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Everything posted by K D

  1. Is Josh AFC OPOTW week 1? Mahomes played well but a lot of short passes and underhand throws
  2. What kind of decision was that with 3 timeouts you try an NFL record FG? Bad coaching
  3. Chiefs at Bills in AFC Championship. We will have played them 4 times at their place in a row, let's see how they do here in January
  4. Oh did Ramsey have an absolutely awful night and get flexed on by the guy he said was trash? That's none of my business...
  5. I'm here to overreact. 20-0 baby!!! Joshy MVP, Von DPO, Diggs OPO. LET'S GO!!!
  6. Today's not the day to be giving rookies touches. Shakir didn't even suit up. We can work those guys in as the season goes vs the Jets etc
  7. I got McKenzie. Everyone focused on Diggs and Davis. I expect Ramsey will completely shut Diggs down so then they will try and double Davis. McKenzie will be open
  8. Shakir will have a tough time having a big game considering he's not playing
  9. Right but that's all the Dems can hang their hat on...it's not Trump. Even their polls show they don't want him to run again What I hear from relatives: 1. "anyone is better than Trump" 2. "I'll gladly pay $4 a gallon to not have Trump" 3. "Trump should be in jail" 4. "I can't retire this year because global economy, Russia etc, president doesn't control the stock market not his fault" As long as it's not Trump they will let the world burn apparently. Sounds like a winning strategy
  10. List of Joe's accomplishments: 1. Not Trump Can anyone really come up with anything else to support this man? The only thing I've heard is "yea well Trump did this..."
  11. The Rams have played their home games and won championships in 2 larger markets than Buffalo and still have less fans combined. I don't think they will have any homefield advantage in their own stadium tonight. I think the Bills are the more marketable team
  12. Someone get her a Labatt Blue!
  13. Consistency is the key. How do you blow out KC but then lose to the Jags? Josh played poorly vs Atlanta too and had to resort to running around like he did his rookie year when he had no idea what to do with the ball. Too many high highs and low lows to be a consistent team. It was either a blowout or a tough loss. Need to win those 1 score games and beat the teams you are supposed to beat
  14. I wish the starters played a little more in the preseason to really feel confident but at the same time I'm glad they didn't and we are going into the game relatively healthy (no Tre will be tough though). I could definitely see them having a slow start while they figure things out. I'm excited but also nervous. I like the big stage game but I would have liked our chances better starting out with the Jets at home or something and work out way into it. Nervous/excited is the answer, either way i don't think I'll get much sleep tonight. Should be a close game. I think 23-20 but I won't pick a winner Also, either outcome I think there will be a lot of overreactions after the game. This is game 1, everyone chill
  15. Any player for that matter. Leave them alone! No they don't want to scribble on your piece of paper or take a selfie with you. They just want to eat in peace. If you see people messing with them or staring at them, tell them to chill out and be cool. I can't think of anything more embarrassing than a grown man going up to another grown man and asking to take a picture with him. When I was younger I was at Wegmans getting a to-go meal after a long day of work. I just wanted to eat something quick and go to sleep. There was a super tall and skinny guy with a hat on in front of me, maybe a few years older but perhaps in the same situation feeling the same way. Then I noticed people coming up to him and not even saying anything just sticking things in his face to sign or taking a pic. Pretty rude. Then I noticed it was Ryan Miller. In that moment I realized he was just a person, just like me, just trying to grab a quick bite after a long day of work. I couldn't imagine anything worse than having to deal with that nonsense every time you leave your house. They are just trying to live their lives too. They aren't zoo creatures. Leave them alone!
  16. I'm certainly not a fan of everything being "woke" and people being so sensitive these days but I just wanted to share this and people can take from it what they will. My grandparents are Sicilian immigrants and don't appreciate the "Bills Mafia" moniker as it has some derogatory and racial undertones from when they were profiled and outcasts growing up in a much more racially segregated society. I'm usually the first to say that it's just a name and it seems silly but if it negatively impacted people then I try to understand and put myself in their shoes. Quick story - My grandpa served in the army putting up communication lines across the middle east during WW2 and when he came home he couldn't even get a job at the phone company. This was the story for a lot of immigrants and the mafia was perhaps a necessary evil to try and level the playing field and provide opportunities and protection for people coming to this country. I'm surprised in this day and age where the Washington football team and Cleveland baseball teams had to change their names that this kind of name is just recently becoming popular and now being placed on official team merchandise. I don't care personally, I didn't live it, but I'm certain that some people don't appreciate it or care for it so take that for what it's worth I guess. A lot of those folks that lived it have since passed so maybe it's becoming acceptable again but I know there is a lot of negativity with that word so I'm just surprised it's caught on so much. Let the eye roll emojis begin. Thanks for your support! 👍
  17. The Pegulas are going to be at the nicest stadium in the league tomorrow. They will probably be calling the architects saying "oh we definitely also need this, this, and this" afterwards.
  18. Dorsey has Shula, Boras, Brady, and Kromer - all former OC's. This is also the Josh Allen show in year 5 and he will be letting Dorsey know which play he wants to run or audibling to the play he wants. I don't think it's just Dorsey up in the booth calling whatever play that pops into his head, it's more involved than that and he has a lot of support
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