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Everything posted by K D

  1. I think any team that gets Allen is going to be in a hurry to get him on the field. You use a top pick (or many top picks in our case) and you want results, I get it. But he is so much farther back than someone like Rosen it's crazy. He will just continue to do what he's been doing and it's a good way to play yourself out of the league.
  2. Experts is in quotes because they are wrong as much if not more than fans, many of whom have playing experience and coaching experience themselves. People on NFL staffs start out as assistants getting coffee and cutting film. From there it's like any job where the smartest people aren't necessarily the ones promoted. It's the ones that talk a big game and get the ear of the right people. To think they know any more than some of us who study the game is laughable
  3. I would be pessimistic but secretly hopeful. I don't think they have the coaches or mentors in place to develop him. Even on the Patriots he would be a 2-3 yr project
  4. Rosen is so much better. This is seriously like how Aaron Rodgers fell. Everyone is like uhhh what that's the best QB in a long time what is going on. I love when people say trust the "experts" but the fact of the matter is that like any workplace it gets political, people talking a big game trying to justify their position in the pecking order, trying to do way too much. Just take the best freaking QB and stop with all of this other nonsense
  5. He would be a distraction and a side show act. Very disruptive to what they are trying to do. So I think there is a lot to lose
  6. No, Allen at 2-5 and giving up all of their draft picks to get him = yikes
  7. That is certainly the scouts point of view. From a QB's point of view he looks sloppy. Everything he does is pretty much what they tell you not to do. Much like the RB throwing in my story, it works and it gets the job done for the most part but it's not pretty. It could cause big issues at the next level. His throwing motion is not repeatable. It's anyone's guess what is going to happen from play to play. You want your QB to be so robot like that it's almost boring. Think of Brady passing the ball down the field. Nothing exciting about it. 10 yards here, 15 there, right down the field to win the game. That is the type of passer Rosen is. Darnold, it's anyone's guess what is going to happen from play to play. It's exciting to watch but it doesn't have to be. It should be so mechanical that it's boring. If both were on my team Rosen would be my starter.
  8. I do agree with him that he never tried to gain a competitive advantage in any way
  9. I just watched Darnold and Rosen film back to back today. It's not even close. Rosen is so far superior it's a joke that this is even a discussion. Darnold dances around and jump passes it to get it in the playmakers hands. It's effective but it's not something you see at the NFL level. His footwork is horrible, he's falling away from the throw, all of his momentum is going backwards instead of stepping into the throw. It works on those short quick passes in that offense because it's basically a long handoff, just trying to get it into the receiver's hands to let them run with it. You never see him stand tall in the pocket and deliver a strike. If anything he will do that while scrambling or again while falling away from the pressure. I don't know if he lacks the arm strength on some of these throws or if it's just because he's falling backwards and doesn't have the momentum behind his throw because of his poor mechanics. Josh Rosen is next level. On multiple throws he is set up to deliver the throw to a receiver but at the last second checks it down mid throw. You can see him going through the progression and he changes his release at the last second to throw it underneath. Because of his mechanics he can do that without resetting his feet. It's absolutely brilliant to see. Perfect base, good footwork in the pocket, momentum going forward, nice follow through. Just so impressive. Ask any QB to watch the film and it's not even a contest between these guys. So what I think is happening is there's too many cooks in the kitchen. A scout watches the film and sees Darnold as a solid "football player" who is big and strong and effective. He can escape pressure and get the ball to the playmaker. But it's soooo ugly to watch. It's not what you are taught to do at all. We used to have a RB in high school that would do a sweep play with the option to throw and he would basically flip the ball to the wr. He wouldn't even try and grip the ball and throw a spiral he would just kind of flop the ball out there. That's what Darnold reminds me of. No mechanics. Any scout that has Darnold rated high is because they are not a QB, don't understand the position, and do not know what proper mechanics look like. Ask any QB to watch the tape and it would be unanimous. Rosen is the best QB in this draft.
  10. I vote for Derby Dan as my new favorite source
  11. Big day today in the city of angels. The Buffalo bills are on the west coast! Decisions to be made...
  12. Is anyone else surprised that the least likely to bust is Mayfield?
  13. You are reaching. A believable rumor would be someone like Sal Capaccio saying he heard something. Not some dumb kid on Twitter. You can search Twitter right now and find 100 rumors like this
  14. Oh dear. Some kid having fun online. Let me know when someone reputable tweets something. There's so much nonsense out there, this hardly needed it's own thread
  15. The one player is who I thought but it's a lot closer than I thought it would be. Interesting stuff
  16. No they didnt. Those were tackling dummies for training camp. I want a real QB
  17. not a McBeane guy. Jerry Jones literally had people on staff whose only job it was to keep Dez out of trouble. ain't happening
  18. i'm trying not to respond, i don't want to influence the voting. i'll just say that i think the voting so far is very interesting and not what i expected!
  19. I think that is overthinking it. Take the best player. I remember Drew Brees was available and nobody wanted him because he had shoulder concerns. Only the Saints and Dolphins were interested. Thank god he didn't go to the Dolphins. You can't predict injuries. Every football player will get injured at some point. It's just part of the game. Maybe Rosen had concussions in college but Darnold likes to run and maybe he has a career ending injury week 1. You never know
  20. Which top QB is most likely to BUST?
  21. Rosen has been a better prospect than Goff and Darnold his entire life. he was the Chosen Rosen for a reason, top recruit in the country, certainly best player in CA
  22. I also read that the team was moving to Hamilton because the Pegula's can't own 2 pro teams in the same city
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