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Everything posted by K D

  1. Peterson had a year off and then was sparingly used ever since. Not to mention he is a once in a generation type athlete. So I think it's a mix of an anomaly and circumstance
  2. Better to get a great like Jim, Thurman, or Bruce. Players these days are lucky to be on the team for 2-3 years then you have to buy another jersey! I have a closet full of regret
  3. Josh Allen is taller and can jump over guys. It's pretty obvious to me
  4. Better in high school, better in college, better in the pros. Not sure who is going to argue against that one. People that prefer Allen think he MIGHT some day be better. And I MIGHT win the lottery. It could happen
  5. Rosen's better. Not sure what that has to do with Barkley starting over Allen for the time being so he can try and improve. Rosen isn't on this team. They traded up and took a worse player when they could have stayed back and took a better QB and still had their 2nd round pick. That's just a fact and thus my screename. Barkley isn't good either but it will buy them time to work with Allen more and try and salvage him. He was getting worse and worse. He's going to play himself out of a job if he continues to regress. Not sure what the hurry is to throw a raw player back out there to get killed when he hasn't had time to work on anything to improve. He just started throwing last week. Give him more time
  6. Rubber ring, doesn't count. Fitz wears the real thing
  7. Who said that? He's not playing well and yet he's still better than Allen in all categories. Not sure what that has to do with this topic anyhow
  8. The correct answer is: 1. Barkley 2. Allen 3. Anderson - IR 4. Peterman - cut Play the hot hand and stick with Barkley and see if there's anything there. Give Allen some more time to work on his fundamentals. Now that he can throw, he should be working on that stuff. Not trying to rush back from an injury so he can play the same crappy brand of football. You IR Anderson now that you have Allen back. Peterman probably couldn't even start in the SEC this season let alone the NFL. Cut him immediately. McBeane might then put him on the practice squad which I think is dumb but whatever. But we have 2 QB's worth keeping on the active roster. No need to carry any more than that now.
  9. Tough act to follow. Especially vs the Jags. He's going to get killed. What are you guys going to do after Allen has another 80 yard passing day? Especially after we saw what this offense could do with a competent QB. Can't go back to Barkley for the rest of the season at that point. Allen should be working on his footwork, learning to not throw while falling backwards, learn how to make quick decisions and release the ball quickly, learn how and when to throw with some touch. What's the hurry? Most experts didn't think he should have played at all this year and we saw why. Let him learn some more. He's not going to get better by throwing him to the wolves. At that point he's just in survival mode and he will quickly revert back to his poor mechanics because that's what he knows and what he's done his whole life. Unless jumping over guys is what you want out of your QB then Allen has a LONG way to go. Worst rated #1 QB in the NFL
  10. It would be closer than you think. The argument that any pro player is better than non pro player X is incorrect. As someone who played sports at the D1 level, the difference between those that made it and those that didn't is negligible in some cases. Scouts sometimes prefer a player because of what they potentially could be. They have the size and athleticism so they take a chance on them and they go pro. Do they deserve it over someone who every step of the way has been just as good or sometimes better but doesn't have the measurables the scouts look for? Someone decides your fate because you aren't as tall or fast or whatever as this other guy that isn't currently any better than you are. Not fair imo but such is life. Then there's the guys that don't make it because they couldn't get through school, get into drugs, get into trouble. We all knew people like this growing up. All the talent in the world but they wasted it and went down the wrong path. Those red flag type players don't make it to the pros and most don't even make it to college. So not only do I think that a very good college team could upset a pro team but I think that under the right circumstances a team of walk on players could give them a good game as well.
  11. It will be Who cares - whatever to Don't care - I'm not watching I haven't watched the last 2 games and I got a lot done around the house. If Allen doesn't play and Darnold doesn't play I have zero interest in this game
  12. We won't be a modern NFL team until we have a top offensive coordinator with a complex passing scheme. Defense and the run game do not win games in this league anymore. We have had a top defense and run game in years past and where did that get us? We need 400 yard passing games and 30+ points on the board. Nobody is talking about how bad the Saints defense is for giving up 35 against the Rams because the offense scored 45!
  13. I can't wait to hear how Murph spins this one. According to him we don't know what Peterman is as a QB yet and the "idiots on Twitter" are being unfair to him. I'm sure it will be something about how he needs help from the playmakers and the offensive line. The only thing offensive is Murph's grasp on reality. Tune in to WGR at noon if you are trying to lose weight because it will make you sick to your stomach right before lunch
  14. He works out at Westside Barbell during the off-season where everyone does roids and then tries to squat 1000 pounds until their knees shred in half and they can't walk. It's no wonder he's always injured. I'm sure there's multiple articles on him working out there but you will learn more about it by looking up Westside Barbell and the owner Louie Simmons.
  15. Trent Murphy needs to follow the TB12 Method. He does basically the opposite by powerlifting all off-season. He's shortening his muscles and losing flexibility thus damaging his body. Lorenzo Alexander does Pilates and I don't think any one of us would call him a sissy because he doesn't deadlift cars in a parking lot like Murphy. Murphy works out at a gym where the owner has a broken back, no bicep muscles because they have torn off, and has basically destroyed his body. That should have been his first clue.
  16. The real trick is going to be when Schmidt punts it left footed and blows everyone's minds
  17. Thanks. Are you going to tell me yesterday's lottery numbers too?
  18. You guys must be new here. Bills will win enough meaningless games down the stretch to knock them out of the running for the top guys. Happens every year. Easiest schedule in the NFL the rest of the way
  19. And the point of this would be because? Let the kid keep developing on the cheap and see if he can be the guy.
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