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Everything posted by K D

  1. This country has a long history of fighting commies. I don't think a good chunk of the American people will be ok with what's happening.
  2. The Harris-Walz campaign is now selling camo hats and they think it will be like the red maga hat for the left. You mean like the camo special forces hat that Tim wears even though he was not special forces and never deployed? They are literally selling STOLEN VALOR replica hats! Holy crap, read the room
  3. Gee I wonder why all of her staff members quit. What an insufferable brat
  4. Huh? Name 1 book that has been banned. You watch too much CNN. Your brain is turning into mush
  5. Can't do 2 of those things unless you are an adult And yet the one that changes your life forever is ok as a child and you don't even have to tell the parents about it? F that
  6. I saw that but I think that crazy cat lady had to lock her social media accounts because of how dumb she made herself look. I haven't seen too much else in terms of racist stuff which is usually the Left's go to playbook
  7. They have nothing else. A young marine from a poor Midwestern family who fought in Iraq and then put himself through Yale law school. They would usually go for the racist white man stuff but his wife is Indian (like Kamala) and he has biracial children.
  8. He would be free if he was a 7 foot tall lesbian in the WNBA (who kneels during the national anthem). Dems are trash
  9. He put tampons in the boys room in elementary schools. Has nothing to do with women
  10. I get it but it's not funny it's sad. It's a desperate ploy by a bunch of mindless bots because the Dems can't stand on their policies so they had to do a focus group to see what word they could use to get the most attention and distract from what's really going on. Any side the mainstream propaganda media is on is the wrong side to be on. Have you never read a history book in your life?
  11. Like if you post disparaging remarks about the team on a certain fan forum?
  12. This is the best thread I've found that outlines Kamabla's beliefs with video proof of her saying it so there is no misunderstandings that she is a communist. Anyone who votes for this is not American.
  13. Nothing eh? You just posted in a thread where the only thing the Dems have is to keep saying the word "weird" over and over or post fake news about couches. Have some self reflection. You look really sad and stupid. Whether you want to admit it or not, Trump is still the betting favorite to win. If you can't beat Trump I don't know what to tell you. He's the most polarizing president in history. All of this weird stuff makes you sound brainwashed and desperate.
  14. Why is the Left trying so hard to get illegals and felons to be able to vote? Are they saying their supporters are criminals? How is this even a topic for discussion? I have never heard in conversation someone say you know who should be able to vote are people not from this country and dangerous criminals
  15. Free speech guy is menace to democracy? Lol suuure
  16. I don't like him either. There's 2 choices and I'm not a communist so easy decision between the 2 flawed people
  17. We used to hold the people in the White House to a higher esteem. Why would we want a piece of crap who is a reflection of his voters?
  18. Unless it's been slowly in process for 100+ years through non-violent policies, rhetoric, and destabilization. -Lowering of US/West living standards -Single Common Currency (digital) -Social credit score -Database of all people (social media) -Removal of Free Speech -Unarmed citizens -Science replaces religion -Destruction of nuclear family -Removal of all property rights -Open borders -Free Trade -Non elected officials -Unification through a common external threat (WW3, Russia, China, fake Alien invasion, global warming, etc) *See also Fabian Society, World Economic Forum, Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve (not federal or a reserve), Council on Foreign Relations
  19. Just a reminder that our government works for us. Our so called elected public servants are getting rich while the world burns. They sold us out. They think we are a bunch of suckers. Both sides of the aisle are highly dissatisfied with what's going on in the world and yet nothing ever changes. They want to keep us divided so we fight each other and stay distracted while they gain more power. Is anyone else sick of it? When can we get off of this merry-go-round? They are using us like pawns. Destabilizing the world so that we will beg for an authoritarian government to come in and save us. A one world government that will promise to end all wars. A world where everyone is equal. Except we will all be equally poor, we will own nothing and be happy, the overlords will tell us what we can and can't do and free speech is abolished because it's deemed hateful. I for one enjoy freedom. It's what this country was founded on. That freedom comes with personal responsibility and expectations. If you can't handle it and you want the government to take care of you then maybe this isn't where you should live. They can make a place for less developed individuals to go who want to do drugs and play video games all day. I'm sure a lot of people would sign up for that. It can have great weather, beautiful landscapes, and all your favorite liberal Hollywood stars would live there. We could call it California. For the rest of us who enjoy our freedom, working hard, and raising our families in a safe and respectable place, we can choose the tougher road of personal responsibility. It won't be easy, there will be a lot of hard work and sacrifice but if we work hard enough we can make our dreams come true. We can call this place the United States of America.
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