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Everything posted by K D

  1. I don't know who has more brain damage: the sitting president who has dimentia or the people that are happy with the way our country is and blindly vote Democrat no matter what
  2. The last pick his forced something that wasn't there trying to make a big play. It was 2nd down, just get 6-7 yards. Why try and throw it 25 yards into the end zone? Take what the defense gives you
  3. Bills epically collapsed in the 2nd half the last 3 games in a row. No silver lining, they are beating themselves
  4. Media doesn't ask the tough questions. Just like 99% of this board, they all just kiss McDermott and Beanes rear end and you can't second guess anything they do
  5. Bills 3 points in the 2nd half before that last FG. Did the same crap the 3 weeks in a row now. Either teams are figuring them out at halftime (doubt it) or they are coming out flat thinking they already won. That's on the coaches and captains
  6. We really needed 2 threads for this guy?
  7. K D

    NFL turf

    I hope they do. I think they did away with the baseball field/football field setup for similar reasons and I think the league is better for it
  8. I think OBJ is dumb to want a multi year deal. He should go to the team where he can put up the best numbers in a prove it deal and then sign long term with someone next year. Why would someone give him a big contract for this year when the season will be 3/4 done by the time he sees the field?
  9. Only a masochist would want 2 more years of this.
  10. The Dems had the Senate, Congress, President for the past 2 years. I don't think anyone is "winning"
  11. I kind of wish I had done that to some extent. I didn't have money to go out to restaurants/bars with friends and I probably could have had a lot more fun if I had just taken out an extra few grand each semester. But I was also young and very naive and probably could have ended up in a very bad financial situation if I went too far with it so maybe it was for the best!
  12. It's probably a good thing it was announced afterwards because they would have said see you can't give any power to Republicans because they will take away your freedom! Someone has to be the adult in the room
  13. As someone with student loans, I'm glad this is being blocked. We knew what we were doing when we took out loans and the interest rates are stupid low. I had friends that took out way more than they needed and used the money to go on Spring break, buy motorcycles, live it up. They would have been bailed out too? They knew what they were doing and they also knew they had 20 years to pay it back with very little interest so it was a great deal. Biden was being pressured by Pocahontas and Chucky and his stance was that he could not legally forgive loans. This came up many times during the 2020 debates and he said no he was not going to cancel student debt. So what changed? This was always just a cheap trick to get votes similar to a kid running for class president on the platform that he would make homework illegal and everyone gets free snacks at lunch. You get the dummies to vote for you and then say oh sorry they won't let me do it, not my fault! If you fell for it then you got played
  14. Nothing religious about killing someone. I'm guessing you don't have kids? Go to an ultrasound and see that living human or babysit a newborn and see how helpless they are, I think it will change your perspective. Abortion should not be a form of birth control.
  15. I can understand that counter argument. Missed opportunity I suppose but either way the people of Pennsylvania lose
  16. Lol at Pennsylvania. Dems basically said we are shutting down your energy industry and they are like sounds great we didn't want to have jobs anyways! Let's vote for the guy with possible brain damage (not making fun of his impairment but rather pointing out that healthwise he is unfit for office)
  17. Good luck with that. I'm sure the $ has been spent. I saw a report that Tom Brady was well invested in FTX
  18. I'm not saying the other side is necessarily better, I'm saying there needs to be a rebalance. The group in power went too far one way and I think a lot of people realize that but tribalism is a real thing and they will never vote for the other side no matter what. It's not about voting for the other side, it's about showing the side in power that they screwed up. If things keep going this way then it will certainly carve out a space for a 3rd party. I've spoken to many people that said the Left went crazy but they would never vote for Trump. So where does that leave us as a country?
  19. You agree there is fraud. We have established that. So I suppose your argument is there is not a lot of fraud, enough to sway an election. I think that is hard to determine and the only fair way to know for sure is make people show ID and vote in person. In the future there will surely be retinol scans or fingerprints but that would be giving a lot of power to the government and I'm not in a hurry to get there. I think showing ID is a good compromise for now I'm not an R and have voted D in many elections prior to 2020. I'm about as middle of the road as it gets. I don't care what people do as long as it doesn't impact me. The D's went too far left and it's making me look like an R basically. The balance has shifted too much
  20. I'll gladly respond to those talking points: 1. Good guys with guns is a deterrent to bad guys with guns. Bad guys will always have guns so why can't good guys protect themselves? 2. If they want to be armed then sure. If they are responsible ccw holders outside of school then why can't they in school? 3. Coal, oil, gas is not the future but it's the present and until technology reaches a point you don't need them then why would you limit your options 4. Climate change may not be a hoax but there is not enough evidence to prove it's an immediate threat either 5. Abortion is murder. If you go to an ultrasound and you see a baby in there and you kill it then that's murder no matter how inconvenient that is for you 6. Democrat policy allows for increase in that bad behavior, yes 7. There is a growing contingency that support communism/socialism and try and hide it by calling it democratic socialism 8. Democrats love identity politics. I was raised that all people are humans and skin color does not matter 9. Democrats love spending and printing money for socialist agendas which leads to inflation 10. I don't know the numbers on Democrats that believe in God or not but it seems a large number or atheist
  21. You have seen that happen? That would be wild. Because I've actually seen voter fraud by an otherwise good person who has probably never purposely broken the law in their life. They really didn't know how serious it was and didn't think it was a big deal at all. Those people didn't want to vote and he sent in for a mail in ballot for them. He thought he was going a good thing
  22. I guess I'm the only person to witness it then. Lucky me. I should have played the Powerball
  23. I don't get it. Are you saying I didn't watch someone fill out 4 ballots by themselves because I assure you that I did. I'm guessing I'm at least 1 of thousands if not millions to witness that. You want me to go testify to that and put a friend in jail over 4 votes? I'm just saying it happens. If you want to argue it's not widespread or doesn't make a difference then ok but I've seen numerous people post that it doesn't exist at all and I assure you it does and by good law abiding citizens who don't think it's a big deal. So just imagine what the bad guys are up to if that's the case
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