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Everything posted by K D

  1. It's too bad. Doesn't need to go for the low blows, his base likes that but most people don't like that stuff. Kamala has a terrible track record. Just stick to the policies and try and be presidential. It was asking too much
  2. America won't stand for this commie crap either. This is a global agenda
  3. Lol she won't debate because she knows she will lose and all of the sheep will vote for her no matter what. Nearly half of the country was still planning to vote for Biden after his debate. What a joke
  4. Talking points: it's a far right wing deep fake! There's plenty of jobs! Bring in allllllll the illegals and print more dollars!!!
  5. RECESSION TIME! I feel bad for the people that this is going to impact hardest. The cost of everything is already so high and now we will have unemployment and falling stocks to go with it. So much for a soft landing.
  6. Polls show that Dems will vote for a bag of hotdogs over Trump (or any "Republican") and there's no limit to how much the media, corporations, big tech, and celebrities will do to cover up for an undeserving candidate just to stay in power. Even I underestimated their sway. The propaganda machine is going to be too much for anyone that is not part of the establishment to overcome. Trump in 2016 was a fluke and they will do whatever it takes to make sure that never happens again. This is no longer a Democracy. Only those in the ruling class appointed in back room dealings can come to power. Your vote doesn't matter and whatever freedom you think you have is an illusion. Bush was the last elected true Republican 20 years ago because he was part of the war machine and his dad's CIA cronies ran the administration from the back room. But the message is clear to voters now - Republicans (namely white christians) are evil and you have to pick a DEI candidate or you are racist or sexist. Kamala is an opportunist and will do whatever it takes to climb on top (innuendo) so she's the perfect stooge. Completely unelectable just 1 month ago and yet here we are. Expect more wars, more illegal immigration, more drugs, and a failing economy. The next 4 years are going to be hell so prepare now. We have never been more divided and looked weaker to our enemies. Consider this - If you did not have power from the grid or access to a grocery store, how long could you realistically survive? It would likely only take 3 days before hungry neighbors started coming outside looking for food and when they can't find any, that's when the looting begins. Yes, crazy prepper guy is being paranoid but ask yourself what you would do in that situation because however unlikely you think it may be, it's still a possibility so have a plan. If there is only 1 debate on Sept 10, unless Kamala seriously flubs her pre-determined and memorized lines, then it's likely a done deal. Consider this - the only reason Joe Biden isn't running is not because he is old and senile but because he flubbed his lines and the American public found out on live TV that he was old and senile. They would have been happy to keep trotting him out there for 4 more years because they think we are all stupid, and maybe we are. There's no reason to keep going back and forth on here. It's like shouting into the abyss. Just remember when everything goes to sh*t that the one crazy (like a fox) guy on the Bills forum told you so. Dems or Repubs, it doesn't matter anymore. They will tell us who is acceptable to vote for and there's nothing we can do about it. There is a global agenda in the works that we can't stop so all we can do is adjust and do what's best for us and our families. I'll be hopefully posting less and focusing more on that. We need to find what makes us happy in this cruel and crazy world to maintain any semblance of sanity. Best of luck to you all! Go Bills.
  7. Dems don't want to admit this. They think they own the black vote. They have done nothing for them. I pray for the day that they finally revolt.
  8. Growing up I had friends that if they couldn't identify you from what neighborhood you were from you definitely weren't black. That includes mixed or people from the suburbs. Do you think they think the Uber drivers from Africa are black? They literally could not be blacker but they are foreigners they definitely aren't dapping them up. Remember the movie Coming to America? Kamala is a child of multicultural immigrants just like most of us are. Nothing special about that. There's only one way to know for sure. She needs to drop that one word that only black people can say and see how people react!
  9. He's not, look at pics of him as a kid. Unless perhaps he was goth as a young man
  10. They vote Dem either way. I just find it to be cultural appropriation to go in there trying to talk black with Megan the Stallion twerking on stage. Black people should be absolutely offended that this is how an Indian woman feels about them.
  11. She's not African American which is what people in this country consider "black." So no, I would consider her 50% Indian, 25% Irish, 25% Jamaican which is what she is Also, Obama was half Kenyan raised by white people in Hawaii so we still have never had a black president
  12. They didn't see the birth certificate at that point where it clearly says she is Caucasian, Indian, and Jamaican
  13. Absolutely. They need to do AT MINIMUM 2 debates but he should be egging her on to do 3-4 so we can really see how stupid she is. He would own her
  14. Watch the video. If he loses he loses but I love watching the battles.
  15. Nah he's just a useful idiot but I do love when he tactfully dismantles libs. Whether you like it or think he goes too far, no politician out there can do it quite like him.
  16. I'm talking about that room full of people who only vote 1 way their entire lives ("if you don't vote for me then you ain't black") and then wonder why their life still sucks. I'm not a Righty and I have nothing to complain about personally. Just hoping for a better country but at the end of the day I have options and most people don't. I'm already realizing that no matter what happens in this election it's just delaying the inevitable. One side has all of the power and it's only a matter of time before they go too far and destroy this country (rigging elections, political persecution/prosection, assassinations, not respecting the Constitution, etc etc). We are seeing it now in Venezuela. We aren't too far away from that. God help us all. Yes I'm working out and I'm super jacked up right now. Woooooooo
  17. Trump friggin owned those clown reporters lol. Imagine Kamala going to the NRA and taking questions. She would run away crying. Trump owned that hostile room. What a boss! These people vote Dem every time and how is their life any better since? How stupid would you have to be to vote the same way every time and then complain how your life still sucks? Maybe expand your horizons and try something different.
  18. I hope so. I use YouTube every day. Rumble just isn't as good unfortunately
  19. I'm skeptical. If this is true then identify these people and check to see if they are citizens. It was 222 of them out of 2,200 in this poll (10%). It would be easy to figure out.
  20. She's not African American so she has to fake it. Ironically, if she did a rally for Indian people and did a super racist Apu voice from the Simpsons that would technically be ok. Thank you, come again!
  21. JD Vance is the worst white supremacist in history. I mean do these people just not think before they speak? Holy crap what a dumbass
  22. An easy cause for Dems to get behind and fund. They are scum
  23. They could have taken him prisoner and brought him here for trial. Lots of weird stuff about him being funded by Saudi Arabia or even the US. They needed a face for the "bad guys" to allow them to wage war. But there was more that needed to be uncovered about all that. They killed him and dumped his body at sea. Weird! Dead men tell no tales!
  24. Well maybe this is a different situation then. But they definitely have assassinated people during peace times too just because they are pre determined to be bad guys. But that's a lot of power to have to already decide they are the bad guy. How do we keep that in check? It wouldn't take much for them to say Trump is a bad guy or other people in our own country.
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