. Locking the door won't help. They are already inside. Now let eat my cheerios 😄
  4. Says some white lady that locks her car doors when she sees a black man crossing the street. People that point out people's skin color are the most racist of them all
  5. Dems want no voter ID and mail in ballots. Gee, I wonder why. Just wait until Trump wins the electoral college again before the final tallies and they are going to cry about how they need to get rid of that just like how they cry about stacking the courts. They hate the democratic process clearly
  6. What corporation is for the GOP? I'll go work for them in a heartbeat
  7. Yes besides Biden I meant to say. Which is fine if they are the best people for the job but it's been very forced. Biden even said if he got the nominee he would choose a black woman, aka DEI. Yikes, what pandering. I would have liked Vivek for the GOP and it wouldn't have been forced, I think he was the best of the bunch
  8. Because 1 party plays identity politics where it's less about your achievements and more about your skin color so I'll take a wild guess that it doesn't jive with white supremacists when that party has only picked presidential nominees based on skin color and gender. The Dems haven't nominated a white male in 20 years. So it's not far fetched to see why they choose the other side which is less of an indictment on Trump personally and more about the other sides politics imo. I'm on neither side so I don't like the extremes on either end but Trump has condemned white supremacy but Biden or Harris has never condemned black supremacy (BLM). Now who is the racist?
  9. So you are saying you like and agree with BLM? Nobody likes Nazis or KKK but it sounds like you do like BLM
  10. Harris supported BLM but BLM doesn't support her!
  11. Anyone wearing a mask should be immediately thrown in jail and doxxed for doing so. Hamas and antifa included
  12. Election year + Rebuilding year. I could see this forum staying pretty popular.
  13. There's only 2 parties if you want to be president
  14. Trump isn't a Republican and neither am I
  15. We have never looked weaker. They know they can attack after 8pm because our vegetable President is asleep. All of the woke DEI and tranny crap will stop once we are in WW3
  16. He's paid a lot of prostitutes over the years. We already know this
  17. At some point you have to notice the balance of power leaning to one side and choose to fight back by using one of the parties at your disposal. The entirety of media, corporations, celebrities are all currently leaning one way and it needs to be balanced back out. You can't sit by and watch them take control of our country because by then it will be too late and you won't be able to say anything about it because everything will be censored
  18. He was bullied. Pelosi said he could do it the easy way or the hard way (25th amendment). He had no choice. Stop trying to play him off like a saint
  19. This lady's pic is like "mmmmmhmmmm." I'm not messing with her
  20. Why would you guys want him to resign? You want Kamala? I'd rather have Joe Biden 6 feet under than that crazy ho
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