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Everything posted by K D

  1. And who is the backup QB in Denver now? Interesting move
  2. This line, this receiving group, add Tom Brady. We would have a team full of pro bowlers and nobody would be complaining
  3. Do you live in an area where it's normal to have someone on drugs come into your house at 1am? Some parts of the country he would have been shot. He's lucky to be alive. Some people just need to stay in jail for a while
  4. So we need to ignore all of last season and all of the preseason and take a small sample size of 7 games where he rotated with Shaq Lawson so he only played half the time?
  5. Misses all of last season then all of the preseason with a different injury now this. But he's never injured hmm
  6. Goes crazy heavy on the weights in the off-season then wonders why he's always injured. He didn't read the TB12 Method
  7. Coaches arrive at 5am and sometimes pull all nighters and sleep in their office. There isn't a dollar figure that would get Romo to leave a job where he works 2-3 days a week and gets paid almost as much as a coach anyhow, especially in Buffalo. Cowher has turned down the Bills multiple times
  8. The good news is it's hopefully only a 4 year plan: year 1 don't draft a QB and watch as good QB's get drafted after your pick, year 2 trade away anyone with talent so you can move up and draft a QB with less talent than the QB's you passed on, years 2-3 said QB is exposed as a fraud and coaches fired, year 4 new coach drafts a new QB.
  9. OP is on to something. Ralph doesn't want to win because then he has to pay the players higher salaries.
  10. Hard to hear the truth. Keep living in denial. Ignorance is bliss.
  11. Just because we don't have any QBs that can throw for 200 yards doesn't mean we should be missing Tyrod. Expect more from your team. 300 yards passing is a pretty average game for a good QB in today's NFL. 100 is not acceptable. Has nothing to do with the receivers. We blamed it on the receivers before and now they are all over the league doing well. Benjamin will go somewhere and have 800-1000 yards receiving next year. Until we have a modern passing attack we will be a bottom feeding team
  12. Josh Rosen is a highly touted rookie QB, albeit a struggling one at the moment. Josh Allen is a good athlete. I think Josh Allen would make a good H-back. Maybe we can sign him and Tebow and run the wing T offense because we sure as heck can't pass the ball with any consistency. Ground and pound baby! If you guys think he's all of a sudden going to "get it" then you are delusional. He's never been a good passing QB at any level of competition. I hear a lot of people saying dumb things like Mahomes was a project and he panned out so Allen can too! You do realize that Allen has only had 2 300-yard passing games in his entire life right? Mahomes AVERAGED over 400 yards per game passing in college against much better competition. Different offenses sure but he showed a propensity to air it out and complete passes when given the opportunity. Allen is never going to be that guy. In today's NFL, 300 yards is a pretty average day for a good QB. We will never see that kind of passing attack under Allen. Maybe we can win some games with good defense but we will never be better than a .500 team +- 1 game until we get a QB that can consistently pass the ball down the field
  13. Give me a team full of guys who follow "the process" and a big strong armed QB to throw in those massive Buffalo snow storms!
  14. Brady is the biggest cry baby in all of sports. I'm glad he's not on my team
  15. I like Allen. He's big and he jumps over people.
  16. 6-10, bad enough to be an embarrassment but not bad enough to get one of the top guys. That's how you stay mediocre forever. It's too bad because this defense is playing amazing. Offense is one of the worst in the history of the NFL
  17. "Hi Schopp and Bulldog, this is Sean from Orchard Park. Long time listener first time caller. I think we should start Peterman on Sunday. I'll hang up and listen."
  18. When the best QB on your team is 50 yr old Derek Anderson who doesn't know the playbook then you aren't in a very good situation as a head coach.
  19. He's not very good but it's not his fault the Bills traded up to get him and put all of their hopes and dreams on him when he's a project that needs a lot of work. They did the same thing with EJ. Raw talent, needs developing. Let's start him right away! Derp
  20. They preach 1 of 11. Unfortunately the QB is much more valuable than that and they have proven that they have no clue when it comes to the most important position in all of sports.
  21. Hmm...what would I re-do? I haven't really given it much thought...? Hmmm you guys might be on to something here...
  22. I have zero bias but I'm not sure if we drafted the right QB
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