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Everything posted by K D

  1. James Kelly, former QB of the Buffalo Bills, would invite and hook up with barely legal girls at his house parties and would also pick up girls at bars and take them back to his house. He's a dirtbag. Read his wife's book "Without a Word."
  2. No from 18 yr old girls he invited to his parties when he was married and in his late 30's and 40's. He's a dirtbag, it's not a rumor. His wife wrote a book about it I believe
  3. A friend saw Joshy in line at Starbucks today. I'm guessing it was a late night of showing OBJ a good time. I'm picturing a recruiting trip like in "He Got Game."
  4. I listened to WEEI radio on Monday. It was pretty fun. It was a complete meltdown and it was glorious to observe. They were saying Belichick needs to go, not necessarily for his coaching but for his role as GM, drafting, and having Matt Patricia call the offensive plays. They think he should give up some control but also conceded that he probably won't and would retire before doing that so he just needs to go. Patriot fans finally coming to the realization that they are the worst team in the AFC East and not headed in the right direction. They said even if they somehow made the playoffs could they even win a game? If not what's the point? They can't compete with teams like the Bills. They don't have the QB, they don't have any playmakers, their best offensive player is their starting CB. Pretty funny stuff
  5. I think Elam would do better on a team that runs more man. He obviously is having trouble feeling comfortable in zone. He's not planting and attacking the ball like he needs to. I think he prefers to be running with the receiver rather than waiting and reacting
  6. I was definitely overly harsh there re-reading it but I guess I'm just trying to make the point that we finally have a good guy that we can all cheer for. I couldn't imagine being the Cleveland Browns fans right now for instance. Happy to have Josh
  7. On the field, I think Josh is already a much better player. Kelly was never the top 2 guy in a league with Marino, Elway, Montana and then Young, Esiason, Moon, Aikman, etc. Kelly was maybe top 5 like perhaps a Joe Burrow is today. For the overall legacy, it will take time to build up that kind of resume but hopefully Josh is on his way to a HOF career of his own. Jim had a top 2-3 best defensive end of all time in Bruce Smith and a league MVP in Thurman Thomas. They also didn't have to deal with free agency back then. It was a well built team at every position and opponents didn't have much of an answer defensively for the K-gun offense at first. Watch the AFC championship game against the Raiders to see that offense at their peak and really clicking. It's an absolute shame they couldn't pull off that win in Super Bowl 25 because it was right there for the taking. Off the field, it's no comparison. Kelly was a known jerk and a real piece of work. Apparently he's been humbled since but I have no time for a adulterating and arrogant pr*ck who pretended to be a Christian. I've heard too many stories of how he treated women back in the day and how his poor wife had to take it on the chin and yet stuck by him. Jim's been an ambassador for Buffalo for many years so I have to give him credit for that, but I will be glad to see him turn that over to Josh. However the day his career is over, Josh will be on the first flight out of here and back to California so we will just have to enjoy the show while we can.
  8. Von's house is a somewhat modest (by NFL standards at least) $1 million house in a development with a lot of neighbors. Josh's house is estimated to be worth in the $4 million range and the most expensive house in WNY (until Alex Tuch builds his 10,000+ sq ft house in Clarence). Josh has a par 3 golf hole in his back yard and his pool house alone is bigger than probably most houses in the area. Needless to say Josh's house is much nicer
  9. Edmunds is going to get paid. But I don't know how they afford him, Poyer, and Oliver. All 3 have shown their importance this season with Poyer probably being the most important of the bunch and also the least likely to get a new deal ☹️
  10. I told you guys Hines wasn't a good RB and I also made the bold prediction that Moss was going to have more rushing yards this season and I got about 10 eye rolls and X's in one of my most unpopular posts which says a lot because I'm usually on the opposite side of whatever the popular opinion is on this board. Moss - 4 carries for 13 yards Hines - 4 carries for -8 yards
  11. He's playing like Reggie Bush did. He only gets the ball 2-3 times a game so he's trying to score a TD every play rather than get a nice 3-4 yards. He's pressing and it's leading to bad outcomes
  12. I have a similar story Chef. I've posted it on here before as well. I was younger and first started getting serious with my now wife. We wanted our own place but we were still looking/saving and an opportunity came up to use my brother's apartment at Canisius college for the summer while him and his roommates were out of town. We were sleeping one night and it's maybe 2am and we heard boom boom boom pounding noises. We were like what the heck is going on? We immediately lock the bedroom door and called 9-1-1. We said "we think someone is trying to bust down our door" and the operator said "well did you go ask them what they want?" We said no they are trying to break in please send someone ASAP! Well long story short, I told my wife to hide in the closet and I was standing at the door waiting for someone to try and get into the bedroom for what seemed like forever, not sure what I would do if they did. We heard a lot of commotion and then it was quiet. We didn't know what to do so we climbed out the window and flagged down a campus safety cop down the street. He went in and saw they had busted down the front door and then climbed out the other bedroom window when they figured out we were still home. Stole my TV, laptop, a bunch of baseball hats and video games. They dumped out my wife's purse but I don't think she had any money in it. The cops showed up 2 hours after that and said yea there's a lot of burglaries in the area, not much we can do about it but if you want to fill out a police report you can go to the headquarters (which was like in the middle of the ghetto so I don't think we did). But essentially we were sitting ducks and that was the worst feeling to not be able to keep her safe. I bought a shotgun the next day and signed up for my pistol permit as well (which took almost 2 years to get). Needless to say if anyone tried to break in now they would be in for a surprise.
  13. Yes definitely a possibility. I guess his split second thought process is this guy is going low so I have to go high. Makes sense if you think about it like that but still a dangerous play that could put him in a vulnerable position
  14. When you live out in the country you need a gun. You don't call 911 when you live 50 miles away from a city lol. Even when you do live near a city, good luck getting them to show up in under 2 hours. Better to say you are having a heart attack. There are also bears and coyotes and other things that will try and eat you if there's no other food. So just for protection you need a gun. Not to mention hunting for food, pest control, other such uses. I have a gun on me all day every day and it's not to feel powerful - it's to protect my family because it's my job to do so
  15. Hoping to see the offense get back on track tonight. A 3rd straight no punt game vs the Pats* would be amazing but I'll take 30 points in a blowout as well
  16. Right. You are making the same points as me. I simply provided the counter point to everyone praising a situation that ended with a physical altercation. It's never good if it gets to that point and can almost always be avoided. Too many things can go wrong when you engage in a physical way and thankfully everyone was able to walk away from this and go on with the rest of their lives. It often happens where they do not. How much death and violence in this world could be avoided if people didn't let someone "disrespecting" them escalate further?
  17. And you also know nothing of the situation. My response was to the people that said TO did the right thing. We don't know if he did the right thing and fighting someone is almost always the wrong thing unless there's no other option and your back is against the wall. In the video it clearly shows they are outside and could have just gone to their car but they continued arguing with this guy. For what? Who cares what he thinks? Just get in your car and leave, why even engage with him?
  18. Interesting quote here by Josh: “Believe it or not, really the only thing that's going through my head is don't get hit." So his instinct is to jump to avoid getting hit. I guess it makes sense if you consider that by sliding he might be putting himself in an unfavorable position to take a cheap shot to the head. Interesting take that I had not previously considered
  19. I don't wish injury on anyone but if someone destroys Watson's kneecaps I wouldn't be upset by it. It will be interesting to see if the refs were told to keep their flags in their pockets if there are any roughing penalties. Hopefully he puts up a stinker and there are calls for Brissett to take back over
  20. The point is everyone involved could have just ignored the nutjob rather than combat him verbally or physically, so to praise TO like he saved the day is silly. He's lucky it ended there and didn't end up any worse than it was. Fighting in public with a stranger is not "cool" and doesn't make you tough. You don't know that person's story or what they are going through or if they want to take your life. There are usually other options.
  21. You made my point for me. I was replying to people saying TO is some kind of hero. We don't know. I presented the counterpoint. You said we don't know if that's how it went down. Exactly, we don't know. We don't know who was a bully and who has mental issues. That's why the answer is who cares if someone says something mean to you. It has no bearing on your life so walk away. Either side probably had a dozen opportunities to get out of that situation. The result to me is sad, not something that should be praised
  22. Or maybe he has mental health problems and needs treatment? We don't know that's why the right thing to do is to not engage. Let's say TO punches this tiny man and he dies? Or the man pulls out a gun and shoots TO? Is it worth it? Because he said the 49ers suck or whatever they were arguing about? It's insignificant
  23. The point is everyone could have walked away. I'm sure both sides were talking crap to each other. The guy was also much smaller and probably has a mental health condition. So who is the bully?
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