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Everything posted by K D

  1. I'm not a fan of that style of offense. Nothing against Lamar, I hear he is good people. But at some point he won't be able to run anymore like RG3 and at that point I don't know if he's one of the top 32 throwers of a football. Fun to watch for now but it all seems like a gimmick to me
  2. I wouldn't doubt that Harbaugh is on the M&T Bank Stadium field right now with a garden hose trying to get it extra sloppy for Sunday. The playing conditions would highly favor their offense
  3. I've had concussions where it felt like the room was spinning and I was nauseous, I've had concussions where I had really bad migraine type headaches for a long time, and one time I was completely knocked unconscious and it felt nice like I was taking a nap but when I woke up I didn't know where I was. I think your results may vary when it comes to concussions!
  4. Anyone who works in the medical field will tell you that the problem with head injuries is that if you aren't healed then the 2nd one is exponentially worse than the 1st. That is why you are supposed to give it time to heal. You can't see the damage inside your brain but if he was hit so hard in the back of the head that he stumbled last week then his brain was probably still very sore and possibly swollen and then he went and smashed it again in the same spot. If you want to know how you get CTE I would say getting smashed in the same spot of the brain twice in 4 days is a good way to start. This will very likely cause him life long effects. This is our rival but he is a really good kid so I feel horrible for him Yes see above. If not healed then the 2nd one is way worse
  5. Look at the pic of his car. Do you know anyone that did that to a car doing 65 in a 45?
  6. And that's why the concussion protocol exists! So you don't put a guy back in there with a brain injury so he can injure it even more. The dude was knocked out cold, did you see his hands? Praying that he's not seriously injured for life
  7. I've played sports my entire life and I've never seen a white guy call a black player a N word. It would be like seeing Bigfoot. It's just so outrageous that it's not even a possibility, especially given all of the technology we have and first hand accounts of people near them. And saying that someone said that when they didn't is just as bad as if he had said it imo. So that is the regard I hold Myles Garrett in. And now we have another example from him as evidence of his behavior
  8. He was at 65 when he crashed, more likely going 100 and slammed on the brakes. Or do you think he was casually driving 65 and then flipped one of the best handling sports cars a dozen times? If so I have a bridge to sell you. You are starting from a point where it's possible or likely that he said that. That's the Bigfoot example. You believe Bigfoot exists or do you start from the point of "haha yeah right there is no Bigfoot" prove me wrong?
  9. That's like saying bigfoot definitely exists since we don't have evidence showing that he doesn't. You don't start out with the outrageous, you have to have some reason to even have the discussion. Now if we look at the evidence, it was a primetime game, the mics would have picked it up. Have you ever watched NFL films? They can hear a fly fart. There were other players around including Pouncey who said he didn't say it. There would have been video of his lips moving at the very least. The guy lost his cool because he grabbed his facemask and ripped his helmet off just like what Josh did to the Dolphins player this past game. For him to destroy that guy's name/reputation because he needed an excuse for why he tried to hit him with a helmet is absolutely despicable and they shouldn't have let him back on the team after his suspension until he admitted his lie. If I was Mason Rudolph I would have sued him. That accusation is definitely going to follow him for the rest of his life otherwise. And now he makes up this new lie to try and deflect guilt for almost killing someone. Just admit you were speeding and take the blame. As you said, the cops can tell he was going at least 65 at the point he skidded out which meant he was probably going 100 and nailed the brakes first and got it down to 65. It's never his fault though and people buy it because he's a good player
  10. No he's a garbage person because he destroyed the name of Mason Rudolph by saying he said something racist to him and that's why he tried to hit him with a helmet. There are people that still think he did. This just adds to the laundry list of why this guy is garbage. He almost killed that girl and he takes zero responsibility for it.
  11. Agreed. My problem with him is that he lies and gets away with it and then everyone kisses his butt and nominates him for man of the year and all of that and meanwhile he is a piece of garbage. Good football player, not a good human being
  12. Absolutely no mention of any animals in the official police report aka it was a made up story after the fact to lie about him speeding and almost killing a female passenger
  13. Are we going to hit 50 pages before we see a rendering? 100? What's the over/under bet?
  14. And that's what you are supposed to do. You don't flip your car multiple times trying to avoid a deer. You don't swerve and possibly kill yourself or someone else. And he's driving a very fast sports car where you just touch the throttle and you are going over the speed limit. I don't buy his story. He's a known liar
  15. That is in fact a true story. If that level of masculinity makes someone uncomfortable I suppose that is why they also have ballet forums 👍
  16. Too late in the season to make that switch but he should honestly consider it. He has the size and that's a good way to try and extend his career since corner is a young man's game and with his experience and knowledge he would probably be a ball hawk back there
  17. Good area to test out the top end mph on a 911 turbo? This guy really is a piece of work. He said he swerved to miss an animal and people are buying this story. If they didn't buy it he would have probably said it was a racist animal. He doesn't do anything wrong, he's always the victim.
  18. The Cardinals line was so good that they traded for Cody Ford to start for them so that's not a good sign
  19. You must be joking. If not then I'll give you the first person that comes to mind: Matt Schaub. Looked amazing in a handful of games and then also couldn't complete a pass to save his life in every other game in his career much like Tua last year and the year before. Tua and Hurts are not in my top 20 QB's let alone 2 of the BEST in the league like what they currently supposedly are It's still VERY early in the season and they will regress back to their normal baseline which means they both have a lot of really bad games coming in the near future
  20. So at Alabama they said Hurts literally can't throw a football so we are going to replace him with Tua. But now Hurts and Tua are 2 of the best QB's in football? I'm not buying it. I think it's very very early in the season and there will be a lot more 50% completion 150 yard games by these guys and both teams will fall off
  21. Arguably the best player on the entire defense so far this year. I like Von's impact in that he's a good player plus he is elevating the play of Groot and AJ and Boogie. But as a player I think Milano has been the best. Jordan Phillips was up there too before he got hurt. Excited to see this defense at full strength (minus Hyde) at some point this season
  22. The last 2 warm body vets we brought in at CB, the one quit at halftime and the other one got stiff-armed into irrelevancy. This is another big name guy where maybe the name is bigger than his game at this point in his career so I'll temper my expectations but anything is better than calling up PS guys
  23. I hope this is purely in response to Benford situation and not because of Tre White not close to being ready
  24. He's a little too skinny to play C but he's got to be an upgrade!
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