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Everything posted by K D

  1. I'm not a republican but apparently I'm a racist bigot if I don't bow down to their idiotic socialist agenda. The president called me a terrorist the night before voting. Really, more than half of the country are terrorists? 54% of the country voted republican the next day. So much for unifying the country πŸ˜‘
  2. I agree, and I've told him that old Joe doesn't have to even be "in on it" for it to be against the law and a major national security risk. The office of the president seems to have been compromised and the answers might be in that laptop. So to just dismiss it all as the president's crazy deadbeat kid is laughable. When it first came out he said it was made up. Now that it's been confirmed it's that it doesn't have anything to do with Joe. He sure does have his talking points down! Groupthink is a helluva drug
  3. Is there a sign up sheet? Where do I get a hat?
  4. If I'm in a party then it's the "don't mess with my money or constitutional rights" party. However you want to label that is up to you I suppose. Currently, one party is in power and is screwing up my investments and trying to take my guns. Back in the day, Bush took away a lot of our privacy rights for an unnecessary war on terrorists who live in mud huts 5000 miles away and I wasn't cool with that either. Neither side should have too much power
  5. If being against socialist nonsense and idiotic policies makes me MAGA then I guess I better go get my bullet proof vest and mace and head to the steps of the Capitol! Or maybe I don't give a crap about any one party and I'm only looking out for myself which is how it should be. If you are relying on the government to bail you out for your bad decisions in life then you are an idiot and you should just keep living at home with mom and dad until you learn some discipline and self respect. The fact is neither party cares about you. Politicians are just in it for themselves. AOC, Bernie, Biden, they are all in it to get rich off of saying they want to help poor people. Are they going to sell their mansions so you can afford gas for your car? They don't care, it doesn't impact them. They only care that you keep voting for them so they are just going to pander to whatever the hot topic items are and say the other side is evil. Whatever it takes to stay in power.
  6. My friend says he voted for Joe Biden not Hunter Biden. Ok but as a father too he should realize that Joe is going to help his son and if he has shady dealings in Ukraine and China then you don't think that's going to influence old Joe? The laptop is very relevant
  7. You are the one in a cult calling the other cult a cult. You don't see the irony there?
  8. That's nice. I'm not a Trump supporter or a Republican. I vote with my brain for specific policies. Anyone with a brain can tell you if you print endless money to pay for socialism then it will cause inflation or that shutting down US energy production and relying on the middle east will cause gas prices to go up. Perhaps step outside of your comfort zone and actually look at what the policies are and vote for what's important to you. If having less mean tweets is more important than your retirement plan then you do you
  9. The Dolphins are last year's Pats team. They were never good but got off to a good start and all of a sudden the media is saying they are the team to beat because it's boring to talk about the same teams every year. Everyone with a pair of eyes knows they have too many seriously flaws to be a real contender. They will fall off over the next month. The Jets are last year's Dolphins. They won some games and all of a sudden they were saying is the QB actually good? Could the defense carry them? Could they be a playoff team that knocks off some good teams? Absolutely not. They won some games they weren't supposed to but that usually evens out over the course of a full season and they come back down to earth.
  10. No that's the footage of the Left just giving everyone free everything and shutting down the US energy production then figuring out all of that is bad for the economy. After they got back on their bikes they all went and voted blue and wore a sticker to show everyone how woke they are because of course the entire other half of the country is racist
  11. This. Just creating a market with fake hype. At this point of his career OBJ is more of a name than a player. If he says team X wants him then it's front page news and creates a false reality that he's in high demand
  12. You sound upset. Typical poster that doesn't research any of his posts just goes by "my coach and player are good and I trust them no matter what." Perhaps research why Gabe Davis was a 4th round pick. And then look at what Peterson, who is a potential Hall of Fame type player, said about him before you post.
  13. Gabe Davis runs 3 routes apparently. If you know the situation you can sit on his route like Peterson did twice in the Vikes game. Does that sound like a solid #2 guy you can count on? Or just a guy that can get open deep which is exactly who they thought he was coming out of college. Bills need another option and McKenzie ain't it. He's just a gadget guy. They need a legit slot guy like what Beasley was. Crowder even when he played didn't show up like that. Bills missing 1 more piece to this puzzle 🧩
  14. Josh Allen had 27 yards in the 1st half before they went into prevent 2 min defense. We are in no position to be making fun of a QB having a bad half especially when that QB just beat us
  15. For the love of God, can they play Tre White and Xavier Rhodes back there? What else do they have to see from these corners to know that they aren't starters? Lions have a decent passing game, it's not going to be an easy win
  16. Jets beat us fair and square. This thread is embarrassing
  17. Bills will go to 6-4 and 3rd place in the AFC east and 7th in the AFC. Do they even make the playoffs at this point?
  18. Bills going to lose. Now we have to consider if they even make the playoffs at this point.
  19. These leagues are always so boring to watch because of bad QB play. If AJ McCaron is the best QB in the league then this is going to be bad
  20. If the airport is the problem they should just drive. It's like 4 hours. You can go through Canada and miss all of the snow
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