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Everything posted by K D

  1. Tyrod AND Stanton. When they signed Stanton I was like boom they are going for Allen. They don't want him to even worry about being the backup. He will have 2 yrs to develop
  2. I saw this too. A lot of people only see as many as 20 1st round worthy picks in this draft. Pick 22 might as well be a 2nd rounder
  3. I agree with this. He has poor footwork at times and gets skittish in the pocket if there is any pressure. He wants to start running and then he wants to sling the ball across his body. What Josh Rosen said in an interview was so amazingly accurate: a QB needs to be "monotonously consistent." Every throw needs to look the same, from your mechanics, your feet, your arm position. That's what the greats practice. You basically have to be a robot. I also agree that I don't think we have anyone on staff to be a QB guru. We also don't have a veteran QB that can work with the young man. AJ McCarron will be a good backup but he doesn't have the experience or intelligence like someone like Fitz or McCown have. We don't have the right structure in place to develop a QB and this is a huge concern of mine. This is very true. You can try and teach good mechanics but once there is a 300 lb lineman running at you it is easy to fall back into your old habits. It's fight or flight and your body is just trying to survive. You can slightly tweak things but to completely change someone's mechanics is a fool's task
  4. i had to go back to this thread today with all of these rumors swirling. everyone just breathe. at the very least he's going to be better than anything we have had in a long time, although that's not a high bar to reach
  5. I agree with this. They might like his size and his arm and ohh and ahh when he throws but when it comes time to actually pick him i don't think they have the guts to make that kind of gamble. they might secretly covet him but it's too much of a risk. now the question is how far does he fall? does Denver scoop him up or do they make the Bills at least think they will get him unless they give up a HUGE haul. i think they are in a very powerful position now and they know it
  6. I am still very surprised by all of this. by taking Chubb first they are pretty much saying that they think he is a HOF type talent worthy of the spot and he's worth the 3+ 1st round picks another team would surely trade to get the #1 pick. that says a lot. i didn't think Chubb was that good but I didn't watch a lot of NC State so who knows. it seems like many have either Barkley or Nelson as their top players in the draft. I know an edge rusher is more valuable than those positions but they already have 2 young DE's in Cleveland and Garrett actually was worth the 1st pick as he was seen as a generational type talent. Louis Riddick on ESPN did say he would take Chubb over Garrett because he was a tough hard nosed type player but a lot of people dismissed that as crazy tv talk. if i was Cleveland it's very clear what the right thing to do is: Darnold at 1 and Barkley or Chubb at 4. it's such a no brainer that it's pure comedy that they are thinking of going in another direction. the Browns will always be the Browns i guess!
  7. The Browns and Giants are going to screw this up for us. The right thing to do is to take Darnold at 1. Everyone has known that for a while. He fits what Cleveland wants to do and he is a personality match for that organization. It was a slam dunk no brainer. The Giants then don't really NEED a QB and would be happy with Chubb. He fills an immediate need with the departure of JPP. But now they have their choice of QB in the best QB draft in the past decade so any GM would be like hmmmmm interesting, especially since their current QB is getting old. Now what we have is a cluster **** my friends: 1. Browns- Chubb 2. Giants- Darnold 3. Jets - Mayfield 4. Browns - Rosen 5. Broncos - Allen We are on the outside looking in. There is a chance that Barkley at 5 is too good of a deal to pass up for Elway but he is QB crazy and has been on a mission all offseason to check out all of the QB prospects in person with his entire staff with him. Hopefully Allen isn't who he wants since they already have a big inaccurate QB project with Paxton Lynch. So maybe they do take Barkley at 5. I'd say it's 50-50. We either zero in on our guy and give up everything to get to 2 or we sit back and see if we can get Allen at 6-7. If the Giants know their pick is now for the top QB in the draft it will be worth a massive haul. Expect 12, 22, 53, 56, 65, next year's 1st. If the Bills think they have found their QB that will be around for the next decade then do it. Otherwise you are hoping and praying you get a shot at Allen, a QB who is 2 yrs away from starting.
  8. You need to look at the big picture. Computer bots that instantly buy up tickets so that they can be sold for large profits. Smaller venues where people are on waiting Iists to even go to a game unless they pay the high mark ups. It's illegal in many states for a reason and it's a loophole that can be easily closed if not for a big company like StubHub lining the team's pockets to not shut them out
  9. The ticket itself isn't worth anything more than the paper it's printed on. It's up to the team whether or not they want to admit you. I have a problem with people buying up the available tickets and then selling for more than they paid (scalping). There are good honest people that want to go to the games that can't afford season tickets and can barely afford the face value of the individual ticket. Then you have the people that buy the leftover tickets and sell them for double the price. It's not right and it can be easily stopped in today's digital age. I'm looking forward to when they close that loophole.
  10. I don't like anyone profiting from ticket sales except for the teams
  11. Sam Darnold's low side is Andrew Luck? Lol omg that might be the dumbest thing I've heard this entire draft season and there have been some doozies. What a clown
  12. How is it that Josh Rosen and Baker Mayfield came and went and there's no pics online or any kind of info leak? Nobody saw them at the airport? It's a small airport, someone must have seen something
  13. 1. Sam Darnold - Bills 2. Josh Rosen - Jets 3. Josh Allen - Cardinals 4. Baker Mayfield - Browns 5. Lamar Jackson - Ravens Bonus: Bills Pick - Darnold
  14. Apparently Sam Darnold will be the 1st and 2nd pick of the draft lol
  15. No I don't personally believe we have anyone that can develop a QB. Hopefully we get Rosen who is already well polished and works with his own people including Tom House. If they think they are going to draft someone like Allen and develop him then good luck. I don't know who they think on their staff is that gifted of a QB coach/developer of young talent
  16. his brother doesn't seem like a motivational kind of guy
  17. i hate scalpers. and Stub Hub scalps the scalpers. i think the leagues should only allow the ticket to be used by the purchaser and if you have to sell it for some reason then you transfer it through their own website so you cant profit on it
  18. well by your own admission both teams still ended up doing pretty well, which is what my point was. it doesn't hurt the team as bad as you are making it seem
  19. who has recently? Washington? because they still did pretty well by having Cousins as a backup
  20. i don't think any of the top 5 teams wants to fall back to 12, if they even want to trade at all. move up to 7 now if that helps get a deal done. you can't be nonchalant with the QB position. sitting back and waiting to see how it falls is not a viable option
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