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Everything posted by K D

  1. Unless it's been slowly in process for 100+ years through non-violent policies, rhetoric, and destabilization. -Lowering of US/West living standards -Single Common Currency (digital) -Social credit score -Database of all people (social media) -Removal of Free Speech -Unarmed citizens -Science replaces religion -Destruction of nuclear family -Removal of all property rights -Open borders -Free Trade -Non elected officials -Unification through a common external threat (WW3, Russia, China, fake Alien invasion, global warming, etc) *See also Fabian Society, World Economic Forum, Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve (not federal or a reserve), Council on Foreign Relations
  2. Just a reminder that our government works for us. Our so called elected public servants are getting rich while the world burns. They sold us out. They think we are a bunch of suckers. Both sides of the aisle are highly dissatisfied with what's going on in the world and yet nothing ever changes. They want to keep us divided so we fight each other and stay distracted while they gain more power. Is anyone else sick of it? When can we get off of this merry-go-round? They are using us like pawns. Destabilizing the world so that we will beg for an authoritarian government to come in and save us. A one world government that will promise to end all wars. A world where everyone is equal. Except we will all be equally poor, we will own nothing and be happy, the overlords will tell us what we can and can't do and free speech is abolished because it's deemed hateful. I for one enjoy freedom. It's what this country was founded on. That freedom comes with personal responsibility and expectations. If you can't handle it and you want the government to take care of you then maybe this isn't where you should live. They can make a place for less developed individuals to go who want to do drugs and play video games all day. I'm sure a lot of people would sign up for that. It can have great weather, beautiful landscapes, and all your favorite liberal Hollywood stars would live there. We could call it California. For the rest of us who enjoy our freedom, working hard, and raising our families in a safe and respectable place, we can choose the tougher road of personal responsibility. It won't be easy, there will be a lot of hard work and sacrifice but if we work hard enough we can make our dreams come true. We can call this place the United States of America.
  3. Minnesota is basically the Muslim home base which is why they will pick Walz
  4. It could be a long night and Joe will have to stay up past 8pm. Hopefully they brought him some ice cream
  5. Do you pay for insurance? Hopefully you never have to use it but you never know
  6. Riiiight. Last debate Trump won so bad the current president had to drop out 🤣
  7. Project 2025 took my sister out for a nice steak dinner and then never returned her calls
  8. His legacy is absolutely that he was an old senile turd who wrecked the country and had to drop out. Lucky for him he won't remember any of this
  9. I just googled "is Google a monopoly" and it only showed me Kamala Harris articles
  10. Because the Dems are pushing for legal citizenship for the 10 million that already snuck in and that's a no go. Kick them out then speed up legal immigration, heck ya!
  11. If they were legal immigrants they would have been fully vetted and thus non-terrorists. But no, that would be racist ?
  12. Shouldn't the correct answer be terrorists are bad we should allow zero terrorists into our country? Holding out to see how many terrorist attacks happen shouldn't be the qualifier for this question
  13. UK, France, Germany, Spain, and the US have all been invaded. WW3 has already started
  14. This is 2024. The board of directors is probably 50% people of color at this point. In IT it's almost all Indians and Asians and nobody has any problems hiring them. Why is it only black and latin that need a "boost?" Maybe there just aren't that many of them that are worthy of the jobs, did you consider that? When it comes to females especially, how many of them are in a field like IT or engineering? Hardly any. So we just automatically promote the ones that are? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard
  15. I run a business. It absolutely does because if I don't hire the best person then I don't make money. Why wouldn't I hire the best and the brightest?
  16. That's the result of such a program. Any smart black people should be against DEI as well. If they really deserve their job it's not fair to them to get lumped into the rejects that are getting hired to hit quotas
  17. Yes whoever is actually running the country while Biden is asleep at 8pm. Every other President moved away and retired after their presidency. Obama bought a huge mansion outside DC. His 4th term is going to be a train wreck
  18. Absolutely nobody thinks Biden is a criminal mastermind. He's a stooge that is easily controlled by the real masterminds. That's why they like Kamala. She's just as stupid and easily manipulated
  19. Trump should just say he will do ABC as well. They need to have more than 1. She's a moron, get her out there in front of people talking rather than reading a prompter. Trump already destroyed the other bozo so bad on CNN that he had to drop out so he's not scared that's ridiculous. He should request multiple including the Fox and ABC and maybe 1 more neutral location
  20. Or "How Trump and White Americans Crashed the Markets"
  21. "The stock market is a market for people to buy stocks...and that is important. And we need to make sure that market is up and running right? We will do what we can to fix that market so that we can all buy stocks." And then she will be ushered away, no further questions thank you
  22. Nancy Pelosi insider trading again. Iran attack imminent. People get rich from WW3 while the rest of us suffer
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