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Everything posted by K D

  1. You will have to go back and read but I've seen voter fraud, I know it exists. There needs to be common sense laws in place federally so that there is no fraud and also people have access to vote so no shady stuff on either side.
  2. Because there's fraud? I'm not saying fug em I'm saying there would be exceptions that would take a lot of hoops to jump through (doctors notice, supporting documents)but it would still be possible in that ultra rare 0.1% of the population case
  3. I was replying to someone saying there should be common sense voting laws at the federal level and it shouldn't be up to the states to do shady things like you are suggesting. So we would agree on that. None, nobody asked You are going for the 0.1% of the population that truly can't get out of bed with your argument. Surely there would need to be exceptions then but we are talking about such a small segment of the population. That's usually the case when you say things like you don't agree with abortions and then someone says "well what if the person was raped?" Ok that's an exception but such a small number that it shouldn't stop you from passing common sense laws
  4. They have handicap buses and prime parking spots for people with disabilities
  5. I've seen voter fraud with my own eyes. So then the argument is if there is enough to sway an election. The election in Arizona was a difference of 62 votes I believe. You don't think out of thousands of people there aren't 62 people that filled out mail in ballots for other people? ANY voter fraud can sway an election so why not close that loophole?
  6. Why are people so scared of having to vote in person? There is early voting for a week before the election, it's not just 1 night. You have to show ID to buy a beer so you don't think you should show ID to vote?
  7. You just said above there is almost no vote fraud. So you are admitting there is voter fraud and then the argument is if there is enough to make a difference. I know for a fact there is voter fraud because I've witnessed someone filling out mail in ballots for other people. And if that happens in front of me by good law abiding citizens then it happens elsewhere.
  8. No simply stating that people cheat when given the opportunity so why not close those loopholes?
  9. How so? There was nothing in the original constitution about voting. 15th amendment says you can't deny based on race or skin color. 19th says you can't deny based on sex. Where is the part that says you have to allow mail in voting? Fyi I know multiple people who ballot harvest because they know their family members don't care to vote so they do it for them.
  10. Any rules they try to pass will be "racist" or "voter suppression." Imo, all voting needs to be in person and should include 2 forms of ID. It's not asking much. If you can't get out of bed or don't have an ID then you are not a contributing member of society and you don't get to vote. Simple as that.
  11. Strangely not a lot of companies offering annual 7.7% raises. "Not in this economy" is the answer you will receive 😔
  12. Over performing or just performing better than projections? That's like when a football team beats the spread but still loses
  13. Lol I used the same report on legalization of gambling for like 3 straight college classes to get an economics minor.
  14. Only going by the people I converse with, which is a small sample set, but it seems for the R's a lot of them are embarrassed by Trump but still vote for the policies. Of I's, they would rather not vote at all than vote for Trump but they are certainly not for Biden either. Of the D's, they have said they are sick of the direction of the party but if Trump runs they will vote against him every time so please give them another option and they might consider switching their vote. If you find an actual fan of Biden please let me know as I've personally never met one. Polling apparently shows Trump has higher numbers than Desantis but in my circle I know that Desantis would definitely have their votes. More people vote against Trump than for Biden imo. Just too divisive for a lot of people. If you look at tonight's results (big Desantis win and flipped blue counties, elsewhere people voting against Trump backed candidates) I think it reflects the exact situation I have seen in my own personal interactions.
  15. He should go to the Giants or Cowboys and get his money. They have just as much of a chance as the Bills at this point and Bills don't have that kind of money
  16. If Josh Allen has a bad game then the Bills lose. Simple as that. He's the entire offense. Can't win a championship when you only have 1 good player because people have bad games from time to time
  17. Bills look rough. Gabe Davis can't catch a cold and not even sure why McKenzie is out there. Put in the rookie, surely he can do better. McKenzie is a gadget guy not a starter
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