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Everything posted by K D

  1. Wait for them to cut him and get him on a 1 year prove it deal which is back loaded as a 2-3 year deal. He gets to play for a super bowl team with a lot of publicity and then gets a big contract next year
  2. To build upon it for the fan fun, how about tailgating games (beer pong, flip cup, corn hole, best table slam, etc)? The annual tailgate games! The players don't normally get to tailgate so this would be a fun way to bring them into the community. A pre tailgate tailgate/pep rally before the season
  3. Have a players forum where they roast each other or tell funny stories. Nothing too serious but some light hearted ribbing is always fun and makes you feel closer to the players and what goes on behind the scenes. Another idea is catch passes from Josh, which would be pretty sweet. It's tough because you don't want the players to do too much physically especially in season. My #1 idea is posted below but also adding here: "Tailgate with the Team" pep rally type deal with tailgate events including beer pong (doesn't need to be beer), flip cup, corn hole, wing eating, table smashing, best team goes up against a team of players. Also frostbitmic's idea of food tasting judged by the players and players can enter themselves. Radio stations broadcasting live, NFL network on site, etc. I think we should do this even if it isn't chosen for this event
  4. You just proved his point. Fans will gladly turn a blind eye to bad behavior even if they know it's wrong
  5. Hill saw Davante Adams and wanted to be paid more (even though he's not as good). So Bills need to see how Diggs approaches it. Does he want to be the highest paid WR in the league at all costs? Does he want to work with the Bills on a cap friendly deal? If he starts making demands and the Bills could get a 1st and 2nd for him I'd do that in a heartbeat. With Hill, he's a 1 trick pony. As soon as his speed starts to decline not only is he not worth the contract but he could be out of the league. He's .2 seconds slower in the 40 from being John Brown. 1 bad ACL and he's done. Diggs has a skill set that could allow him to play much longer in that he doesn't rely on his speed but on perfect footwork and route running. He's more valuable than Hill imo but not sure if other teams feel that way.
  6. Are we even sure he's "good"? He started what like 4 games? If we didn't know Cody Ford was a 2nd round bust of a pick we could probably find 4 games where he played pretty decent too
  7. It's going to depend on what they do with the draft picks and cap space. They could get a speedster like Jameson Williams plus have a ton of cap space to sign back Honey Badger and another good safety and actually be better off than before
  8. Bates would have signed his tender with the Bills but he doesn't like being called Rick
  9. Not only is nobody trading for this bum but the Browns might have to give a team a draft pick just to take him lol. So that would make the total compensation for switching to Watson even more. All we've heard from Browns fans the past 4 years is how Baker was the top QB in the 2018 draft and a top 10 QB in the league. Not to mention the dumb commercials. This is karma and I'm here for it 😂
  10. Always played well against the Bills. Would like to see McKenzie get some opportunities there as well but Crowder is a stable option if it doesn't work out for McKenzie as a starter
  11. then his friends and family won't be able to watch his games again 🙄
  12. Lol Baker going to Atlanta to watch his career fizzle out and die. Maybe afterwards he can move back to Oklahoma and open a pizza shop and do local car commercials or something
  13. I don't bet on any team I root for. If they lose it hurts even more. I was depressed for a week after the KC game. Can't imagine if I had also lost $1,000 on it
  14. Sometimes you have to use common sense. Why would a massage therapist who has a very successful business make up this story, immediately call their friend about it, have text messages showing her telling him he was inappropriate and she can't treat him? This was years before the other allegations, she didn't know he was like that. If it wasn't true he would respond saying what the heck are you talking about? Or she would try to sue him but she hasn't because she doesn't want to lose any business by going public. I know someone who was sexually assaulted. They also did not want to go to the authorities, they just wanted to forget it ever happened. If you go to the authorities you have to relive it over and over again. For these 22+ women to come forward it's incredibly brave of them and maybe some of them are lying but I highly doubt all of them are and considering there are others that didn't even come forward shows there's more to this than we might even know. And now this guy represents the city of Cleveland and is the highest paid player in the league in terms of guaranteed money. Not only the face of the Browns but one of the faces of the entire NFL!
  15. And what kind of evidence would you like her to provide about a guy getting a private massage who acts inappropriate and gets aroused and keeps trying to get her to have sex with him? She called a friend right after it happened and she has text exchanges of her telling him she would not treat him because he acted inappropriate. All of this is from years prior to any allegations against him. So you think she was faking the text exchanges and telling her friend so that she could set him up in the future to...not sue him and get nothing out of it? Great plan on her part
  16. They independently fact checked the story with receipts, text messages, DM's, interviewed friends. That person was not one of the plaintiffs she just wanted to get her story out there so it doesn't happen to someone else. Also, her timeline is from prior to any other reports so all of this happened before the people who are suing him. She had nothing to gain from telling her story to SI and she's not suing him or going to the cops. She doesn't want to ruin her business. Very believable. You should read it if you haven't
  17. I don't wish injury to anyone... but...it would be a shame if Watson had a Bo Jackson type injury and then Cleveland was paying someone $47 mil per year to sit at home. 5 years is a long time. This guy is a few more massage parlor trips away from spending a bulk of that time in prison
  18. Your friend can use Roethlisberger as a use case for best case scenario for Watson. Stay out of trouble, win a Superbowl (or two), donate to some charities, get married and have some cute kids, have a long solid career, and most people will forget how much of a dirtbag you were in your 20's. Just another dumb kid right? How ironic that Cleveland is turning into the one thing they hate the most...the Steelers!
  19. Yes good distinction thanks. I just keep thinking back to the OJ case because that was the first trial I had ever seen and it was someone I had heard of and how it really rocked my world with all of the factors involved. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that someone who had clearly just murdered 2 people was found innocent. But the high priced defense attorneys created DOUBT in the jurors minds: 1. Yes it's true that racism exists and Rodney King had happened among other things so maybe the cops were racist? 2. If the glove does not fit you must acquit! Wow, that's all it took for the jurors to doubt the events. I remember thinking you can get away with anything then. How do they convict anyone? I suppose this system is better than "you are guilty now prove your innocence" or "you are guilty because I said so" but clearly there are some shortcomings and just because you are found "not guilty" doesn't mean you are innocent.
  20. The burden of proof is on the prosecution to convict. They must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that something happened. Sometimes DOUBT is all that needs to be proven, not innocence. Whether that is the best system or not I will trust your research into the subject. However it certainly lends itself to fallacy. There is going to be a gray area where certain truths may be accepted but not prosecutable. In a he said she said (she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said) case, in such a unique situation where there are no cameras allowed in the room, it makes it quite difficult to come up with enough evidence to prove guilt and just enough gray area to allow for doubt. He may not be proven guilty in a court of law but morally speaking this is very likely not an innocent man and he is now the face of an entire franchise and the highest paid QB in the world in terms of guaranteed money. He got to go to a better team and got a huge pay raise and meanwhile there are 22+ women who now have to watch their backs and many of whom will likely need to find a new profession. The whole thing feels very wrong to me and I don't doubt that a lot of Cleveland fans, especially females, aren't happy about this.
  21. Back to football...the funny thing is before all of this I would say Cleveland was the 4th best team in the AFC North. Now they are maybe the 3rd best team in the North, not even top 5 in the AFC let alone the NFL. Was it worth it? Unless they win a Superbowl I'd say definitely not. Feels like they sold their soul for 2 more wins.
  22. I see a lot of people saying there's a lot of sleazeballs in the NFL. That doesn't make it right. Or that they are warriors so we can't expect them to act like choir boys off the field. Bad take. This is not some random player on their team, this is their QB, the FACE of their franchise! He's going to be on the billboards and advertisements and commercials. He now represents the entire city of Cleveland. Gross. Think of how much we see Josh in the public eye. Now imagine if he was likely a serial sexual predator. It would be pretty uncomfortable to root for a team like that. But hey, as long as they win a few more games right?
  23. Definitely not an innocent man, just not enough evidence to convict. He's a sick individual. Read the sports illustrated article. Do you think OJ didn't do it too? If it was your wife or girlfriend or sister who was sexually assaulted I bet you would feel much differently
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