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Everything posted by K D

  1. Trump won because of this nonsense. They still haven't learned. They must not want to ever win another election again. Keep pissing people off more because it has worked so well so far.
  2. So it's everyone else's fault? Typical lib response
  3. It's a vote blue no matter who braindead wasteland. If you are normal, the only way you can win there is if you are a "conservative Democrat." If you ran as R you immediately lose. You need that D by your name. Sad to see. We need more free thinking people in this world. They can't break the habit of just always voting Democrat even though this isn't the same Democrat party of 15-20 years ago
  4. Thanks God, it's already working. That's how it should be! Plus we don't need these nutjobs procreating and lucky for us they will never find a man that will put up with their BS. Trump presidency is already off to a great start!
  5. I just came here to post this. The smugness and elitist attitude of these nutjobs is off the charts. She thinks she's so above the lowly cashier at the liquor store that she laughs in his face. Disgusting. Do not feel bad for these people. They are getting exactly what they deserve.
  6. Well she's almost 40 and unmarried and childless but hey she writes good songs about how she picks the wrong partner. She's like one of her records...she gets a-round
  7. Kamala's campaign was such a disaster that FEMA mailed her a check for $750
  8. They are the party of elitists. This is what Dems used to be against. It's a big shift that people need to wake up to. The Dems are the establishment that they used to be against
  9. - Too much winning! - Not enough wars - Unnecessarily large number of job opportunities What am I going to do with all of this money? There's only so much room under my mattress. F U Donald Trump!! 😠
  10. She has really bad taste
  11. We can start here...
  12. I feel bad for some of these people because the media lied to them and they really think they are going to die or something. They are completely unhinged and out of touch with reality. We need to Make (mental)Asylums Great Again!
  13. Also - Not a poll but NYT DDHQ was right on during election night coverage, often calling states hours before the media.
  14. Typical Democrat. Bad with money, expects other people to pick up the tab. Is it too late to add "Presidential candidate debt forgiveness" to the student loan forgiveness?
  15. Bring in Ron Paul to END THE FED!
  16. How refreshing to have a president that actually likes this country! I've never been to a Nazi rally in a cornfield. Sounds like a good time 😂
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