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Everything posted by K D

  1. Socialism is a rebrand of communism. Yes it leads to the same place. People get hooked on the welfare state and have to vote one way to keep their benefits and one party gets all powerful and you end up with a ruling class and a bunch of plebs. Happens every time. Checks and balances are needed. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If you want to "own nothing and be happy" move to North Korea
  2. It's obsolete? I did it. JD Vance did it. Anyone willing to work can do it. That's what freedom means. If you want to be successful and willing to work for it then you can.
  3. As Vladimir Lenin once said “The goal of socialism is communism.” when you have a socialist running for president who says all people should end up in the same place then it's not some kind of crazy conspiracy, she's quoting Marx
  4. 40 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_socialist_members_of_the_United_States_Congress
  5. Would be happy to discuss policies one by one. Stop making blanket statements because you know your side has no leg to stand on besides "Trump bad" who I have never voted for.
  6. Whose life needs to be better? Yours? Get a better job then. If you are talking about other people you don't know then mind your own business. Opportunity is there for those that are willing to work for it. My parents were both born into lower class households, my dad's family had 6 kids in a 2 bed apt and he didn't know if he would have food that day and his favorite meal was spaghetti with ketchup. To go from that to where we are now in 1 generation can't be accomplished with socialism where everyone is the same no matter your effort. Get a clue. It never works, especially when you have such a large part of the population unwilling to work. But you are trying to save these people. Have you ever spent time in the ghetto? Do you realize that these people wouldn't go to college if it was free or work if you handed them a job? You need to come back to reality, you live in a dream world where people do the right things in life.
  7. Now I know you're naive. I always wondered how people could be so gullible as to accept socialism, whose stated goal is communism.
  8. Soon they won't need to rig it. They plan to make all of the illegals citizens
  9. Doesn't fit the narrative. Only white men do mass shootings I'm told
  10. I used to read history books about Germany or Russia and be like how did these people not see this coming? I never thought it would happen here and that people simply wouldn't care
  11. These friggin morons think this is ok because it helps their side. It's only a matter of time before they use it against them. Have they never read a book in their life? This is basically the game plan for every authoritarian takeover in history. Media propaganda, rewriting history, throw your political opponents in jail or assassinate them, install leaders without democratic process. This is not some kind of crazy conspiracy this is literally happening in our country and nobody seems to care.
  12. He changed his mind like some of my family members did after 4 years of Biden
  13. I think if we get to that point we are all screwed. That's end of the world type stuff. I hope it doesn't completely fail but dollars are increasingly becoming more and more worthless every day (inflation) and China already stopped using dollars in trade so there's that. My personal thought is that US dollars are worthless in theory now that we are off the gold standard and maybe other countries won't want to be bullied into using it for trade anymore so it doesn't need to completely fail for us to see hyper inflation. Our entire economy is supported by the fact that we are the world's super power and we can print dollars any time we want. What if nobody wants US dollars anymore? Look at our deficit. Why would other countries allow us to print endless dollars to pay it down? Something will eventually have to give. Bitcoin is just another asset class, much easier to trade than physical goods. A use case might be the US is in a civil war and you flee to Europe but nobody wants your US dollars to pay for things but they do want your Bitcoin so maybe you trade a Bitcoin for local currency. You can't easily trade a house or a car in that situation and you aren't going to be walking around with a backpack full of gold bricks. Or maybe we see hyper inflation and Bitcoin will suddenly seem pretty stable when soup costs $100 a can. Maybe you won't need some Bitcoin. But if you do, I do know that you can wait to buy it and it will just cost more and more. I have a friend that said at 5k he was waiting for it to go back under 1k then at 20k he was waiting for 10k and now at 68k he's waiting for like 30k. He's just always going to be waiting. Any maybe he won't need it but it's a nice option to have.
  14. To your point I think there will be crypto with better use cases for currency replacement. I don't personally see that happening for Bitcoin. I think it's like gold bullion and if you want dollar dollar bills you will trade it as needed.
  15. It was more of a narrative on the naysayers rather than a personal response. My thought process is 1 Bitcoin always equals 1 Bitcoin. I don't really care how many US dollars that equals on a day to day because I have a Bitcoin that has a value in whatever currency I will eventually need to transact with. I don't keep track of what my real estate or classic cars are worth. I know they have a value that is likely much more than I paid and if I ever need cash to transact (cash that goes down in value every day and much more so under this regime) then I can finance them or sell them at current market values. It's just another asset class and one that has been and continues to be quite fruitful!
  16. Crypto as a whole is still in its early adoption phase so yes it's pretty volatile if your goal is to swap it for dollars. I personally think it's smarter to hold it, buy an amount you can afford to lose and forget that you have it. If you go in with the mindset that you want to own the crypto and not paper dollars then you are going to care less about the day to day fluctuations. A president that supports it and some limited common sense regulation will do a lot to bring confidence and stability. You also don't invest in gold, you hold it. It's often a safe haven when you know other investments are about to go to crap. Bitcoin has a limited supply much like gold and will hopefully be considered "digital gold," easier to travel with and quicker to transact for local currency as needed. Your arguments are similar to the argument against Trump. "This will happen if he gets elected." Well it didn't happen last time Trump was in office and Bitcoin also didn't do whatever you are scared it will do. Some people on these forums are up like 1,000%+ at this point so it's hard to take people serious when they say how crypto is worthless. If anything the dollar is becoming worthless which is why 1 Bitcoin is worth way more dollars now. 1 Bitcoin always equals 1 Bitcoin.
  17. With Bitcoin if you think of it as a reserve currency rather than transactional you might "get it." Nobody buys pizza with gold bullion either.
  18. Yes you guys should stay out of it lol. People have been saying that since Bitcoin was $68 and now it's $68,000 and by the time you guys have to buy some because the dollar is collapsing and nobody uses it for trade it will be $680,000.
  19. Nice try @IRS. I don't know what you are talking about 🤫
  20. They want to indoctrinate them early. That's why they push this stuff so hard in schools. Seems to be working. Kamala is up big with 18-24 year olds and they don't know why. This stuff is now normal for them.
  21. The last time the world got this bad God sent a flood. Anyone got a boat for sale?
  22. Lol this senator from Montana has zero shot at being reelected. That was a bad example
  23. Look at his pic. The guy is a total dweeb. It's only women and weak men on the left
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