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Everything posted by K D

  1. It's only a matter of time before they turn the drones on us. Would you like Trump having that kind of power? "Oh he's a Kamala supporter, he's guilty of something." They can make up the reasons after the fact. Plant some kiddie stuff on their computer or bomb parts at their house and nobody can say anything then. That's why we have trials so both sides are expressed and then a jury decides. I'm not for this, sorry. It's a slippery slope.
  2. I changed my mind. You aren't naive, you are stupid. It's up to the local government to send the stats to the FBI. The local Soros DA's don't or the FBI decides not to publish them. Either way, it's not a reflection on reality. You would have to be an absolute moron to think things are safer out there now. Do you just never leave your house? I bet you think the economy is doing great too. All of the metrics published by the Dems say so. Meanwhile homelessness is through the roof and nobody can afford basic expenses like food and gas.
  3. Was it a drone strike? He's a bad dude sure but I don't agree with someone just walking around and then they get bombed out of nowhere. No wonder other countries hate us (yes likely our technology). He needs to be on trial and then sentenced.
  4. In addition to the colors they likely have them ranked which we don't see. This doesn't give all of the info that's for sure
  5. They don't report violent crimes that's why. You are pretty naive
  6. So we've got Venezuelans, Mexican cartels, Jihadists, Chinese, and Iranians walking across the border. What could go wrong?
  7. Trump will win the electoral college and lose the popular vote and then Dems can cry about the electoral college some more and threaten to change it like they are threatening the supreme court just because things aren't going their way
  8. Fire everyone until you find someone willing to provide some open and honest answers. "We don't know" 2 weeks after the attack is not acceptable in any profession let alone one so important.
  9. You don't want to go there. The Dems are trying to make pedophilia legal in CA because they said it unfairly hurts the LGBTQ community. If your stance is there's more weirdos on the Republican side you would be mistaken lol. There's a good number there but it's not even close
  10. Tying yourself to this administration is career suicide. Either you lose or worse case you win and your name is linked to what's about to happen to our country over the next 4 years of lawlessness and illegal immigration. And in the meantime you have to stick up for the past 4 years while on the campaign trail when everyone knows it was a trainwreck run by the guys holding up a dead corpse like from Weekend at Bernie's
  11. And Joe Biden showers with his daughter. Everyone has a memoir these days trying to make some $
  12. Joe Burrow gets injured walking down the street. He's aiming to get that free healthcare so this was believable
  13. From planned parenthood's own website: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/about-us/who-we-are/our-history The Dems are racist on a whole other level. That's diabolical stuff. Telling black people the other party is racist while meanwhile exterminating them with our tax dollars. Daaaamn!
  14. It's like when Planned Parenthood kills all the black babies. It's Democratic state funded ethnic cleansing. Pretty racist
  15. That's pretty wild that NC could even be in question. Everyone from NY moved there and kept voting the same way. The locals must be going crazy
  16. It's funny because Dems are still racist. Get it? Lol
  17. He would be smart to. It should be a package deal now. ABC + Fox Need to have at least 2 with the candidates. We saw what happened in #1. Biden did so bad he had to drop out. I'm almost positive Kamala would do that bad at a Fox one and then they are screwed
  18. Thanks, yes that was the poll I saw but didn't know about the MOE
  19. How so? Would the 8% come over with him to the Trump ticket? Or do you think they will lose voters as a result?
  20. I just saw a poll that had Harris up big in PA which would be wild considering she is totally anti-fracking. PA also voted for Biden though so I guess they are just stupid and deserve everything that comes their way. My question is RFK has a sizeable polling number. Why don't him and Trump team up to finish off this Obama-Biden-Harris regime once and for all?
  21. They will gladly debate on ABC because they sent the questions to Biden's team months ago for his prep. Trump should say let's do 2 more debates, 1 on Fox and 1 on neutral ground.
  22. So making up fake stories about him makes him weird? I think it's a narrative on this entire election. The Dems can't run on their record because they screwed up the entire country so all they can do is name call and make stuff up. Pretty sad that some of you would vote for this. Most of us care about actually fixing this country that is going down the tubes right in front of our eyes. It's very sad
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