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Everything posted by K D

  1. you seem easy to please. were you like that when picking who to date/marry? "i'll take any girl that likes me!"
  2. probably trying to get teams to trade up to 1. by saying you are taking Baker maybe the Jets will panic and give up their 1st next year to move up. by sayin gyou are taking Darnold maybe the Giants or Bills try and move up.
  3. Browns deploying a CIA method of disinformation agents spreading false narrative. Sneaky sneaky
  4. i wonder if they are messing with Russ and telling him they are going after Allen just to see if it leaks. maybe now that they know that he is the leak they can finally move on from him
  5. if a normal top 5 QB has a 50% shot of being a franchise QB, I'd say Allen has about a 10% chance. it's not that he's a guaranteed bust, it's that he's such a project that nobody knows so to draft him that high is insane. he might be very good but there's a much better chance that he's bad like he has been his whole life
  6. Because they have about 15 different decision makers from all different backgrounds giving their input. It's a mess
  7. He would beat them out. He's never not played. He would be an annoying little gnat trying to get on the field. No way he sits wherever he goes
  8. Not possible. I don't see a scenario where we get one of the top 4 QB's without giving up 22 to move up. Miami has already contacted Denver about trading up to 5.
  9. Oh is that still happening? I was going to watch Jersey Shore but maybe I can DVR it
  10. I love the draft. I almost like it as much as the actual game. I'd watch it every day if it was on. 1 pick per day
  11. How's this for picky... I'd only be ok with these QB's at the following picks 1. Nobody, too expensive 2. Rosen 4. Rosen, if Rosen is taken then Mayfield, if Mayfield is also taken then Darnold 5+. Rosen, if Rosen is taken then Mayfield, if Mayfield is also taken then Darnold, if Darnold is taken then Allen
  12. My belief is they have Darnold QB1, Allen QB2. Why? Because those are my bottom 2
  13. Bills will be getting a QB. They have come this far, there's no turning back. Even if they get the 4th QB they will make it seem like that was their guy all along
  14. Only a dummy would trade with another team knowing the Bills have more to offer.
  15. Allen buzz is dying. Would be a good time for him to release a video of him throwing a football 80 yards while water skiing blindfolded
  16. The only way we get to 2 is by trading up to 4-6 before the draft
  17. I'm way down on that list, mostly because I had intercourse with all of your moms, wives, and sisters
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