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Everything posted by K D

  1. In basketball you don't stand there and wait for the ball to come to you. A shot goes up and you find a player and box him out. Nobody puts a body on the WR's they just stood there and waited for the ball to fall into their lap. Terrible technique. When the ball is in the air, get your elbow and put it in the WR's chest and box him out. As the ball comes down, high point it and knock it down into the ground. Don't try and catch it. Horrible defense and they clearly have not addressed this or practiced it, if so then yikes
  2. Which QB is the one that people are saying is completely washed up and which one is the one you gave an A to today? 15/25 174 yards, 54 rushing, 0 int 11/18 154 yards, 23 rushing, 1 int
  3. I think Edmunds will be an all pro level player...at OLB in a 3-4 defense. If he leaves he will be a Marshawn Lynch or Steph Gilmore level star on another team. He's playing out of position and it's really tough to watch. Zero MLB instincts and next to no physicality. But he's young and athletic and could have a bright future...elsewhere.
  4. Their business model was flawed from the start. They offered these sports writers unheard of salaries to try and obtain top talent. How were they ever going to reach profitability? Or did they know they never would and just hoped to appear to be successful/popular in hopes of making a name for themselves and then taking on more investors before cashing out? Either way, I'm not sure where these writers expect to work once the house of cards comes crashing down. Newspapers not hiring, magazines don't exist, their jobs at news stations have been filled. It's a dying industry. A more suitable business model would have been to offer freelance work to writers working as independent contractors and then paying them based on the subscription and ad revenue their articles generated. As it became more popular and profitable they could afford to pay more "per click." Having these guys on salary was never going to work. The future is blogging and vlogging and if the written word is going to survive then they need to get on board and follow a similar model.
  5. So signing good veteran players is ok unless it's at QB? Would it hurt Josh's feelings? Best player should play. If Cam came in and beat him out (does anyone doubt that he would?) then he deserves to play. We should always be looking to improve at all positions. If Josh is the franchise QB then he should have no problem beating out a washed up Cam Newton right? Not sure why it should be any different than any other position/player. Tom Brady would be the first to say he succeeded because he didn't take his spot for granted for one second. He knew if he didn't perform that Belichick would have no problem replacing him. They drafted QB's all the time, always looking to improve. Not sure why other teams feel the need to baby their QB and are scared to hurt their feelings. If a good player is available and he wants to come in on a prove it deal then why wouldn't we be looking to improve at all positions?
  6. In the 3rd quarter the Bills defense went into prevent and the offense put in Frank Gore. They were acting like it was the end of 4th quarter and they needed to protect the lead. There was still a lot of time left. By being conservative and trying not to lose they lost. Bad coaching, poor execution, bad tackling, bad refs = L
  7. Hi this is the FBI, please tell me more about this illegal streaming service that you are advertising
  8. He is the worst. He tries to act like a know-it-all and most of the time he's wrong. I was hoping his big announcement was that he was leaving radio. Do him and Schopp have lifetime contracts or something? Hopefully he becomes a stay at home dad. Although if anyone had time for 4 kids it would be someone who "works" 4 hours a day
  9. Worked out all off-season on Roids and comes back and only has 4 game suspension. Worth it. Just ask fellow Patriot Julian Edelman who juiced and got in amazing shape, sat out a few games, came back and won Super Bowl MVP
  10. 3 Tackles and a Guard. Who is moving to G?
  11. I hope they pick up a legit veteran #1 receiver. There will hopefully be some surprise training camp cuts. After fixing the line, I don't want any excuses when Allen only completes 50% of his passes again
  12. "Soft, doesn't take on blockers or meet the ball carrier in the hole, poor instincts, can't cover tight ends over the middle, easy 10 yards every play." Yup it's Edmunds. I was hoping they would get a real MLB and let him rush the passer instead. Seems like a waste of his great size and athleticism to have him standing there in the middle looking lost the whole game. He's only 21, sure, so let him grow into a position he can actually play.
  13. Two things to keep in mind: Bad shoulder and it's very likely he is older than they are saying. He's probably early 30's. Multiple reports saying they listed him as 2 years younger to help his draft position. I'd much prefer a trade for Clowney if it made financial sense to do so
  14. I think he's going from one messed up situation to another. Miami clearly rebuilding and gutting their roster so it will be a similar situation. Was hoping he would go to Giants or San Diego so he could get a fair shot. Did not want him on the Pats as I think he would have been highly successful there. Either way I think Josh Allen is still terrible and can't hit the broad side of a barn but hey at least he can run. What will the excuses be this year when he completes 50% of his passes again? They brought in every available free agent OL, WR, and RB on the planet plus addressed it in the draft. Can't keep using your legs unless you want to end up injured. Eventually he has to actually be a QB.
  15. Waste of talent to have him on this team the past 2 years. Would have had good trade value back then. Worthless now. Who is trading for a RB over 30 with declining stats and a high salary?
  16. An intelligent response, thank you
  17. The real head scratcher here is that the Bills passed on a strong armed QB with accuracy and footwork issues whose AMAZING passing numbers made you wonder if it would translate to the NFL... and INSTEAD 1 year later took a strong armed QB with accuracy and footwork issues who had terrible passing stats. Look at Mahomes' college stats vs Allen's and it's clear who they should have bet on if they were going to try and develop someone with a big arm. Mahomes had as many passing yards as Allen's senior season in 3 games!
  18. Browns tanked, got a bunch of good players and the top QB in the draft, had a ton of cap space and got some great veterans, and now they are a top team in the AFC. On the other hand, during that same time period the Bills decided it was smart to try and win with a bad roster full of old dudes, got some mediocre players in the draft, got some mediocre veterans, and a mediocre/bad QB (but hey he can run). Browns will go 10-6 and be AFC North contenders and a playoff team and the Bills will be watching the playoffs on TV like always
  19. They need to use this. No doubt about it.
  20. A rookie pocket QB that didn't have a pocket to throw in. The results were not surprising. He will be better off long term at any of these locations. A year behind Eli or better yet a couple behind Brady and I think he can still be a very good QB in this league. He was not anticipating receivers and was late on a lot of throws, which is something he absolutely did not do in college, so I think there is more to the story like he lost confidence and was second guessing himself. Also being traded does not mean he's not good. In fact it means that he's a very good value option for teams and just because he isn't the best fit for a new coach with the #1 pick doesn't mean he's not going to flourish elsewhere. If Kingsbury thinks Murray is the best QB to run his offense then he would be an idiot not to draft him knowing that Rosen will likely get them an additional high draft pick. If Kingsbury's offense doesn't work then it's very unlikely he would get another shot in the NFL. This is a very important experiment for the league to see if a college air raid offense can succeed at the next level.
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