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Everything posted by K D

  1. It's not that he can't get open, he's so small that if any defender gets near him he drops the ball. Not sure-handed and doesn't have the size you need as an every down player. And they clearly don't trust Shakir enough at this point. They are still warming up to Cook too
  2. Crazy concept here, but it appears everyone could have just walked away. I don't punch homeless guys on the street when they yell nonsense at me. Clearly this guy had some mental problems. It was necessary to confront a much smaller crazy person and then punch him? And that makes him a hero? You guys have an interesting view on reality. "But he disrespected me." Oh no, how will you be able to go on living the rest of your life knowing a crazy insignificant person called you a name?
  3. Oh God how embarrassing. It's going to be like TO all over again. We better not give him the key to the city
  4. They've been trying for years. Apparently he didn't break any laws though otherwise they would have gotten him by now don't you think? If they do get him I think they would be doing us a favor. I think more people would vote against Trump than for him or for whoever the Dems run. It's basically Trump vs Trump and enough people don't like him where they will send in those mail in ballots against him so I don't think he has a chance to win. Desantis on the other hand is probably our best bet to bring some sanity back to the world
  5. So what's stopping folks in the black community now? Most families in my previous neighborhood were from various Asian countries and spoke very little English and came here with absolutely nothing and are all prospering. Is the world only racist against 1 race? My neighbors succeeded by having good family structure, high value placed on education, and owning businesses. That's the American dream and it's obtainable for everyone. Racism is not an excuse. Everyone I know is 2-3 generations removed from being immigrants themselves. We need to stop with the excuses and hold people accountable for their actions.
  6. If there was a "white lives matter" it would be called a white supremacist hate group.
  7. No turkey leg and no game ball. This really is an offensive league
  8. Yes I agree. I don't agree with racism on either side of the aisle. Identifying a person by the skin color is the most racist thing you can do. We are all humans
  9. I thought protesting was an important part of democracy? That's what they were saying all of 2020 when whole cities were burning and small businesses looted
  10. These guys with plastic helmets and tacticool pants were going to overthrow the entire United States of America government with no weapons just flags? Or were they just protestsing what they thought was an illegal election? The Feds made a statement with this. If you don't like what the government is doing too bad we will squash you like a bug
  11. I'd definitely buy a Tesla phone. All of the whiney liberals hate Musk but gladly drive his cars because global warming and blah blah blah. Telsa makes good products, more in regards to the tech than the fit and finish, but definitely nice cars when you factor in the total package
  12. "China is a country in Asia. It exists near another country called Russia. Russia decided to invade Ukraine and that's just wrong."
  13. And that is a very likely explanation. What is not likely is how the lawyer summarized it. They kicked him off the plane for no reason because the flight attendant was on a power trip? Uhhh riiiiiight
  14. There's a lot of naive comments in this thread. The guy was clearly on drugs or intoxicated. Witnesses said they were physically smacking his face trying to get him to stay alert. If you think this has anything to do with power then you have never owned a business or worked with the public. If someone is slipping in and out of consciousness then there is a very good chance they may need medical attention and if you don't try and help them then you are being neglectful. The guy was partying in Miami and was probably drunk out of his mind, it's pretty obvious
  15. That's his account. I remember when this entire board was saying he was the MVP of the league like a month ago lol
  16. These are the nicest protesters I've ever seen. Even wearing masks outside while protesting COVID restrictions
  17. Bills were the favorites going into the season by a long shot. Anything short of winning the Super Bowl would be a disappointment. However I voted "win the AFC championship game" as I think the season is an absolute disaster and a waste of time if they lose to KC again in the playoffs.
  18. Edmunds haters getting a first hand look at the defense without him. Poyer has been the most important piece as we've lost every game without him. But either Edmunds or Milano has to be next on that list. When either is out it's noticeable
  19. They don't tackle at all in practice. It forms bad habits for when they actually do need to get the guy on the ground. Although every team is in the same position so I don't know if it's a league-wide problem or just our team but I can imagine other fanbases feel the same way about their team too
  20. Dane Jackson gave more hugs to receivers today than my aunt at Thanksgiving. Someone tell Dane the goal is to try and stop them from catching the ball, not hanging 10 yards back and then hugging them once they catch it
  21. How many 4th downs has this team given up? Can they make even 1 of these stops? They ran it from shotgun from their own 30 yard line. They passed it from the 1. Two terrible play calls that worked
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