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Everything posted by K D

  1. Perhaps being a little overly cautious? It's been almost 1 full year. We've seen a lot of players come back within 9-10 months so I was surprised to see him missing any games this season to be honest
  2. I think teams tried a lot of the younger up and coming and college guys last cycle. It might be retread season in 2023 and one of the top guys will surely be Leslie Frazier
  3. Hilarious? Ehhhhh. It was more about the Jets than the Bills. If they wanted it to be more accurate they should have said they didn't go into the game because their team "friggin sucks" and the cop should have been their parole officer
  4. Why even have a deadline? If someone is willing to give up picks to try and win then let them do it. It would benefit the bad teams more than the good teams. There's still a salary cap so you can't grab every good player to make a super team because you still need to afford them
  5. If he wants money then go to the Cowboys or Giants. If he actually wants to win the only contending teams are the Bills, KC, Eagles imo. I would say those 3 teams have a combined 95% chance to win the Super Bowl and the rest of the league combined has 5% or less
  6. I must have got 2nd place again. Bummer! Next year make sure you guys put in a good word for "that annoying guy on the internet forum" 👍
  7. Definitely there is a window. There can also be multiple windows. We are in a window now where 2 years ago they were 1 game away from the super bowl and were pretty well disposed of by KC. They built it back up to purposefully beat KC and the following year had a team that could do it but blew it with 13 seconds left. This year we are quite possibly at the pinnacle of our first window of opportunity. How long will we stay at the top? History has shown not long. We very well could start to decline a bit next year already. Does that mean we will not be able to get it done? Nobody knows but as long as you have the QB then you are a contender. Brady had the Pats be a contender for close to 20 years but people forget there was a 10 year gap where they were very good but not a dominant team. I don't think Josh is a Brady type player that can play at this level for 20+ years so we will have less of a window than he had. He runs and takes hits and relies a lot on his legs and over time he will get slower and less elusive. He eats wings and drinks beer and fans love that but it will also result in him being out of shape as he gets into his 30's. His current situation is not sustainable long term. So it will come and it will go so it's important to capitalize on your opportunities. This year might be their best chance so hopefully they take care of business.
  8. Creating a market for himself. All it takes is 1 team to be interested and think they are bidding against 3 other ones for him to get his $. I personally don't see it. People are treating him like he's Randy Moss in his prime. He was always an above average receiver but is he really *that* kind of player after the acl's?
  9. The Bills might win the game but Zach will have the last laugh when you have to call him dad
  10. His wife probably said "that Wilson boy is cute" and little does she know that she's just his type
  11. Do AJ and Boogie even play for this team? I don't think I've heard their name once this entire season. Hopefully we let Jerry go because it was a money thing and not because we were trying to get younger at the position
  12. That's wild. The NFC is so devoid of talent that it's like a minor league at this point. I think the Eagles look good but I don't know who the 2nd best team is
  13. Yes, more balance please. I for one am sick of the "if you disagree with anything we say then you are a racist/MAGAt/Trumper/Jan 6/antivax/conspiracy/fox news/kkk/white supremacist/Nazi/hillbilly/cancelled/stupid/clown/etc." The people on the Left have to agree that this has gone way too far.
  14. This is one I have never understood and nobody can provide me with a good answer: "We hate this country and want to change everything about it." -Ok then move. "Why should we have to move? You move!" -Because you hate this country! (Silence...) Can someone please explain this to me? Most of us love this country so why would we want to change it? I don't get it.
  15. The Eagles play nobody this entire season. How is that possible? Would love to see them against a good team
  16. Not sure if discussed but why does it seem like all of a sudden they are pushing the blue on blue? Seems like the white and blue combo has been abandoned
  17. Did they just sign the first available Isaiah so they don't have to remember new names?
  18. Chubb $119 mil, Hill $120 mil. Howard and Gisicki are also among the highest paid at their position. How are they going to pay a QB when Tua gets knocked unconscious again and has to retire?
  19. Bezos already owns the Washington Post. I don't think you can own 2 businesses in the same city. He will have to move one of them to Hamilton
  20. This is the correct answer. I absolutely loathe prevent defense and this team executes it horribly (13 seconds). They even use it on 3rd and long plays. How many 3rd and 20's is this team going to give up before they realize they don't need to go 30 yards back and then have the team throw it short and we miss 5 tackles? I don't see any reason to ever change up your offense or defense. Just play football
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