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Everything posted by K D

  1. I posted last week that I would like to see them trade 12 and 56 to get to 7 asap. Then from there you have so many more options. Getting to 2 from 7 might only cost 22, 53, 65. Or maybe they only need to get to 4 so it only costs 22. So many more options from 7 and Tampa is willing to deal
  2. it doesn't really matter in this scenario. either way the Jets are going to get Rosen or Mayfield, the 2 best QB's in the draft imo.
  3. is he going to like it when he gets traded? stay tuned
  4. how do we know this was directed at Mora? i don't get it
  5. This would be horrible for us and would represent worst case scenario. Then Darnold goes #2 to the Giants if the reports are true that he is the top player on their draft board. Rosen goes 3 to the Jets. Mayfield goes 5 to the Broncos. We are left with nobody!!! 1. Allen 2. Darnold 3. Rosen 4. Barkley or Chubb 5. Mayfield
  6. Yea the point is I don't trust them. I trust myself much more. My guy is Rosen. Perhaps you give them too much credit. What experience do they have in evaluating QB's? Trading to 2 and giving up everything to do so go hand in hand. The cost to go to 2 is going to be crazy compared to maybe 5-7. If they are going all the way up to 2 to get Allen or Darnold I would much prefer they stay back and get Mayfield. That's my opinion and a lot of people may agree with that assessment
  7. it's strange to you that I live in Buffalo and my team has been a joke for my entire life and you are wondering why I have a hard time trusting them? funny. it's not a choice to follow them. they are me and i am them. too many reports of them wanting Josh Allen over much better prospects like Rosen for me to trust the situation. I'm just stating a fact that i feel more comfortable with them getting someone like Mayfield at pick 5-7 because i don't trust the situation. newsflash, they aren't going to listen to anything i say and this is just a message board so i'm just stating my opinion. you have stated your opinion in that you would like them to give up everything to move to 2 and i would be fine with that, i just don't feel comfortable once there that they would choose the right person
  8. repost. i almost prefer they pick outside of the top 5 because i don't trust them to pick the right QB at 2. if they traded all the way up and took Josh Allen or Sam Darnold i would barf. Rosen is my guy but Mayfield at 5-7 is the best value if they like him.
  9. Yep was just going to post this. Baker will be in NJ for the Giants April 8-9 and with the Jets April 9-10. That means he has some time between his visit in Cleveland today and tomorrow and then so could he be stopping by Orchard Park in between?? Baker Mayfield schedule: April 2-3: Cleveland April 4-7: ?? April 8-9: Giants April 9-10: Jets
  10. http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2018/04/browns_will_host_josh_allen_sa.html It's QB visit week in Cleveland and they have reported that Baker Mayfield flies in tonight and will spend all day Tuesday with the team. If I had to guess, it would make sense that he would then fly to Buffalo since it's so close but he very well could go elsewhere like NY for the Jets and Giants meetings so we will have to see if any other news comes out. But John Dorsey said they will have the QB's fly in back to back to back so they can evaluate them one after the other. Allen, Darnold, Rosen are also scheduled to make visits. Should be an interesting week. Stay tuned for more news
  11. Yea i'm saying move up to 7 with the plan that you are going to be in a better position to trade up again or at the very least get the 4th QB. But you would never be "stuck" there because you have way more options at 7 than you do at 12 if things don't go your way
  12. i heard these comments at the owner's meeting. i don't agree at all with Beane's thoughts on trading up to twice. "to your example, to 7, then what if you're stuck there?" why would it be bad to be "stuck" at 7? there's a very good chance you will get the 4th QB there before anyone else has a chance to trade up. if you can't trade up again from there and the QB you wanted is gone (i doubt that would be the case but let's explore this), then why would it be bad to have the 7th pick where you have a ton of top talent available to you? there's a chance one of the top 3 position players will be there. tons of future pro bowlers available and maybe you only gave up a 2nd round pick to get there.
  13. other teams can move up too. my argument is that they need to get to 7 now so they have the option to trade up higher if they need to. worst case you take the QB that's left at 7
  14. Dilfer has to say that, Lock was one of his Elite 11 QB's. He has been mediocre at best and was planning on coming out this year until he saw that he received a 3rd round grade and decided to go back to school
  15. 5 won't happen. Denver loves where they are picking and might have even traded up if they had a partner but I don't think they do unless Cleveland talks them into trading 1 spot up. 6 with the Colts probably isn't happening, the Colts were adamant about staying in the top 10. the best bet is 7 with Tampa and I posted a thread on it with quotes from the GM saying he was in discussions to trade out of the spot.
  16. Pretty ignorant post OP. False rise, that's funny. Your bias is showing. It's the best QB draft class in years. People can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that QB is the most important position in football and perhaps in all of sports.
  17. A little late in the day for April fool's
  18. Because then they won't get to have their Look At Me moment in the sun
  19. I thought that part was pretty funny. I guess us hillbilly inbreds should set our sights lower in life like you apparently have. Is that the theme of this lovely Easter message?
  20. What the heck are you talking about? The Giants have Eli Manning. Go troll elsewhere
  21. You might have to delete your account. This is the worst prediction I think I've ever seen on this site
  22. Looks like some people didn't read this. Bump!
  23. That would be a correct assumption. Jackson will be good no doubt, but let's say he is the next Vick. Ok, was Vick really that good? Wasn't that much better than Tyrod imo, which is what I expect for Jackson at his peak. Slightly better than Tyrod. Maybe he gets rookie of the year and generates some buzz early on. He will make big plays but he can't consistently make the routine plays to drive you down the field. If people are wondering why Jackson didn't run the 40, one of the reasons I think is he tried to gain weight for the combine so people didn't think he was too skinny. During the season he looked like he was about 180 lbs. Now he's 215. Ok but can he maintain that size? You would like to see him around 220+ to take hits. He's built more like RG3 than Vick and it's a concern. Someone will draft him and be very happy to get him at pick 15 or so. It's great value. People also think Tyrod is good enough and we are dumb for getting rid of him. I'm ready for a legit pocket passer like the greats. I want to win the Superbowl. A lot of this study just reaffirmed what we saw with our own eyes. Mayfield had a really good college career and Allen did not. I don't rely too much on the stats. I still have Rosen as my #1 guy despite the crazy analytics that Mayfield has shown. I wouldn't be sad to have any of the top 4 guys, Allen included. They all pass the eye test to me. They are all better than anything we have had since Bledsoe so beggar's can't be choosers. If we got Jackson then fine but why trade Tyrod to get someone with a similar skill set? It would have been smart to keep him for 1 more year while you groom the replacement. I'm looking forward to this all being over. 3.5 weeks! Just get your guy no matter the cost. If your research says Darnold is the best then trade up to 2 and get him. If Mayfield then get him at 4. If Jackson I think you still have to trade up at least a couple of spots to make sure nobody else snags him. Get your guy, no more excuses. No more building teams that can ground and pound and win without a QB. Just get a freaking QB!
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