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Everything posted by K D

  1. Yes we are the ones who are brainwashed lol. You are accepting the results of a blatantly stolen election, the likes of which haven't been seen in like 3.5 years
  2. Will this go down as the worst contract in NFL history? Broncos currently paying Russ a fortune to NOT play for them. The Watson deal could definitely still end up worse
  3. Those are the extra ballots they "found" once they started losing
  4. He should be in jail for insurrection then. Oh he's not even charged? And he left and gave up power when he was supposed to? He's the worst dictator in history lol
  5. How quickly things can and will change here if you elect Kamala and fall for this socialist nonsense
  6. Nancy Pelosi already admitted on video that she denied the request for the national guard and it was her fault.
  7. Yes it's sad. This is no longer the greatest country. To realize their goal of a one world government there can be no superpower. America must fall and we are already on that path
  8. People go to jail over and over again here. It's like a lifestyle. They don't care. They get 3 meals, a bed, and they hang out with their friends. Instead of jail, beat them with a cane so they can't sit down for a week and I bet they won't commit crimes anymore. Worked in Singapore. They don't even have littering. It's routinely ranked among the best countries in the world. They speak English there too. I'd consider moving there if our country continues down this communism path but it's close proximity to China is worrisome and to be a citizen there you have to renounce all other citizenships so it's like move there forever or don't. But it's an option.
  9. People can have a better life in another country. The US is like the 20th best country in the world as per recent polls based on standards of living. Why is it our job to take them in? We should have the strictest immigration we can to ensure we only get the best of the best. I'm even in favor of deporting lifelong criminals and deplorables that refuse to work.
  10. Lol so Jan 6 was a military operation to overthrow the government of the United States of America? Lol there's no way you believe that. That's one of the funniest things I've ever heard. They did a heck of a job then haha
  11. With LEGAL immigration you ensure you get the best of the best. Speed up that process. Great countries with high standards of living like Switzerland or Singapore only let you move there if you get a job and the company sponsors you or you are already skilled and super rich. Why would we expect any less for our own country? And Singapore has corporal punishment. I wrote a paper on how that improved their quality of life. There are millions of people in this country that need a good @$$ whooping!
  12. It's lunacy. They didn't do communism right, we will do it better is their thought. Over and over it fails. It's just so completely idiotic and mind numbingly painful. Capitalism, though not perfect, rewards the best of the best and pushes progress through competition. There will always be the people who are not smart enough to succeed but we always need janitors and laborers. Sorry, if you are stupid or lazy you probably won't succeed. Maybe move to another country if you don't like the jobs this country offers you. He tried what? Overthrowing the government? Lol you think a bunch of senior citizens with flags protesting is the same as armed conflict that's going on in Venezuela? Yikes, delusional
  13. You think doctors are walking across the border with backpacks? Holy crap man. These are the most unskilled of workers whose job prospects will all be replaced with automation within the next few years. Close the border, deport all illegals, speed up the process to bring in doctors, then you might have a shot at healthcare
  14. A country with an open border is not a country by definition. And then you want me to pay for people who don't belong here? And how will you ever see a doctor? You will get a cold and wait 4 months. Do you think there are infinity doctors? Your thought process boggles the mind
  15. Trump was already president and now he's not. How is that anything like this? You live in a fantasy land. Trump said it seemed rigged, the same exact thing Hillary said 4 years prior. You guys have a short memory it seems
  16. I support a communist? No, try and keep up. We will eradicate all commies, especially those in this country
  17. It's happening every day, how am I inventing anything? Just imagine once they say these people get free citizenship and free healthcare. Why even have a country at that point? And maybe that's their goal
  18. So your plan is to let anyone who wants free health care to walk across the border? Please don't ever open a business. You will be bankrupt in a week
  19. So you want to let in 10 million illegal immigrants, make them citizens, and then pay for their health care? And who is going to pay for this? Kick everyone out who doesn't belong here and doesn't work and then we'll talk. 4 years of Trump and he might clean this place up to where we can have those discussions
  20. One of them is running for President. Voted the most progressive left wing senator there was. Your argument might have had weight if not for the fact that one could be ruling in the next few months
  21. This will never be on the news. They are whitewashing the assassination attempt because it makes Trump "look like a badass."
  22. If you try and oppose the ruling class they have a fake trial and try and throw you in jail or assassinate you. Sound familiar?
  23. Yes sounds familiar because that happens every election in every communist country in the world
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