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Everything posted by K D

  1. Tom Brady is older than a lot of our coaching staff, he should be more mature
  2. And as the great Derek Zoolander once said "what is this, a center for ants? The real building has to be at least 3 times bigger!"
  3. To death? I'm concerned that I'm closer to that than seeing this stadium
  4. These gen Z'ers need to man up. The most adversity they've had in their adult lives is when they ran out of toilet paper at the store during COVID. Back in my day, we didn't have concussions. It was called getting your bell rung and if you sat out for more than 1 play then you were a sissy. One kid on my team got the wind knocked out of him and the coach chewed him out and said if you are laying on his field it's because they need to call in the ambulance, otherwise man up and get back in the huddle. If we broke a bone they would tape it up with athletic tape, duct tape, scotch tape, whatever they had and you would be back out there the next series. Kids these days have no idea
  5. Isaiah McKenzie is our emergency corner I believe
  6. Every player in the NFL misses the rest of the game and then in protocol and maybe miss next game too. But Tua back on the field faster than you can get a pizza delivered
  7. [tweet]1574421788188151808[/tweet] How do you embed it? Lol
  8. People saying he doesn't deserve it because they lost. So if Bass makes a gimme FG and they win then he deserves it? Or if they are able to spike it before halftime or at the end of the game and get off a FG try? He would have the same stats either way
  9. Cowherd's right. I can't think of any close games the Bills have won. They have either blown the other team out or lost. I think it's a problem for a team that has super bowl aspirations to lose every single close game they play because you know there will be close games in the post season. Brady and Rodgers are known for winning close games and we have seen first hand Mahomes do it. When will Josh do it?
  10. And that was against Tua. I know he's having a good year but he's probably one of the worst QB's on the schedule. We need to get healthy quick before we play a team that can actually throw. Baltimore, KC, GB is the meat of our schedule coming up
  11. It's the law of averages. The data will always sway back towards the mean. If you are perceived to be "healthy" one year then you are very likely to be more "injured" the next. Joshy is a statistical anomaly but the Bills can't outrun the data forever
  12. Everyone was so tired they were barely running their routes. We needed like 1 more good catch and Diggs dropped one, Gabe dropped one. Very sloppy at the end but I don't think we can blame them. It was 100 degrees on the field
  13. It was a fumble. Empty hand as they say
  14. It's clear what happened - Bills players wanted Taylor Swift so they lost their will to win today
  15. Injured - Everyone wearing a jersey plus Dorsey's notebook
  16. Too much can go wrong that's why a pass only works 6 out of 10 times because he can slip, get sacked, ball get tipped, receiver can trip, drop it, get picked, etc. If you put your math hat on it's just not a good chance of success vs handoff or QB sneak for 1 yard. In fact, a BAD RB will average almost 4 yards PER CARRY and if you look at QB sneaks I think those are successful something like 70% of the time. It's much better odds and smart football
  17. 9 times out of 10 he completes that pass? Then you must have flunked math. Josh completes 60% of his passes. It's not armchair quarterbacking it's statistics 101. It's a very low percentage play vs a run from the 1 yard line. Not tough to understand
  18. It's tough to sit up in that tiny booth so far away and disconnected from everyone. You probably feel claustrophobic in those high intensity moments. I think a lot of people would go a little nuts
  19. I took a nap after the game. I'm feeling better about things. This is like the Pats wind game last year. We should have won but we lost due to a lot of factors out of our control and 99 times out of 100 we win that game. This was just a wake up call. We are going to blow them out in December. It's a long season and we are in the toughest part right now. It's going to get interesting the next few weeks. Go BILLS!
  20. Ouch I feel bad for the kid. Dislocated ankle? Doesn't look good. :Edit: Online they are saying just a high ankle sprain? Back in 2-4 weeks? What a sissy. He's screaming like he needs an amputation
  21. He's a 2nd round pick. He should have more than 2-3 good plays (vs about 5 bad ones). Every time he touches the ball I hold my breath, and not because he might do something good
  22. It worked last week and yes I was upset. 4th and 1 and they rolled out and threw it back to Diggs. They got super lucky on that one and it didn't work this weekend. It all evens out. That's why you don't do it. If you can't get 1 yard pushing forward with a 6ft 5 240lb QB on 3 straight plays then you don't deserve to win
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