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Everything posted by K D

  1. Riiight Trump leaked his own internal communications. Makes sense. Next thing you're going to tell me is women have testicles
  2. Lol holy cow this looks like a Chappelle show skit. Definitely not staged at all. "I got a Blacky McBlackerson record because I am so hip and definitely black."
  3. Or the dummies on this board "it's happening, but Trump..." They are gladly giving up their freedom because they don't like Trump. We have some geniuses on this board let me tell you
  4. It will be like that for many other issues soon as well for all Americans. This one for women is a lost cause unfortunately. If I ever have a daughter then she will not play sports past a certain age. Even a sport like softball, they are like 30 ft away from a dude with a metal bat swinging with all of his strength. Someone is going to be killed.
  5. A lot of Dem vets sticking up for him. Which in itself is shameful. They are going back and editing articles and saying his misspoke to get out of it. They will do whatever it takes to wiggle out of this one. Trump already owns the military vote so they probably don't care about pissing off that demographic
  6. Yep, I'm just saying women in particular vote for the men in women's sports thing so how can we feel bad when they get it? Apparently that's what they want. F that other stuff though.
  7. I don't know if I really care about this topic anymore. Women vote for this nonsense in overwhelming numbers. Let them deal with it
  8. I wasn't around for this thread. This makes me look at 3-4 of you completely differently. We have some really stupid and naive people on this forum. Stop looking at everything as political. There's nothing political about authoritarianism. That's the point, you won't have a choice anymore. Just oppression.
  9. You are missing the point. If you give the government that kind of power it won't be long until they come for you. Freedom of speech is the bedrock of democracy
  10. You have no problem with them jailing people for posting online? We should do that here. After Trump wins I'll fwd him everything you posted on here about him. Deal?
  11. The comments on this tweet are gold. Thank goodness we 1776'ed their @$$
  12. Google Walz or Kamala and it's all positive articles. Google Trump or Vance and it's all negative. That's the side that some of you want to be on? The side of propaganda? Read a history book This never ends well for your side.
  13. He's sick of the progressive and antisemitism stuff on the Left. I wouldn't be surprised if he became an independent like Tulsi
  14. David Hogg is such a sissy. Do we have any beta males here who don't know how to put on a spare wheel?
  15. Let's see Kamala do a news conference. Lol she won't! Why not just vote for the teleprompter guy? Oh right, because he's not a "woman of color"
  16. She absolutely won't. If she showed up without knowing the questions and lost the first debate it wouldn't matter about the next one Trump has agreed to do every major network. He already did CNN and agreed to Fox, ABC, NBC. She absolutely won't do Fox because she hasn't been prepped on the questions every day like she has for ABC
  17. She was quick to agree to ABC because she already has the questions they gave to Joe
  18. In regards to the polls, like in 2016 Trump could lose the popular vote and still win with swing states. If the polls show pretty much a tie in the general election then that's not good for Kamala. She would need a lot of 3am mail in ballots
  19. I'm guessing she was left in a hot car. Not to suffocate her but because her mom was too embarrassed to walk around with her in public
  20. You don't tell people you played pro ball which is what Walz did when he said he went to war
  21. Walz often wears a special forces camo hat which inspired this new Dem hat. Army special forces and his own MN national guard has accused him of stolen valor (felony). That's like a PA or nurse saying they are a Dr and their supporters calling them Doc. It's not knocking their actual job, nurses and PA's have their place. But clearly he is trying to project some false image that he's some kind of hero when he's never done anything to deserve that recognition. And now the Dems are trying to celebrate that when it's actually quite shameful
  22. Exactly. This is why you can't censor free speech. Who is going to be the authority to censor it and are they lying? A little over a month ago, anyone saying Joe Biden had mental decline would have been censored as misinformation. Anyone who is for these policies needs to be deported for being anti American. Read the Constitution or gtfo of here.
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