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Everything posted by K D

  1. DC local economy is about to collapse when these fat cats that don't do anything all get fired and can't afford those million dollar townhomes. It will get worse before it gets better. They are going to blast it all over fake media about how it's cruel to fire all of these people and deport illegals etc. But at some point someone has to be the adult and say ok play time is over. It's not popular but it's necessary. If they do audits and cut government spending, get rid of illegals, and have everything running more efficiently, maybe some day that means there is more money for healthcare, retirement, low income housing, veteran benefits. Everyone wins. So people need to STFU and let this happen!
  2. We need Rick Scott elected tomorrow. We need someone to push through Trump's agenda. No shenanigans or funny business
  3. This is quite possibly the largest opportunity for change in our lifetimes. Two highly intelligent business men tearing the government apart and rebuilding it like a business. I'm so freaking pumped!
  4. NEW CIA DIRECTOR! Tulsi was up for the job as well. Does that mean she is leader for Secretary of Defense?
  5. Quite an upgrade vs what the Dems bring to the table 😍
  6. He's not going to turn the military on Americans. Just on communists and illegals
  7. Daily Wire looking into purchasing MSNBC...
  8. I just bought a black homeless guy lunch. I forgot to practice white supremacy today I guess. How about we are all Americans? Except for the non-americans that are here but they are leaving soon. Kamala lost because she ran the worst campaign in my lifetime. Hillary ran a poor campaign and almost won but Kamala was next level unqualified. People aren't stupid. We saw right through their scheme.
  9. I had no idea Puerto Rico had a landfill problem until Tony's joke. He shouldn't be vilified by Puerto Ricans, he should be given a medal for bringing awareness to such a cause. They should be pissed that they were used by the Left as political pawns
  10. Don't like Rubio and don't like Noem. They have really great people like Tulsi and Vivek that don't have positions yet.
  11. She's jobless, she was just doing it for the free meals and a bus to sleep on
  12. Mental illness is rampant on the Left. Boys that think they are girls, Diddy party celebrities, and now people murdering Trump supporters
  13. Lol these never get old. "The polls say this is the closest race ever." Haha 😂
  14. This is how we used to do it back in the day. Make bullying great again
  15. I found where the $20 million went
  16. THIS is the way. Power to the people. They shouldn't be making any policy or appointments without our input as far as I'm concerned.
  17. Thank you to all of our service members. Time for this country to stop prioritizing funding for illegal immigrants when there are service members that need assistance. PTSD, homelessness, health problems. If you fight for this country we should all fight for you!
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