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Everything posted by K D

  1. I think everyone near the beach should sell their house to me for cheap if they don't want to pay for insurance. I can't find anything near the water that's affordable anymore 😞
  2. What kind of treasure map? Is it the map to Epstein Island and the treasure is underage sex slaves? I don't want to make that cake either. So now the government says I can't sell cross cakes if I'm going to discriminate and then my wife leaves me and our kids end up in a Satan cult while working at Epstein island. It all comes full circle
  3. Let's forget the blood and the horns. What if they just wanted an upside down cross and it says "Hail Satan." Would that be discrimination to not make that when you have made plenty of cross cakes that say "Praise Jesus?" I wouldn't want to make a Satan cake under any circumstances but they could argue that's their religion and it would be discrimination not to
  4. I didn't even read the case. I'm just playing devil's advocate
  5. Not even joking. As long as they aren't double and triple teaming him, feed him the ball! Whenever it's a big play I'm usually shouting at the TV to throw to Diggs or Allen just run it himself. I don't trust anyone else
  6. Yes there is a church of Satan, it's a real thing. As a Christian I couldn't imagine spending 4 hours working on a Satan cake. They want blood on it and horns and upside down cross. So I can't open a nice bakery to support my family because someone might come to me and force me to make a cake I can't morally stomach? There's nothing wrong with refusing to work on something you don't agree with. Plenty of other bakeries who would probably think it would be fun. I have a friend that does scary makeup for like Halloween and plays and stuff and she is into that kind of thing for example.
  7. What if it was a cake for a Satan worship party? Would you still force them to bake the cake? Or is it a case by case basis? And who decides?
  8. Hate seeing players injured. I'll save the Kyler video game/midget/bad attitude jokes for another time
  9. Backup QB is the best job in the world. He could easily make $5 mil per season for the next 10 years. He's going to flush $50 million + down the drain because he got his feelings hurt? Boo hoo
  10. But...home field advantage, no dome. Could it be true that our own players don't want to play in bad weather either?
  11. Moulds is fat now. TO is in game shape and available!
  12. Bills front office text to all former players...
  13. I'm a pretty big analytics and numbers guy because as fans that what we have available to us. You hear a lot about teams who see a guy in person or meet them and fall in love with them even if the stats say they likely won't be good, so I think that's where fans sometimes have an advantage in that we don't fall into that trap. So this is the article I link to when anyone says "I knew Allen would be great." Oh you did? Because it's literally never happened before in the history of the NFL. That's like someone winning the lottery essentially. Happy it worked out for us but you are correct in that I was against the pick https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2018/4/24/17271686/josh-allen-nfl-draft-2018-stats-analysis-comparisons
  14. Agreed but even he's not always right so when some of us who study these players object to a draft pick we shouldn't be immediately silenced. We have brains and opinions too
  15. Point is we aren't always right and neither are they. Otherwise Tom Brady goes #1 and there are no draft busts. We are entitled to our opinion. Every year there is a pick where we go "what the heck were they thinking" and then in comes the peanut gallery with "you don't know what you are talking about!" This year it was the Bernard pick. The team isn't always right
  16. Reggie Gilliam is hurt, what's up Pat DiMarco??
  17. You heard it here first! Or perhaps in another thread
  18. Your source is probably too DEEP. Come back up to the surface and check NFL network
  19. Just making the free agent rounds? Beane doing his due diligence perhaps. I wonder if they ate dinner at Josh's house
  20. Hope Josh wears a cup and multiple layers of long johns
  21. Crowder has been running along the sidelines and working with trainers at practice. Probably still waiting for the all clear for contact which as we saw with Tre White could be anytime between now and next Thanksgiving
  22. I strongly disagree. Most men on this forum are wannabe cheerleaders too
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