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Everything posted by K D

  1. This meeting needs to end with the commissioners led out in handcuffs
  2. I think he would be a great player/GM if they were to pick up the remainder of his contract 😉
  3. Many of the illegals are leaving Springfield, OH. It's already working and they didn't have to deport anyone yet https://www.foxnews.com/us/haitian-migrants-reportedly-flee-springfield-ohio
  4. Rasmussen just owned Nate Silver. The vast majority of pollsters have obvious bias and further investigation might be able to determine the source of their funding
  5. And what was the answer?
  6. Should have told her it was the new ultra woke Kamala dance
  7. Lol suuuure, those elusive North Korean hackers strike again. As if they would give a crap about cabinet positions to leak such a thing. More like the CIA made a fake document and then fake leaked it
  8. Good way to fire them. Return to office mandate and half will quit. Won't have to pay any severance
  9. I think the issue is that he has a thriving business now and you can't be a public figure when you are head of SECRET Service. He will have to choose one or the other
  10. And we have never won a Superbowl because having to make the most amazing play ever to win a game isn't a sustainable model for success in the playoffs where it's win or go home. Very easily Josh gets tackled for a loss on 4th down and KC kicks a FG to win by 1. Then how are we feeling about the play calling today?
  11. There needs to be people thrown in jail for this or they will keep doing these types of things. When there is a court ruling and you defy it as a private citizen then you go to jail. Why is it any different for government officials?
  12. The gameplan yesterday - Run up the middle for 1 yard, throw short screen to the sidelines for 1 yard, Josh has to make a superhero play on 3rd and long. It lacked any creativity and it's not a sustainable model for success. We won, sure, but Josh had to literally make the best play in the NFL this year for that to happen. Would have liked to see some play action off that 1st down run or end around to the motion man, or everyone go one way and throw screen back the other way. Something creative. Or more Cooper down the field and Shakir over the middle. But we won so feel free to down vote this.
  13. Trump calling for investigation into Selzer
  14. Get a new kicker if you can't trust your guy to kick a 51 yarder. KC has their backup kicker and I bet even they trust him enough to kick that
  15. Can't be Mike Rogers that's for sure
  16. Just as we expected. This lady got paid off to put out a bogus poll guaranteed. She took the money and ran.
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