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Everything posted by K D

  1. Any investment you make can go up or down. If you are over-leveraged or sell it when it's down then you are an idiot no matter what you are into. Typically you sell when it goes back UP so the fluctuations shouldn't bother you if you are in something long term. Did you think people that owned real estate were dumb in 2008? When things go down is when you should be buying. Crypto is on sale right now. If you think it's dumb then don't buy it, but I think it's already proven that it has staying power. It's bottomed out like this a few times now and the current lows are the 2017 highs, back when everyone started freaking out about it as a great investment. The next time it bottoms out it might drop under 6 figures and people will be laughing about it again then saying how dumb people were to buy it when a lot of us bought it for pennies on the dollar and are way up either way. Also, some purists people believe crypto is the $ of the future so if that's the case then it doesn't matter how it correlates to USD because if some day USD doesn't exist or inflation goes so high that it's worthless then you want crypto stashed away either way.
  2. i think football is too much of a team sport for any 1 player to dominate such as a batter would in baseball. it's not 1 on 1, it's 11 on 1 if you don't have anyone blocking for you. Wilt Chamberlain was pretty unstoppable, but you can always double-team in basketball. Serena Williams in tennis was pretty much unstoppable for a time, as was Tiger Woods in golf. the individual sports are easier to dominate imo
  3. Rob Johnson is a jerk. That's what I said when I was around 10 yrs old and he brushed by 3-4 of us kids standing there waiting for him after practice without even looking at us, got on a golf cart, and sped away. John Fina was standing there signing autographs and yelled at us. We were Flutie fans anyhow and gave up our season tickets after they put Johnson in and we all know how that turned out. Rob Johnson is a jerk and if John Fina sees this he needs to admit it once and for all!
  4. his overall career would have been good enough but he didn't play long enough in Buffalo imo
  5. I'm about to put in my offer, what do you guys think? https://www.christiesrealestate.com/sales/detail/170-l-83876-f1584399405/17819-e-easter-avenue-foxfield-co-80016 Edit - Von's new house in OP next door to Coach McDermott: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/16-Woodstream-Trl-Orchard-Park-NY-14127/54464589_zpid/
  6. So he was on ketamine and drunk driving and he had a chick from the club in the car with him? And his wife who he was cheating on still got that full body tattoo of him? Oops
  7. He wasn't good at football 5 years ago. The only thing he could do is scramble. Now he's older and slower. This is just a PR stunt. There are really good college QB's that go undrafted that deserve a shot over this washed up clown. Guys like Kurt Warner weren't even given a chance out of school let alone as many chances as this guy has when he has already shown to be completely ungrateful of the opportunity
  8. there are a lot of entitled weenies that would never fight for this country and will ridicule everything the US stands for any chance they get. can we kick them out of the country after WW3? that would be the light at the end of the tunnel while we are in the trenches defending the country we love!
  9. Please don't feel sorry for them. The vast majority of Browns fans are online saying he's 100% innocent and completely ignoring all obvious evidence that's out there. It took a lot for these brave women to come forward and risk their careers and reputations and Browns fans are completely taking a dump on that just because they want to win some football games. I hope that franchise never wins and continues to be the skid mark on the NFL's drawers. I personally know someone who was sexually assaulted and had hard evidence and still didn't want to bring it to police because she would have to share personal information with male detectives and relive the painful experience over and over and possibly in front of a judge and a full courtroom and she would rather just bury it and forget it ever happened. In the end she did go forward because she didn't want it to happen to anyone else, and luckily the scumbag pleaded guilty so she didn't have to testify. But I know for a fact how hard it was for these women to come forward and I'm not surprised that only 22 out of the at least 50 have decided to pursue this especially because there isn't a lot of evidence due to the private nature and setting the crimes took place.
  10. So China isn't authoritarian? Because communism is left wing? Uhhh what
  11. What makes a bigger hole from 5 ft away? 00 buck shot or .223? That was the whole point. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. The point is the 12 gauge is a formidable weapon and will do even more damage than a AR-15 at close range but that's the one everyone is scared of and wants to ban for some reason
  12. Sounds like you are picking and choosing from a back and forth conversation to try and show someone up. If you read every single back and forth you would know we were talking about .223 and 00 buck shot from close range. All you have to do is Google or watch YouTube to see what damage both do from close quarters. A small calibre high powered rifle is going to do less damage than a shotgun blast to the chest is what the point was. People trying to ban AR-15 because they are "weapons of war" (false btw) should be just as worried if not more so than if the attacker used a shotgun which most people feel are much safer or less powerful somehow
  13. Can you enlighten us? I don't understand what your point is
  14. Trevor Bauer got 2 years for 1 girl so Deshaun deserves 44 years for 22 girls. It's math
  15. Yikes, so he was an authoritarian communist. Sounds like the kind of friends Hunter and Joe Biden keep
  16. How so? Because you saw it on the news and decided it was bad because some nerds put a scope and a flashlight and a heat shield on theirs to make it look tactical? The bullets are small and high powered and will pass right through you leaving a very small hole. Meanwhile a shotgun blast will leave a hole the size of a bowling ball in your chest and due to the spread is much more forgiving if you are off target. AR-15 is limited to 10 rounds in NY but a shotgun like the KSG holds 14+1 shotgun shells
  17. And I'm a pretty center of the road guy on most issues but I see a growing anti-gun sentiment from people who probably don't have much experience with guns and just see them as bad because all they know is what they see on the news. if they set a legal precedent to be able to ban guns it would only take one whack-job far left administration to try it and like you said there will be resistance which would not end well for anybody. you doubt he could shoot 10 people with a shotgun? the US army who has access to any guns in the world still certifies and trains with pump shotguns because they don't jam and are more adverse to poor conditions. of course you can kill lots of people with pump shotguns. check out the mossberg 590 a1 or m or the kel-tec KSG among others
  18. What makes you so sure that they wouldn't take away guns if given the legal precedent to do so? They have in other countries. One side is saying ban guns so of course the other side is going to dig their heels in. It's the expected response to such rhetoric
  19. I think if we lose to KC similar to the way we did last time then it's definitely a conversation, but I think he's built a winning culture and I think he will be given the benefit of the doubt and if anything they might be replacing Leslie and other other coordinators before they get rid of McD
  20. how so? "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." seems pretty straightforward to me. i think there is a myth that 2A supports creation of independent armed militias where as the term "militia" was used to refer to all armed citizens. is that what you are referring to? but 2A definitely was put in place as a check and balance of power. the colonies were fighting the greatest army in the world at the time. they wanted their new government to be a government by the people and for the people, not one that the citizens would fear. a balance of power is crucial to a functioning democracy
  21. I was shocked when I was a kid when I found out if you punch someone they don't lie on the ground unconscious for 20 minutes. Now I can't watch John Wick or Fast and Furious movies anymore without saying "oh come on!!!" It's tough getting old
  22. i think people watch too many movies where they think a clean shot with .223 will automatically kill someone. a smaller high powered round like that will go right through you and not hit any major organs and 10 seconds later you will be like why am i bleeding? did i get shot? lol. hit someone with some buck shot in close range and you will have a closed casket for sure. now which one is the "assault weapon?"
  23. I'm not sure I get your point. Russians don't kill Ukrainians with handguns because close quarters combat is not an ideal attack strategy during an invasion. If you want to limit casualties you will bomb from a distance and then only after the threat is mostly eliminated will you send in ground troops to secure the area. I don't think it has anything to do with power or boldness it's just military strategy. If this guy wanted to kill minorities he would do it with a pump shotgun, a car, a sword, a baseball bat, a knife, whatever he could get his hands on. His AR-15 was already banned by NY state and that clearly didn't stop him
  24. That nutjob could go to Tops with a pump shotgun and shoot 10 people easy. Most pumps are 5+1 and then pretty quick to reload. I don't see how that would solve anything unfortunately, especially what happened in this situation
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