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Everything posted by K D

  1. They will gladly debate on ABC because they sent the questions to Biden's team months ago for his prep. Trump should say let's do 2 more debates, 1 on Fox and 1 on neutral ground.
  2. So making up fake stories about him makes him weird? I think it's a narrative on this entire election. The Dems can't run on their record because they screwed up the entire country so all they can do is name call and make stuff up. Pretty sad that some of you would vote for this. Most of us care about actually fixing this country that is going down the tubes right in front of our eyes. It's very sad
  3. How is he acting weird? Or are you just repeating something you heard on TV? You are brainwashed
  4. They started planned parenthood to kill as many black babies as possible. They tell everyone Republicans are the racists to control the black vote and then never actually do anything to help black people. And everything they do is centered around identity politics. How is that not super racist? It's diabolical
  5. Dems are the party of the Confederacy and everything is always about race. It's disgusting. Don't you have a "white guys for Kamala" video conference now?
  6. You mean making up stories about having sex with a couch? Yes that's super weird and perverted but that's how your side thinks
  7. Yes we know, he supported Dems so he was likely racist
  8. Post 1 instance of people doing dumb things. I'd be curious to learn more. There must be tons of evidence of these "millions" of deaths he personally caused
  9. Huh? I thought you were one of the level headed people here you could have a conversation with. That's one of the dumbest things I've read on here and there's been some doozies.
  10. Check this out... From what I've seen in my age group is that as they get older and their looks fade they get bitter. Maybe they had kids and got fat or they are single and childless and also getting old and ugly so they are depressed about that. Not a lot of happy marriages out there because women are taking on way too much. It used to be you just have to be a good mother and take care of your family. Now these dumb feminists are like "you can do it all" and women are pressured to raise a family, work, and stay looking attractive. It's too much, there's only so much time in the day so you are going to slack in some areas to keep up in others. All Harrison Butker was saying is you can be excited about your future but perhaps the most exciting thing they will do is raise a family. Strong families used to be the core of this country. We need to bring that back asap.
  11. She's a moron but she will have the debate questions months ahead of time and she's memorizing the responses already guaranteed. That's why it's important to have as many debates as possible on neutral ground. She won't do it because she won't be able to prep
  12. Trump is the worst dictator ever. He requested military support to keep the protests calm and peaceful and then left office after the successful transfer of power. Wow what a tyrant!
  13. On WBEN they were discussing what if Trump asked Vance to step down and had RFK Jr on the ticket and brought his 5-10% of votes with him. Would that be a winning ticket? Or would RFK instantly become Hitler Jr Jr?
  14. The union leaders who get kickbacks always vote Dem. The ACTUAL workers do not
  15. The only thing more depressing than an old worn out childless liberal cat lady is one that's in charge of the entire country
  16. You are talking to a Obama supporter from 16 years ago. The Left went so far Left I can't even see them anymore and now as middle of the road as I am my views are now far right apparently lol
  17. "Sharp as a tack" "He's sharp" "Like a tack" "Sharp like a tack" That video is both scary and humorous. You have to laugh or you will cry
  18. You think Union workers would ever vote for Kamala? Lol I would love to meet even 1 that would. They support the non-working class. Go to any factory in the country and everyone there will vote Trump in Nov
  19. They don't vote in person because he knows he can rig her ballot. Don't worry, he's a Dem from back when they used to help working class folks. Now they only help the non working class Although I don't think he's voting for Kamala. Or so he says. Even he has his limits.
  20. If there really was a Professor Suggon Deeznuts then I'm pretty sure Kamala would have had an affair with him
  21. The dictator that the Dems dream of being by importing voters and rigging elections. You are acting like I'm a Trump supporter. Never voted for him in my life and these scare tactics don't work on independents. If you think one side is better than the other you are in for a rude awakening.
  22. I know for a fact people cheat on mail-in ballots. My grandma has never voted in her life. My grandpa votes for her via mail in ballot. Doing that on a large scale is called ballot harvesting. Just do it in person with ID if you don't want crazy people saying it's rigged, right? Easy solution
  23. One side says "they are using illegals and dead people to cheat." Commons sense solution, verify the ID of the person voting the day of the election. "Nooooo" says the other side. Why so against this common sense answer to prove the election is fair and secure? One side says the election booths are connected to the internet (fact) and rigged. Common sense solution, use paper ballots. "Noooo" says the other side. Lol ok. So you don't want to ensure everyone that this is legit? Got it.
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