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Everything posted by K D

  1. Absolutely embarrassing how we can't get the Lions to punt. What happened to this team after the bye? This is not the same team
  2. Is he actually playing? I wouldn't be surprised if it's one of those "we wanted him to dress and go through the pregame routine to get mentally prepared"
  3. Did this story really just go from "it's hateful to attack men dressed as women" to "we don't agree that this man is a woman"?? Oh my what a twist lol. The Left is going to do more backpedaling than Tre White on his repaired ACL. Going forward I am considering myself non-binary so please address me as they/them. I am female whenever it's convenient for me to be and male at other times. I'm just so fluid. I'm like liquid. Call me Mr./Mrs. H2o.
  4. Are you talking about OBJ? Because he seems like the hottest free agent in years
  5. Bills should have traded Tre if they could have gotten something significant. It seems like they are happy with their young corners for some odd reason. Could have freed up a lot of cap space and signed Poyer plus got a nice draft pick in return
  6. I'll give you a beer for the effort. I did not know any previous civilization was ok with abortions. That still makes me sad and I don't agree with it. If you have ever been to an ultrasound you see that living person in there and it really hits different. At the same time I don't think any laws will prevent people from doing it because humans are immoral and selfish. I just don't think it's up to the government (and thus us the taxpayer) to pay for it. If you are a garbage human being who wants to kill their baby then you pay for it. Otherwise what's stopping them from using abortion as a form of birth control?
  7. Government shouldn't pay for ANY abortions. Has nothing to do with the government at all. If you screwed up your life then you are an idiot. Either have the baby or take out a loan and pay for it. I don't want to pay for it. That makes me an accessory to murder. Why do you think crazy people shoot up schools? Because they are "gun free zones." They aren't going to go shoot up a police headquarters right?
  8. Yes I know. People with no morals running around getting knocked up and expecting the government to kill the baby for them. And the majority of Americans agree with that. Is this real life?
  9. Right it's nobody's business if you get knocked up. So why would I pay for an abortion for you? Has nothing to do with me. Pay for your own abortion and leave me out of it. And also enjoy Hell. I hear it gets hot down there for baby killers.
  10. If you are knocked up you are in that position by your own doing. If you don't want to get preggers then don't. I've never been in that position and nobody I'm friends with ever has. So everyone I know is just lucky? Or perhaps just responsible. And you are asking the wrong person because I don't care if people get abortions. I just know that it's wrong to kill people. I think people will do it either way so it's worthless to pass laws around it
  11. In the history of the world women have never had the right of killing babies. There's an actual amendment in the constitution saying I'm allowed to have my gun. Not sure how these are related in any way
  12. They had strict laws and it didn't work. I agree, if someone comes in and says "you may address me as they/them" then I don't think they should get a gun. Clearly some kind of mental problems going on there
  13. They are doing something. In NY state they are trying to make it a felony for someone like me who has responsibly carried a gun every day for over a decade to continue doing so. I've never broken the law in my life and they are going to give me a felony and put me in jail for just going about my life and not bothering anybody? It's nobody's business if I have a gun with me and nobody even knows that I do. So how is that fixing anything?
  14. Which shooting range were they members of? I can assure you no member of the "gun community" would act recklessly with a gun. It's always they "purchased the gun the week before" with these nut jobs. I also haven't met a lot of they/thems at the range but you never know these days
  15. Can the President discharge my mortgage and car payments too? He seems to think he has that much power
  16. They are going to pass a federal law to get rid of all of the guns? Lol just like they did with drugs? I can get drugs faster than I can get a Happy Meal. You are living in quite the fantasy world. There will always be bad guys with guns just like there will always be bad guys with drugs and bad guys with knives etc etc. There are bad people in this world. Knowing that don't you think good guys should be able to protect themselves? Or should I go to jail on a felony just for carrying concealed into a Walmart? Please let this make sense
  17. Thank you for including that last sentence which blows up your entire argument. Most gun deaths are self inflicted and have nothing to do with what I'm discussing. I'm talking about the exact situation we just saw in CO where someone walked into a place knowing nobody there had a gun and it was like target practice unfortunately. If the bouncers were armed do you think he even gets in the door? Bad guys will always have guns. Laws only stop good guys from having them too. #1 for gun deaths = Chicago which has probably the strictest gun laws in the entire USA. NY has the 2nd strictest gun laws of any state and that didn't stop someone from driving from 3 hours away and going into Tops and shooting up the place. And the latest one in CO where strict gun laws and mag limits exist and they admit that the red flag laws didn't work to stop anything except for the good guys from having a gun of their own for protection. I have a gun on me at all times even as they are trying to ban them from every single business and make it a felony to carry which is unconstitutional. And because of NY laws I would not be allowed to use it unless I could prove in court that my life was in danger and there is absolutely no way of me getting out of the situation otherwise. So even if I did need to use it I would be in jail for months for doing nothing wrong and then be on trial for murder. Better that then be dead I suppose, but these laws are just not common sense. Bad guys have guns so good guys need guns. It's not hard to understand
  18. The Left figured out they can name things a certain way so you can't be against it. "Black lives matter" - yes you can't argue with that even if the organization is shady. You don't want to be racist. "Inflation reduction act" - yes that sounds good, let's reduce inflation, but wait...why are you spending billions of dollars to reduce inflation? And nothing in this bill has anything to do with inflation. Uhhhhhh
  19. The states with the strictest laws are the ones with the mass shootings. Gee I wonder why. Maybe because bad guys will always have guns because they don't follow the strict laws? And good guys are sitting ducks because the law says they can't arm themselves for protection? Imagine you were a bad guy and you knew there was an entire building where nobody is allowed to have a gun. Isn't that the place you would attack first? Duhhhhh
  20. I thought he colluded with Russia, did a quid pro quo with Ukraine, and was shady with his taxes? Surely he's already in jail for those crimes. This will just add on additional time served, right?
  21. His exact scouting report out of college was that he cannot run the full route tree he's just a deep ball guy. What has he shown in 3 years to disprove that? The coaches will only ask you to do things you can do. I tend to believe a potential future hall of famer over you guys on the message boards. Future hall of famer: "he only runs 3 routes, I can sit on it and pick off the throw." Future Hall of Famer has 2 int's against him. Message board fanbois: "Nahhh he's full of it"
  22. 2 words: labor camps. Make these animals work so hard day in and day out that they don't have time to think about killing for the next 50 years 😆 Studies have shown that without purpose people will get depressed and turn to drugs or crime. Give them a purpose rather than hanging out with their gang in prison. They are either working hard or sleeping. No down time. Human rights a-holes will argue it's inhumane but imo they gave up their rights when they became criminals.
  23. I don't agree with guaranteed contracts. The player will just pretend like they are hurt and collect game checks. It's a physical game, it's not like other leagues. I think it should be a pay for play system. You don't play or play poorly then you make less. All contracts incentive based
  24. Shakir better. McKenzie good for gadget type plays. I like the motion plays with him every now and then. Maybe he gets a hand off on a sweep, maybe he's open on a swing pass. Shakir for normal downs please
  25. I'm against the death penalty. I personally don't think killing anyone is ok. Am I still MAGA? I don't know where Qanon stands on this topic. Should I have checked Truth Social before forming an opinion or is it cool to think for myself?
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