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Everything posted by K D

  1. Now they are saying they will follow what the Olympics do and test for testosterone levels in order to compete with the females. What a joke. Anyone who has dabbled with steroids knows, a 6'5" 250lb musclebound hulk of a man can blast test and then stop and his testosterone will be basically at female levels. Do you think that same 6'5" 250lb guy can't kick your @$$ because he has low T? Try and fight him and see what happens. And then now that gigantic man can compete against women? Lol what a joke this all is. End of the world type stuff
  2. Bills don't have any vets to include in a trade besides Edmunds. And that's the captain of the defense and then who is your MLB? Do they think Tre White is toast after the injury? I can't imagine anyone giving up too much for him if his team wants to trade him after a bad injury, that would be super suspicious and a red flag. I don't mind using some late round picks to trade up but trading up in the 1st round costs multiple 1sts or 2nds to do so
  3. They showed a video of him working out yesterday so his ACL is pretty much healed and he's going to go top 20 for sure
  4. Antonio Brown rejoining the team in 3....2.....1.....
  5. They were going to start it now but they are super busy reading all of the posts online about people who are mad at billionaires getting public money. They have enough material to last them until at least 2023
  6. "Give me the Watson deal" - Lamar's agent, aka Lamar
  7. I've read the comments because I'm really trying to understand this. At the risk of sounding "transphobic," can someone please explain this to me? I just don't see how anyone can argue that a biological male who wants to transition to a trans woman should compete against biological women. Biological men have a clear advantage in size and strength and if you don't agree with that then I guess you have never played sports and are just living in a fantasy world. If they want to transition, I don't care, good for them. But why compete against women? Why not still compete against the men? They should make the men's division the "Open" division where anyone can compete. Seems like an easy solution to this. The only argument that I could come up with is they want to be recognized as women and that's fine you can be a woman competing in the Open Division. Good luck!
  8. Those are old pics and where does he say he's going to Orlando? Josh Allen trains and lives in LA
  9. When my work truck breaks down it's either get a new truck or go out of business. The cost of the truck is not what I'm recouping with future business, it's also the potential loss of business if I were to not get a truck and become unemployed and post on internet message boards all day and have my wife and kids leave and default on my loans and then turn to a life of crime and then end up in prison. Maybe I should have just purchased a new truck? A new stadium is unfortunately the cost of doing business. It's either build it or the team leaves and with it goes jobs, revenue, tourism, not to mention a city like Buffalo with not much else going on will result in people moving away or going deeper into depression and turning to drugs and alcohol. Your argument is flawed in that you expect to quantify the economic dollars of building an oft-unused stadium but that is a straw man's argument in that it is not the building of the stadium but the reverberation of impacts throughout the local economy for the next 30-40 years as well as maintaining the current levels of economic prosperity. You need to add the total benefits plus the unrealized losses to get the total output. No study exists where it will show what happens when a city spends the money to keep a team vs losing that team in a parallel universe but I'd be interested in reading it if so.
  10. The point being you have to have money to pay for such things. Surely you understand how businesses work? People want to save the world which is nice but they have no clue how to do it and then they complain when you hit them with some reality. Oh it costs money? Do you hate kids? Let's just have free everything
  11. Please feel free to take the risk to start a business, work so hard that you have no family or social life to speak of, work all day every day, lose years of your life, maybe you start to show some profits, then you have to deal with competitors trying to take you down and gobs of stress and strain on your body, and then if you somehow do succeed then everyone hates you and says it's not fair. It doesn't matter how much good you do or how many jobs you create, people will despise you. You wouldn't have the guts to start a business so please continue to just sit here on your computer and complain about it some more. We are all so enthralled with your point of view and overall demeanor
  12. The answer is $0. Socialists want free money for their programs but they don't understand that the money has to come from somewhere. Maybe like from a millions in taxable income from an NFL franchise? Hmm 🤔
  13. Yes let's completely overlook the 10,000 jobs created, millions in taxable income for the state, increased entertainment options and quality of life for the region, opportunities for more business and sponsorship, national media coverage, and guaranteed 30 years of keeping our favorite team. Anyone who agrees with this nonsense doesn't understand how businesses work. You don't think an $850 million investment into the region will result in way more money coming back in? How much money does child services make for the state? Oh nothing? Hmm tough choice. Also I highly doubt it was an either or as they are proclaiming it to be, they are completely unrelated. Virtue signaling at it's finest. As I posted in a thread yesterday, the Pegula's are billionaires meaning they don't have to work a day in their life. They can float around on their yacht and live the good life and live off their investments. The fact that they choose to work so hard for our community and have created thousands of jobs between all of their companies in the process is so admirable it's almost unfathomable. Nobody should ever talk poorly about the Pegula's for all they have done for Buffalo. If they weren't making money on the Bills they would probably be making much more with less work elsewhere and then we wouldn't have a team. Because of them we will never have to worry about that again.
  14. He thinks that was bad, did he see what players the other AFC teams picked up in free agency this offseason? New England won't even make the playoffs in the next 5 years let alone win a game
  15. Remember when the Bills had to move to Hamilton because Pegula wasn't allowed to own 2 teams in the same state?
  16. So equity is ok for coaches but not players? They are all employees of the team. Still waiting for equity in the NBA. I'm practicing my free throws for the day they mandate every team has to have a certain percentage of players like me 😆
  17. When is the re-do game vs KC planned? Surely they saw how we got screwed and will give us another chance with the ball?
  18. They are billionaires, they don't have to do anything. They can invest their money and float around on their yacht and never work a day in their life. The fact that they choose to work so hard for our community and have created thousands of jobs between all of their companies in the process is so admirable it's almost unfathomable. Nobody should ever talk poorly about the Pegula's for all they have done for Buffalo. If they weren't making money on the Bills they would probably be making much more with less work elsewhere and then we wouldn't have a team. Because of them we will never have to worry about that again
  19. Tua might some day be as good as Marcus Mariota. They will be competing for the same backup jobs next season. Pats, Dolphins, Jets all have similar QB situations but it's like they are competing at the JV level. It's really not comparable to anything we are doing. They say you shouldn't look past anyone but I'm totally looking past everyone in the AFC East and for good reason
  20. I'm starting to think they might actually take Hall at 25. If the rumors about them being interested in Etienne last year are true I think they might think this is good value in that it is a position of need and someone who can step in and make a difference. There's probably going to be like 4 CB's taken by the time they pick. Do you want the 5th best CB or the best RB?
  21. Mahomes didn't get to have a bad first year because he WAS ON THE BENCH! Reports back then was that he was completing more passes to the defense in practice than the receivers. Josh said how good it was to sit down a little during that first year after he was injured to learn a bit more and I don't have the stats in front of me but I remember him playing much better after that. The Bills screwed him over by going into the season with Peterman. Not his fault
  22. I understand you are making fun of the Browns statement but the criminal case is over now so I'm glad they are actually interviewing the alleged victims
  23. Gross, I had to take a shower after that press conference. Thank God that's not our QB
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