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Everything posted by K D

  1. I can do a pistol squat on my right leg but not my left leg. My right leg is my bad leg too with at minimum a torn meniscus. Not sure who he was replying to but I agree that's not a good test
  2. We won't be the only team on the field with a Boogie
  3. He's a different case in that his value is in his legs. He's not going to all of a sudden be a pocket passer once he can't run anymore
  4. Yes but people post online all day every day that he is a criminal. So why isn't he in jail? They can't find anything substantial. I was hoping he goes to jail so he can't run. I don't think he has any chance of winning
  5. If it was Jackson's ACL I wonder what would have happened. They would not be giving a running QB with a bum knee anything close to their previous offer. So they would probably try to tag him and maybe he holds out. I think everyone involved got lucky it's only a PCL injury. They are going to have to sign him and the longer they wait the more expensive it becomes
  6. Not my guy, would rather he not run. They have been trying to "get him" for like 7 years now and so far they got a $1 million fine. Wow, I guess they got him. Now do all of the other politicians who do the same kind of stuff
  7. "The Trump Organization could face a maximum of $1.61 million in fines." Oh noooo what are they going to do now? They have probably saved 50x that amount by cooking their books. Name a rich person that pays their fair share. None of them do including Bernie, Biden, AOC, Pelosi. Tons of loopholes built in and sketchy things you can do when filing. But they are concerned if us Regular Joe's pay someone $600 with Venmo. It's all smoke and mirrors
  8. Anyone that has purchased a used car before knows, you need to see that thing run. You don't buy a car with a bunch of dash lights and it doesn't start but "it only needs a new battery." I'd tell the seller to prove it and let me know when it's ready to drive. Anyone that pays top dollar for a car like that is a sucker
  9. Good leader, below average game manager. Bills have a great defense and the 2nd best QB in the NFL. Not to sound ungrateful, but any team that can say that should be winning super bowls.
  10. Hackett never had a chance. If your only claim to fame is "coached Aaron Rodgers" then maybe look at his other stops (Buffalo, Jacksonville) to see that he has been a bad coach for the majority of his career
  11. Apparently Bengals know when to turn it on because I've watched them play some really horrible games this year and they are lucky to not be .500 right now. Yet they can turn it on and beat KC or come up in clutch situations. Definitely a weird team where it looked like they might not even make the playoffs and now I think they have to be considered among the top 3 super bowl contenders
  12. Let's be honest, any Buffalo tour isn't going to compete with NYC/NJ or Dallas. He comes here if he wants a nice life for his kids and a chance to play with a future HOF QB. He goes elsewhere if he is focused on the nightlife and money. I think our team is built the way it is because we get the more mature minded athletes that don't want to be in the clubs all night and I don't think that's OBJ
  13. Backup QB is the best job in the world. You make millions to sit on your butt and nobody expects anything of you when you do have to play. Case Keenum looked absolutely horrible this preseason and he's making like $4 million this year
  14. If I got junk mail that said "OBJ Sweepstakes, You Could be a Winner!" I would throw it in the trash. This isn't 2014 OBJ who makes impossible catches. This is a decade and 2 bum knees later. He's lucky to still be in the league at this point
  15. #1 seed indeed...now that'sa a spicy meat-a-ball!
  16. At home with Baker Mayfield...no seriously
  17. Mahomes still #1, Hurts closing in. Allen would have to play out of his mind the next month and I would say not possible but we have seen him play like that in stretches. Was hoping for more consistency this year unfortunately. Maybe it was the elbow who knows
  18. Just popping in to say WTF are the Bengals thinking 4th and inches and not just falling forward for the 1st down? They try an end around? That's really incompetent. I thought they were one of those we like analytics teams? QB sneak in that situation is almost a gimme
  19. We need KC to lose otherwise we have to go back to Arrowhead for the 3rd straight year in the playoffs. I could unfortunately envision this team losing there 4 years in a row similar to losing 4 Super Bowls. The Dolphins are last year's Pats team. Given another opportunity we are going to destroy them and if we play them in the playoffs we will completely embarrass them. They are as phony as a $3 bill. All of this only making Tua do what he's good at stuff is a gimmick that will catch up to them and if anything shows that Tua is not very good if they have to tailor the game plan around his strengths. Let's see how he looks today vs a good defense.
  20. Yes but that was the low hanging fruit. And there are still people on this board who will idolize and defend him like he is some kind of hero. Great football player, terrible person. Both can be true Almost everyone is morally superior to the Kelly family. It doesn't take much
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