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Everything posted by K D

  1. jeez wtf. who is this Dr they are going to? our 2 best OL are in bad health and have to retire? wtf??
  2. Rosen at OBD as we speak. Mayfield flies in tonight!
  3. Friday, April 14, 1995 (age 22) Friday, August 9, 1985 (age 32)
  4. Baker Mayfield was born on a Friday. No good QB's are born on Fridays. FACT
  5. Everything Rosen says is true. My brother tried to play D1 and get a real degree. The coach said school was taking up too much of his time and he would have to change his major to something easy like what the other athletes took or he would lose his scholarship. Imagine that, a coach at a university saying pretty much what Rosen said. You can't play sports and school. My brother picked school and eventually lost his scholarship.
  6. I would personally like to see more mock drafts. "So and So's Official 2018 Mock Draft!!!"
  7. Overpaid for Clay for similar reasons. Greg Roman needed that piece for his offense. Star is a similar piece to McD's defense. He eats up the blockers so the LB's can run free. When you get new coaches you need guys to fit their scheme and you need them right away. Simple as that
  8. I love that Maccagnan drafted these guys and he's still there ready to draft a QB again. Is there anybody more clueless when it comes to evaluating QB's in the entire league? How does this guy still have a job?
  9. I am very good at evaluating QB's. This year it's Rosen. He's been my favorite since Winston and before him it was Luck. I didn't think anyone from last year's draft was going to be very good. I would have done the exact same thing and passed but I would have made sure I got Rosen this year at all costs. I don't like anybody next year or the year after. Nobody else is on my radar currently. Shea Patterson might have a nice year but it's only one year and he will still be a question mark to me. Not as sure of a thing.
  10. Sorry, nothing personal. That was just a really stupid post. Hope you understand
  11. From an outsider's perspective it seems like Talley has some bad CTE issues and it's really hurting his family. His wife has been searching for an outlet and that's how she got into writing. Wish them the best.
  12. Not in this scenario. They would get Chubb at 4 Hue Jackson says he dreams about pairing Chubb with Myles
  13. This would be very bad. Then it goes 1. Browns - Allen 2. Giants - Darnold 3. Jets - Rosen 5. Broncos - Mayfield We get nobody in this scenario. We need Darnold to go 1. That opens up either trading up to 2 or sitting back and getting the 4th QB (Mayfield or Rosen) at 6 or 7
  14. Also have pick 56. Who will still be there and who won't?
  15. Baker comes to Buffalo in the next 24 hrs!
  16. Rosen is here tonight, Mayfield is with the Jets tonight. Then we switch. Both teams should know who they want in the next 48 hrs
  17. You know who is a project QB this year? Josh Allen. Jets now have an opening on their roster at that exact position
  18. Wonder if he ends up in Houston. Funny how Bills and Jets took project QB's that year only to dump them early. What did they expect? That the project QB wouldn't be a project?
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